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Everything posted by Jmahl

  1. An heirloom that I inherited from my Grandparents who lived in the Bronx on Clay Avenue and 170th Street. I remember seeing this cutlery set being used at family gatherings in the 50’s, especially for Thanksgiving for carving the turkey. Now I use them for carving turkeys and roasts in Texas. Its called a Chef’s Tier made in the U.S.A. The blades are marked “Englishtown Crafts.” My guess the set was manufactured in the early 50’s. In the top tier there is a steel, long carver and roast fork. In the bottom tier is a bread knife, slicer, boning knife, utility knife and the monster Bowie knife. It’s the only knife I’ve ever seen like it. Edges on both sides. It looks impressive but not very useful. The blades are all stainless steel, riveted to hard wood handles and nickel bolsters (is that what they are called.) Wonderful set, not as useful as my Germen and French blades but still fun to use. Hope you enjoy the pics. My 100th post. I didn’t know I had this much to say. Jmahl
  2. Gâteau de Chocolat, lemon tart and creme brûlé. Sorry for the plastic, its a party. and a Happy and sweet New Year to all.
  3. Jmahl

    Making gravlax

    As a perfect accompaniment to gravlax I have followed an e-Gullet recipe for home made aguavit. Yes that is a bottle of Stoli. – I will report back on how it turns out. Happy New Year
  4. Jmahl


    When in doubt check the FDA food safety web site. FDA food safety Then use your good judgment. having a good case of jellybelly is never any fun.
  5. This year I learned how to: 1. use eGullet, I think? 2. post photos to eGullet, 3. to make gravlax (check out thread) 4. to make my own aguavit (a work in progress) 5. to finally make a decent tart crust. Happy New Year to all, Jmahl Edited for spelling - not one of my strong points.
  6. live and learn. Thanks, Jmahl
  7. And do they thank us? Who knows. Sleep, sleep you need your rest.
  8. Of course Dan Quayle had nothing to due with it. His problem, as I remember was with papas. Anyway,spelling, shmelling, or Mexican Dessert Bunuelos:(Fried Bread Topped with Cinnamon and Sugar). Proves we learned something in Spain and her royal colonies before being politely asked to leave.
  9. Years ago I heard a Safardi song that said you made Bunuelos for hanuka. This makes perfect good since they are fried in oil. Of couse, potato pancakes had to have come about in the post Columbian Era. No conquest, no potatos. Any comments.
  10. Jmahl

    South African Wines

    Last night tried a bottle of Stark Shiraz 2002 - from Stark-Conde - Stellenbosh SA. See link with interview with winemaker Jose Conde. ewine If you see a bottle of Stark - get it, you won't be disappointed. As an aside, according to the link Jose is an American who took up winemaking with no formal education or prior winemaking experiance. So there is hope for the rest of us. Happy Holidays Jmahl
  11. Jmahl

    Dinner! 2005

    Tonight, a Beef Minestrone based on a recipe developed over the last fifteen years. It was very good tonight, but tomarrow it will even be better. It is accompanied with a great bottle of Stark Shiraz 2002 unfiltered and unfined from coastal South Africa. If you see, it buy it. Its got it all. Comment on my fellow thread members, after seeing the last few pages of posts, if you haven't noticed you guys and gals are food obsessed. Its a nasty habit, hard to break. I know from where I speak. Seasons greetings and G-D bless the French, they want to have gluttony dropped as a mortal sin. Jmahl
  12. Jmahl

    Making gravlax

    Looks beautiful. My experience has been 24 to 48 hours max. in the cure. More hours in the cure - more salt in the flesh. In any case, gravlax, you have to love it. A culinary gift.
  13. Jmahl

    Turkey Brining

    For my 2 cents, sounds right to me. Jmahl
  14. Jmahl

    Carnegie Deli

    Carnegie, Smarnegie- A few years ago we were staying at a hotel up the street and ate there. It was o.k. Then came back a few hours later and tried to order a cheese cake for two. The place was half empty and we were told by a very understanding waiter that there was a $10 minimum person. We explained we had just ate there so please ask the boss. He did and the Smagegi said no way. We left and we will never darken the door of the Carnegie Deli. Give me Katz's any time -- Carnegie can kish mer en duss. Of course no offense intended.
  15. Jmahl

    Turkey Brining

    My experience, up to 24 hours. Must keep brine cold.
  16. 8 out of 11 - I know the one about dinner - trick question. Good fun. Jmahl
  17. "Did you dust before taking the picture?" Dear srhcb: No, but must admit I did polish the brass. Jmahl
  18. Jmahl

    Making gravlax

    Ditto: sounds like good advise and good knife technique. Long slow slices. Good edge, good results. Jmahl
  19. Jmahl

    Dinner! 2005

    Daniel, very nice - can I eat at your house? At my place, Mexican Oxtail soap. With lemon, hand made tortillas, salsa, and guaca., hard to beat on a cold night.
  20. Jmahl

    Making gravlax

    It's a great idea. Vodka, Aguavit lots of variation - maybe gin.
  21. Jmahl

    Making gravlax

    My first attempt at gravlox or gravlax. Used some wild salmon - that's what was left over from dinner. Added some Aguavit to the solution at end of first day. See the results. Much better than anything from the store. Why has it taken me so long?
  22. Jmahl

    Dinner! 2005

    Yesterday, made an Ragout of wild Mouflon. Here are the lamb shanks before being taken from the bone. Here the lamb is boned out. Here the ragout is cooked off. Here it is plated with mashed potatos, green beans, julian of celery root and carrot. (sorry for the focus, I will try harder next time.)
  23. The coolest stocking stuffer is one that really, really - works. You can't go wrong with a Swiss vegi peeler like this one. Cheap - cool and to repeat myself, really works. A must for every kitchen or tool kit.
  24. W've been making pasta for years generally using a 100% simolina, egg and small amount of water for dough. We use an old Bravettada that we got at a yard sale years ago. No problem freezing or drying. Just hang the pasta over a broom stick resting on the back of two chairs -- Keep the dog away if you have one. Also keeps in the frig for a few days. Hope this helps.
  25. Jmahl

    The Terrine Topic

    LORI IN PA: Are we going to see the results of our labor? I hope so.
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