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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    Last night I tried out my Christmas gift pressure cooker for the first time. I did BBQ chicken. I also served Molly Steven's "World's Best Braised Green Cabbage" and cornmeal pan rolls: Bruce - thank you so much for directing me to the cabbage recipe. As you know, I am not a cooked cabbage fan - I usually find it stinky, strong tasting and, worst of all squeeky ! This is not like that at all! It was mellow and tender and I really liked it. Mr. Kim, who likes cooked cabbage anyway absolutely loved it! My inaugural pressure cooker meal was a mixed success. It tasted very good, but this is what the pan looked like after the chicken and sauce was removed: I don't know what I did wrong. The chicken was a little scorched in some places, but didn't taste burned and neither did the sauce. I have been doing some reading about pressure cookers and I know enough liquid is important and the recipe only called for 2 cups of bbq sauce, but no extra liquid. Anyone have any ideas? I followed the recipe to the letter.
  2. The shabushabu is just beautiful! Thank you so much for posting that! Everything looks gorgeous and delicious! The udo is so pretty. I'd love to try that! I wanted to say how much I am enjoying my trip to Japan! The blogs are my favorite part of eGullet, I think!
  3. Well, before this thread started I hadn't had a FOF in years. I had one last week. It was pretty good, too. And yesterday, just for comparison purposes, I had a Burger King fish sandwich. McD's is better - the fish in the BK one was 'fishy' tasting and they put way too much lettuce on it. But McD's doesn't have cheesy tots !
  4. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    Dr J - thanks for posting the picture of the ring - I will look for one of those! I would love to try your vienna sausage dish - that sounds wild. Also, I love the dragonfly plate - that is just gorgeous! Judiu - I agree with Pierogi - we never cook asparagus any other way than roasting or grilling anymore. The nice thing about roasting is that you can serve it room temperature - a great way to serve it to a crowd (like for Easter). Last night we had 'Deconstructed Chicken Kiev' - just a pan fried, pounded and panko crusted chicken breast with a sauce of butter, Dijon, chive and capers poured over. I also served Marlene's Broccoli Gratin and Cornmeal Biscuits w/ Cheddar and Chipotle. I actually made the biscuit without the chipotles - we don't care for them. I can't handle the heat and Mr. Kim and Jessica don't like the smokiness. I just added some cayenne to the flour mix. They are the kind you make in the food processor - I love avoiding the whole cutting in process!
  5. Thank you, David! I will try both of your suggestions - this summer!
  6. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    David - thanks for the recipe for the onions. I'm thinking they would be good over top of Marlene's Ground Round patties! Ann - I agree with Shelby - everything looks wonderful, but that sandwich with the gravy is dive in good!! monavano - the stromboli looks so incredibly good. I think that I am going to try panini with those ingredients (got a press for Christmas and am always looking for ways to use it!) MikeHartnett - I second the Picasa suggestion that Toliver made. It has really made my life so much easier. It might even correct that rotation glitch! tupac - gorgeous squid. I thought they were radishes at first! suzilightning - I am loving that shrimp and pasta. I use artichoke hearts with shrimp a lot. I think they have a real affinity! Nishla - I'm glad you are back - I love your meals! The pork chop and apple dish looks wonderful! Nice crisp crust on that chop! And the scallops are beautiful! This was dinner on Sunday. I made Mahogany Glazed Ribs, Tangy Cabbage Slaw w/ Golden Raisins and Sweet Cherry Clafoutis from an old issue of Food & Wine (I'm working harder at going through my recipe/food magazine collection). I also had some of Marlene's Crispy Smashed Potatoes and some ciabatta rolls. The ribs were really good - sticky, sweet and a little spicy. The clafoutis didn't turn out very well. I did something wrong and am trying to figure out what in the Pastry boards. It tasted great, but didn't get the cakey part (no rise) - it was just custardy. I used frozen cherries and didn't think that it would be a problem since the recipe calls for freezing the fresh cherries before using them, but with all the 'bleeding' I think frozen cherries might have been the problem. It was a Paula Wolfert recipe, so I know that it should work - I just had trouble with it!
  7. Well, here's a picture of mine. I didn't think the frozen cherries would cause a problem since the recipe has you freeze the fresh ones before using them, but seeing all the 'bleeding' I think that they were a problem. Maybe all the juice interfered with the rise? It also made the entire thing purple !
  8. This really says it all for me, too! I am loving all of this! I'd love some outside shots of your neighborhood, if you are taking requests !
  9. Awhile ago I cut out a picture from some magazine for a tie-dyed cheesecake. I think it is served at one of the Disney restaurants. You just make the batter for a cheesecake and then divide it up into 4 or 5 equal portions and dye them each a different color. You pour the batters into the pan and swirl them around and bake. It was really pretty and I thought it would make a good dessert for a teenager party.
  10. I was {} close to buying a pannetone the other day that was on clearance for 2.90 . My first thought was French Toast but then I seemed to remember hearing about an anise flavor ( which I hate) in pannetone. Did it make good french toast? What are the flavors? ← I didn't detect any anise flavor at all. It made great French toast! Since it had been in the freezer, it was already dried out. I just did a really simple egg, milk and vanilla mixture. The texture was perfect, unless you like really moist French toast (we don't).
  11. I don't get the magazine right now, but have in the past and probably will again when the kids across the street are fund raising next fall ! I like the magazine - I've tried a lot of the recipes and found them fairly good with some tinkering. I am a romantic, so I love the idea of a bunch of regular ladies who love to cook and try recipes and send them in to be published. I like reading about their lives and their mom's best meals. I like that they send in the grace that their family says before meals. I don't really find the language contrived. I think of it as language that these nice ladies speak in and appreciate. TOH recipes seem to have the reputation of cream of crap soup and flavoring packet ingredients, but when you actually read the ingredients in the recipes, many of them don't have prepared/canned ingredients at all. Lots of the recipes call for fresh ingredients. The recipes aren't sophisticated, but many aren't dreck either.
  12. Carolyn - I used frozen cherries. Here is a picture of what seems to be a good example. Mine looked nothing like that . I'll take a picture tonight and post it.
  13. Thanks so much for the help, y'all! The recipe is here. It's a Paula Wolfert recipe from an old Food & Wine. I used frozen cherries and thought that might be a problem, but the recipe calls for you to freeze the fresh ones before you use them, so I don't see the difference. As an aside, I was lucky that the recipe was online. In the magazine there is an error. The ingredient list calls for 2 cups of milk and in the directions it tells you to use 1/2 c. of it and then to use the remaining 3 1/2 c.!! They had corrected it online, but just think how soupy it would have been if I'd used 4 cups of milk !! It ended up tasting really good - and it did firm up a bit on sitting and cooling, though it never got really cake-like or even firm custard-like. But I probably cooked it an additional 20 - 30 minutes.
  14. I am making a clafoutis for the first time and it has cooked for 15 minutes longer than the recipe calls for and is still soupy in the middle. Is it supposed to be firm - the directions say take it out when a knife comes out clean. But its still liquid. Help, please!!! Ta!
  15. That salmon is haunting me - first the dinner thread and now breakfast. The egg yolk running down it really puts it over the top!!
  16. This morning was link sausage and french toast made with some pannetone that I have had in the freezer since Christmas!
  17. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    Underfoot - Man, I love risotto - since I had a gastric bypass, I can't eat but maybe one bite of rice and I miss it so much. That is some lovely stuff! Shelby - the salmon cakes look wonderful. With you and suzilightening making the salmon lately, I am thinking I need to do some soon! Bruce - those ribs are amazing! I am doing ribs tonight, but I know that they won't look that good! Congrats!! David - are those onion rings on top of your chicken??? They are gorgeous! How do you do them? jayejo - Welcome - great first post! The sea bass looks perfect. I went to the linked recipe and printed that out. I does sound easy and we love sea bass! Thank you for all the kind remarks about my pot pie - I don't feel so bad about cheating now ! We were supposed to finish them up Friday night, but Mr. Kim arrived home from work that night and abducted me! He walked in the door and said grab your toothbrush and clean drawers and come with me ! We got in the car and he had me pick from 4 different pieces of folder paper. The one I picked was East, so we took the slow road to Williamsburg, ate subs and good fries and bad Greek salad at a dive near Willam & Mary. We stayed overnight, had a terrible breakfast (the biscuits were microwaved so long you couldn't bite through them ), drove home on a different slow road and I was back in Richmond in time for an 11:30 massage! Whew - it was a whirlwind trip, completely spontaneous and wonderful! So Mr. Kim had the last of the pot pies for lunch yesterday and dinner was fresh food Yay!!!! I cooked an almost-all-Marlene meal! We had her bleu cheese dressing on iceberg wedges, Ground Round w/ Red Wine Sauce and Crispy Smashed Potatoes. I also made butter beans. Everything was wonderful. Even though I messed up a little. I didn't realize until the patties were cooking that I was supposed to make 1 large patty and not 4 small ones. Still great. The potatoes were a giant hit w/ Jessica (the child), especially - those will become a regular thing around this house:
  18. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    Bruce - that bass looks so good! Breading stuff is the best ! suzilightning - the salmon burger are so beautiful. I wouldn't have ever thought about Green Goddess and it is a perfect choice. That would be a great summer meal with some sweet corn and ripe tomatoes! Dr. J - the rice is so pretty. What form did you use to get the little ridges? And in the second picture - that plate is gorgeous! Where'd you get that??? Last night and tonight will finally finish the lamb. We ate the hell out of it, though ! Grilled, panini'd and pot pie: I totally cheated it! We had theatre tickets and I had to get this on the table in 1 hour - including baking time. I used microwave thawed frozen veg, prepared pie crust, soup and canned gravy . I fixed it up with some with Worcestershire, though . It tasted good. Actually it tasted so good that I want to do it again soon the right way. I served the feta salsa on the side to smear on the bread. And thought of Bruce with my cucumber side ! After tonight the lamb is gone. I cannot wait to eat something else.
  19. This has got to be my number one, too! I have converted a LOT of people to cauliflower this way. Brussels spouts are another one. My husband hated them until he tasted mine. I learned from my English dad, Ted Fairhead. Steamed until almost tender, cut in half and sauteed in butter. Mr. Kim's mom had always boiled them to death. Now she cooks them like us!
  20. I am cooking small pot pies and the directions call for 400 degrees for 35 minutes. If I cook this in my counter top convection oven, what changes do I need to make? Ta!!!
  21. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    Shelby - that is one gorgeous bird!!! We are still eating lamb leftovers . I am very, very tired of it. Tonight I am making lamb pot pie. Whatever we don't finish is done. Gone!!
  22. That is just hilarious and I wish there were more photos - I would love to see the entire Men-You! You need to learn to post pictures here! If this is an example of the ingenuity and care you put into a joke meal, I want to see your other meals!!
  23. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    I've been putting them on that site for about 6 years. The first few months I spent large amounts of time on the computer adding recipes that I had been collecting for years, but the last few years I just add them as I 'test' them. I like having a record and it's a good resource for friends and family. Almost without exception they are recipies that I have actually cooked - not just ones that look interesting.
  24. Thanks again everyone for your help with my pairings. The dinner went so well and everyone was pleased with the wines and we didn't have to order any pizza (always a possibility with my experiemental meals ). My report of the meal is on the dinner thread but here is what I served with the meal: the sherry - not sure how good it was since most of my experience with sherry until now was communion , but we liked it a lot and it sipped really nicely with the dates and cheese and ham. the Rioja. Again, no expert me, but this tasted pretty darn 'big' to me. As a matter of fact, I don't think I would have liked it (being a mealy mouthed little white wine sissy ), if the flavors of the lamb and salsa hadn't been so assertive. my favorite. This was soooo good! I kept tasting a little bit of chocolate and a little bit of wine. I wasn't 2 sips in before I was starting to plan what desserts I wanted to make in the future to serve this with. I will say that it was a LOT more popular with the ladies than the gentlemen. Thank you again - I truly couldn't have done it without you!
  25. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    tupac - welcome back and those mussels look and sound amazing! Bruce - those riblets ! I love sticky porky stuff!!! Chris - the 'mu shu' looks great. I will have to search out that issue at the library - I'd love a good homemade recipe for that Brigid Mary - I want some of that lavosh stuff!!! That is amazing looking! I am decidedly not a leftover fan. Once I've planned, fussed over and tasted something all day, I barely want it once, much less twice ! But these were good: Leftovers from Friday night's dinner. Lamb, feta salsa and crusty bread panini with couscous and roast green beans. I went and got more bread and roasted red peppers after work today and we are having these again tonight!
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