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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. randi if they go with the pork great. what about chicken saltimbucco - chicken tenders(2-3 per person) mashed. top with fresh sage leaves that have been chiffonaded, prosciutto de san danielle and after cooked on both sides(about 3 minutes if you have smashed successfully) topped with a thin slice of a hearty provolone. pan sauce with flat leaf parsley and vermouth. or be decandent and go for pork saltimbucco with your pork loins.
  2. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2008

    the Hawk Gawk got rained out yesterday so i was able to do some real cooking pot #1 pot #2 which became lasagna and johnnybirds dessert...butterscotch pudding with cool whip huckleberries... i want huckleberries...the pie, the openface tart and that duck...and a cheeseburger.
  3. johnnybird kindly helped me with a craving yesterday. he stopped on the way to the hawkwatch at the local diner and picked up a grilled cheese sandwich. he barely got to the hawkwatch and i attacked the still warm sandwich which was gooey and had sliced tomatoes in it as well. it was sooo good and i snarfed it all up. i was kind, though... i let him have the homemade chips.
  4. johnnybird is in your roomate's camp; i am in yours. i will make one or two things on saturday when i have time to cook and transform into others - roast a chicken and make a meatloaf. dinner that night is chicken with baked potatoes and a veg. i then pick the carcass and have chicken to make chicken salad or chicken pot pie. meatloaf for sandwiches or reheat and serve with mash and veg. i also keep chicken breasts pre-mashed and prepackaged in the freezer. pull them out in the morning, put in the freezer and they are ready to make dinner with when you get home. i also make and freeze pint and half pint containers of soup and stew that go into lunch bags to be heated up at work. i have found the hardest thing for me is quantity and portions for two. hope this helps... oh and check out your library to see if they have- or can borrow for you - a cookbook that might help about cooking for two.
  5. apple pie without the cheese is like the kiss without the squeeze. and make that a sharp cheddar, not blue...
  6. they are water soluble but especially B6 can concentrate and cause neuropathy. happened to me. course i can't take calcium since it concentrates in my kidneys.
  7. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2008

    uh, kim could you please come and cook for me - except the dessert things of course? i have the same oyster cracker/ hidden valley ranch dressing recipe in my file and johnnybird likes it every once in a while though the canapes and reubens are what i would want. just gave john some chicken rice soup. picked up some fluke to make for later with leftovers for fish filet sandwiches.
  8. anthony - you are killing me. a lamb burger?!! and i can eat it without johnnybird giving me grief?! sorry about the steak but did you say something to the owner/manager? we will probably be up that way next year looking for properties and will also tell our friends, joyce and eddie about it. you shouldn't be surprised about the dearth of places. remember johnnybird's family is just down the road and they had grandma's funeral luncheon catered by Subway - no s*&t.
  9. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2008

    no pics now - hours of freakin' errands and then a restful 2 hours with my godkitties(neighbor's cats i take care of when they are away). a chicken shepherd's pie made with some roasted dark and light meat from a Snope Winkle Farm chick of 8 weeks old. the leftover white meat will become sandwiches and the dark left is about to become soup for the freezer(and my mil) with the leftover stock i made over the weekend. had to rebalance the freezers before hawkwatch time. tomorrow will be leftovers and then friday i will do some prep work for saturday's dinner. no freakin' clue what i will make for dinner friday. hopefully something johnnybird will be intrigued to eat. i'm thinking a deconstructed blt since i have wonderful tomatoes right now, some great arugula, some bacon from Pittinger's and i plan on making a set of Portugese Sweet Bread that John can enjoy with some toast dope for a week or two(hopefully we will have a bit of rain) and I can use for some croutons. Saturday I'm planning on pork loin with a plum sauce, green rice and yellow and green squash with garlic and shallot. maybe a cheese plate to follow. and the wines leftover from making the sauce to go with the dinner(pinot gris and a cote du rhone). maybe a light salad to begin.
  10. but you can photograph what you bought, right?
  11. Friday night and I was trying to use up my produce before farmer's market today so I had these items to start with: add some red and white onions minced and garlic and you get this: and served with some grilled shrimps and brown rice for dinner. i am NOT a big eggplant or nightshade lover but this came out rather well and even johnnybird ate some.
  12. From the cheese store near our local farmer's market: Whiskey cheddar in the back, Maytag blue and then Sticky Toffee Cheese made from cow's milk and, according to the owner of the shop, a dessert cheese. i was thinking about having it with some figs and coffee of some sort...any other ideas?
  13. suzilightning

    Sexy food?

    if you want watermelon try a medium sized "seedless" one spiked not with vodka but with limoncello.... baked buffalo spiced drummetts with some homemade blue cheese dressing? the heat from the sauce and the cooling factor of cheese and mayo with the pop of vinegar... some fresh cherry or teardrop tomatoes as well since it is the season here and all i'm seeing figs in the stores right now so how about some figs stuffed with blue cheese, wrapped with some prosciutto and popped into a 400 oven for about 5-8 minutes. sweet, salty, savory ... uh.... got to go do that the figs are upstairs and i just picked up some maytag
  14. you are sooooo good to us. especially after we sent you that convention and all... can't wait for the report
  15. ok. now WHY would you take b vitamins instead of blue cheese? granted the results make for interesting science but..... remember you can also od on b vitamins and get horrible tingling in your hands. something i doubt you would get from bleu d'avergne or maytag blue or cowgirl creamery.
  16. I'm sure this is not the only new entry to the Food On A Stick category. But, a 1/3 lb. slice of bacon? Wonder if it's deep-fried? I'll have to check this one out, and see what kind of dipping sauces they offer. ← susan, on Good Morning, America yesterday they featured state fair foods and a new one from your fair was deep fried bacon with a chocolate coating then sprinkled with sea salt. wanna take one for the team? suzi edited to add they are called Pig Lickers and made by Famous Dave's.
  17. and on good morning america yesterday they were shown as something you can get at the Minnesota State Fair.... oh, snowangel.........
  18. openfaced tomato and bacon sandwich on toasted white bread with miracle whip AND an angus beef hotdog on a toasted new england bun stuffed with blue cheese and covered with carmelized onions.... yup, that time again
  19. well, this may shoot your theory out of the water. i cook and cook fairly well yet my mom worked full time from the time i was 2. my sister-in-law, julie, thinks cooking means opening a tube of refridgerated dough to make brownies or cookies and at age 40 i have just taught her how to make macaroni and cheese from scratch. her mom once defined her job as "raising j. r.'s children" and was a stay at home mom. go figure
  20. and don't forget the water. finished Cornbread Nation 3 and am halfway through #2. I love the ability to pick and choose from the various essays and have found some new favorite writers to follow up on. oh, and also Sin in the Second City about Minna and Ada Everleigh who ran arguably the classiest brothel in Chicago during the early years of the 20th century.
  21. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2008

    loverly food all... though keema, bruce. not many pics here. last weekend we had a great visit with friends up in the hudson valley. they think i'm a bit weird anyway but taking pics of food? got up there friday afternoon and contributed some butler's blue and a nice gouda with caraway to the noshes. dinner was mini digitali(sp?) with homemade gravy, sausages and meatballs as well as bread to soak up the gravy. can you tell my friend doesn't care for veg? unfortunately since her mom is getting on a bit(92) she can't manage to make the two trays of pizza she normally would for friday dinner - and her pizza was killer. i told them if i can get up earlier in the day i'd give a hand with the dough - or bring some of my own up. the wine was a cabernet sauvignon with jose reyes label on it - bought specifically for connie(my friend joyce's mom) who is a fanatical met's fan. i liked it because a portion of the money goes towards major league kids programs and connie always has one small glass of wine with dinner every night. later they were going to have some dessert, treats i brought from Everything Homemade. connie was like"i'll just have some ice cream" but joyce convinced her to try a piece of the tuxedo cupcake. when i came out of the kitchen after cleaning up, connie stopped me and told me to tell maria, the shop owner and baker, how wonderful her cake was. connie was expecting some stodgy something that wasn't that good but that isn't maria's m.o. and i'm so happy my friend enjoyed some great homemade sweets. saturday was kiskatom yard sale day followed by the catskill farmer's market. some nice things including some breakfast sausage, bacon and cheese from a local farm, wild elderberry jam, currants and gooseberries and some lovely lettuces. ate on main street in catskill but can't remember the name of the place. for dinner ed, joyce's husband, and i teamed up but it was almost spoiled by their kitten, greylock, who decided to bring home a baby snake to prove what a wonderful hunter he is. grilled kurobuta pork loins, fresh corn, Alexa sweet potato fries and then ed decided we needed an onion marmalade which was what i was detailed to do. the little bit of leftover marmalade we brought home became the base for a quiche for john's breakfast. yesterday was pasta, gravy and meatballs. today was the last of the quiche and some risotto pudding for john and now up to make some sloppy joes and a salad(i swear i will make him eat at least two bites), some of kim shook's refridgerator pickles and since i was able to glean them a dessert with wineberries. this ended up being a clafouti made with the wineberries, blackberries, currants and the last of the frozen sweet cherries from last year.
  22. i knew i had seen something like this a while ago: clicky
  23. Chris's quote is astounding. The apotheosis of brunch is served at none other than Antoine's -- maybe more Creole than Cajun, but New Orleans to the core. Not just Eggs Benedict, but Eggs Sardou and Eggs Florentine. And no cinnamon-candied apples, even on the dessert menu. This is brunch. ← and don't forget Eggs Hussard
  24. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2008

    john was too hungry for photos... chicken marinated in mojo then baked and finished on the grill, for me it was potato gratin with tons of cheese and green beans with garlic.
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