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Everything posted by Jmahl

  1. I have visited ranches in Northern Mexico with no running water, no plumbing and no electric power and in some situations people eat very well and maintained their health. It takes an entire serious of skills to do this well. Preserving food, planting and harvesting, making cheese, baking bread, raising food stock, hunting with traps and snares. Put some city folks like me out there and they are in trouble. Jmahl
  2. It's obvious that someone knows what they are doing. When dealing with the paying public we need more smart people like this. I have done similar things in my business dealings and had the favor returned. What a good feeling that is. Folks in Restaurant Land are you listening?
  3. Anything that informs the consumer is bound to help. If "los Fancos" ship quality goods - at a reasonable price their market share should improve. It they don't, it won't. I will be watching - lets see what develops.
  4. Here on the Border where Stoli is $8.00 a liter you drink Stoli. Bagels we don't have but we do have Stoli. Drink up, Jmahl
  5. Jmahl


    Carrots are deadly -- anyone who has eaten one has died or will die. BEWARE THE DEADLY CARROT. Good eating, Jmahl
  6. If you haven't done so, check out the No Reservations web site. Entertaining guy.
  7. This weekend I baked a batch of oatmeal raisin cookes with the help of a five year old. We used the recipe under the lid of "Quaker Oats" I would say they are pretty close to your description. Is it possible? Jmahl
  8. If anyone is offended that horses are sacrificed for human consumption they should check out how chickens and cows are killed and processed.
  9. Its a great town with the best and worse of AMERICA. Anyone who can ought to go. Check out Mommas. It real.
  10. Jmahl

    Do I need a chinois?

    I purchase one at Williams-Sonoma. My son, who cooks professional, uses one and told me I can't be without it.
  11. Jmahl

    Do I need a chinois?

    Well you convinced me. So a bought one and used it for making fruit sauce. It was beautiful. Can't wait to strain everything. Jmahl
  12. Another Texas first, the highest high school dropout rate in the U.S. and two of the three horse slaughter houses in the U.S.
  13. Where is Bush on this issue? Cel-Ray is a national cultural treasure and requires a Federal Bailout. What's more important, Chrysler or Cel-Ray? The answer is clear. Write your congressman and senators. THIS IS IMPORTANT. This can't be allowed to happen. Jmahl
  14. Having been in the Bizz years ago, one of the most annoying things was to have a client tell me that everything was great when I know that we were sending out c—p that particular night. Honest, well-reasoned criticism should be welcomed. I think I would pay for that kind of critique. I can’t tell you how many times, on leaving a restaurant, I have been asked, “was every think o.k” and then stupidly grunting “yes” when the truth was – IT WAS AWFUL and I was just grateful to pay and get out. If the consumer just told the truth – and people in the business listened – things might improve. What do you think?
  15. "Some of the wines on the FL list were as much as 500% over wine store prices. " Is this for real. 500% markup over store prices? If it is true? Can it be true?
  16. If you are not careful you could die from "geleckta."
  17. Jmahl

    Fun with an iSi siphon

    I gather that one can 'whip' rather than 'churn' an ice cream mixture. (And freeze the foam.) Question: Is this a reasonable alternative to an ice cream maker? (I'm looking for more justification for buying one!) ← I don't know the answer. This requires experimentation. I will report back. Jmahl
  18. In the book sited to above, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett argues that “food as a performance medium.” Is there any doubt?
  19. Intriguing – creative use of space and local. Have you heard of “Eating Architecture” Edited by Jamie Horwitz and Paulette Singley -- 2004 MIT Press? Some interesting observations on the interaction of Food and Architecture.
  20. Jmahl


    Friends brought me back from Brazil some cachaca in these neat little plastice "sport" flasks. Good stuff. If you could pick up these little darlings at the local 7-11 it would certainly make the day go faster.
  21. A butter curler it is and a lovely one at that.
  22. No reply yet. I suspect that we will not hear anything until next week when there is someone in the office.
  23. Jmahl

    Fun with an iSi siphon

    McAuliflower, you are the gal. I am going to try some of these recipes and report back. Jmahl
  24. Without claims to any special expertise, I’m just an enthusiastic amateur at best; I believe that “corking” is over diagnosed. In my experience the problem is not “corking” but often “cooked wine.” If you read Kermit Lynch’s book he talks about his earliest shipments from France arriving in California in a very different condition that when he tasted them in France. Sure, they were shipped in un-temperature controlled containers through the Panama Canal and they were cooked. The problem often is the improper storage and shipping of wine. It travels in un-temperature controlled trucks, is stored in hot warehouses and stockrooms, sits in cases in kitchen corridors and comes to the table “cooked.” As to your problem, if you are not ordering, just drink it if its not too bad – or just pass. Tomorrow there will be another bottle. Good drinking, Jmahl
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