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Kim Shook

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Posts posted by Kim Shook

  1. I have more room at the bottom than the top, but it looks ok for a beginner, I think!  I only found out that they wanted me to make the cake at 5pm last night and we have out of town guests arriving today at lunch time while I'm still at work, so my evening was a little rushed :wacko: .  I admit that I resorted to cake mix for the layers :blush: .  There is a layer of devil's food, then a ganache filling, a layer of white cake and it's frosted with chocolate Italian meringue buttercream.  The lettering is more ganache.  There were lots of scraps and leftovers, so we got to taste it - it's really good!  That buttercream is just wonderful!

    Was it the Fine Cooking one you used or a different one?

    I actually used the Cake Love one that I've done before, because I was rushed and knew that I could do it with no problems. I'm thinking that I'm going to use the Fine Cooking one on July 4th. I think I'm going to do chocolate cupcakes with either strawberry or raspberry buttercream and sprinkles!

  2. Rob - I loved the blueberry brioche!  How did you form those?  I assume that there is more brioche under those lovely little curled up berry huggers on top?

    I'll trade you the answer for your mixer! (Mine has been dead for 2 weeks and counting)

    Simply rolled them like a cinnamon roll, plopped them in muffin tins and let them proof. Thanks

    Thanks, Rob! Poor baby - I'd be a sad puppy without my KA! And that is a gorgeous cake - I just love the ladyfingers and ribbon - I'll have to try that on the next cheesecake I do. It's such a nice effect!

    Randi - thanks for the tip - does the Hershey's recipe make enough batter for the 13x9" pan?

    Yes, it does. I usually make the black magic in either a 9x 13 or a bundt.

    Thanks, Randi - how about cupcakes? Does the batter do well for them? Some batters just don't - I haven't ever been able to manage angel food cupcakes, though I've tried and tried. I was thinking these for cupcakes topped with a strawberry or raspberry buttercream for July 4th.

    monavano - that tart is exquisite!

    Here's a cake that I made last night for a girl who is leaving work today to go back to college:


    I have more room at the bottom than the top, but it looks ok for a beginner, I think! I only found out that they wanted me to make the cake at 5pm last night and we have out of town guests arriving today at lunch time while I'm still at work, so my evening was a little rushed :wacko: . I admit that I resorted to cake mix for the layers :blush: . There is a layer of devil's food, then a ganache filling, a layer of white cake and it's frosted with chocolate Italian meringue buttercream. The lettering is more ganache. There were lots of scraps and leftovers, so we got to taste it - it's really good! That buttercream is just wonderful!

    Here's my messy edge work:


    I need a remedial Wilton class :laugh: !

    Here's a shot of the cake before frosting and after trimming:


  3. I am icing a cake with Italian meringue buttercream and would like to use ganache to pipe a message with on top of the cake. Will this work? Or will my ganache get all messy and gooey? I had this happen one Easter:


    But that was royal icing over cream cheese frosting. Does anyone know if the ganache might do the same thing over the Italian buttercream. It's for other people, so I really don't want to mess up! Thanks!

  4. Jessica is not a ham fan

    I've heard such people exist, but have never seen any proof before now..... :blink:

    Yes! We find it decidedly suspicious, especially for a child born in the capital of the confederacy and wonder if she isn't some Yankee changling :wink: !

  5. Shelby - the texture of that bread is gorgeous! I really have to try the no-knead method! And I would dive into every dish in your next post! I adore lamb ribs and just the idea of strawberry cheesecake ice cream makes me slightly faint :wub: !

    MiFi - the sausage and beans are lovely. What all is in that? Sounds like something that we would love in our house.

    Dinner last night was grilled ham, gratin dauphinois, roasted asparagus, fried green tomatoes and sweet potato rolls:



    I used cheddar instead of gryere, because it's what I had - it was very good!

    Jessica is not a ham fan, so she had filet:


    This steak was from the Belmont Butchery - grass fed, pasture raised with more flavor and marbling than I've ever seen in a filet. Mr. Kim did a fantastic job grilling it - it was a perfect medium rare.



  6. CanadianBakin' - Would you mind PM'ing me with the buttercream recipe. You did need a membership to read it at the link that you posted and I don't need another membership to anything :biggrin: ! Thanks!

    Rachel - your Martha story cracked me up and reminded me of why, despite the perfectionism that sets my teeth on edge, I love Martha - that slight goofiness and the almost Monty Python-esque "No, I'm fine, just fine, no problem here" attitude in the middle of chaos!

    Rob - I loved the blueberry brioche! How did you form those? I assume that there is more brioche under those lovely little curled up berry huggers on top?

    Momshobby - your cake is adorable! I am very impressed. Love the pup! And the pegboard is the perfect background for a Father's day cake!

    Kate - lovely tarts. If I ever find good strawberries again, I'd love to make them :sad: .

    Randi - thanks for the tip - does the Hershey's recipe make enough batter for the 13x9" pan?

    Inspired by the 'Treats' conversation on Father's day when I made the Lucky Charms treats, I made these:


    Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch w/ PB and chocolate swirl chips


    Froot Loops

    The Froot Loops ones tasted just like Froot Loops, so if you don't like the faux fruit flavor, you won't like them. They are very, very sweet. But the Cap'n crunch ones were wonderful. They kind of transcended the ingredients and became something all new and delicious! Jessica was the one who came up with the idea of putting in the swirl chips and that was genius!

    Such silly things, but making them is addicting - all the possible variations. And people just scarf them up!

  7. We had Saturday breakfast at one of our habitual joints. As much as I love a homemade breakfast, I adore eating the meal out. Even when it's just eggs and bacon, it feels like a vacation. I don't know why that is, but it's a great way to get that holiday feeling on the cheap! Sunday breakfast was scrambled eggs with mozzarella cheese and chives, sage sausage from a local farm, hash browns and snowflake rolls:


    The sausages tasted wonderful, but were so skinny and LONG (that's a very large plate) - I've never seen such long breakfast sausages!

  8. Yummy!!  Does the splenda impart an aftertaste?

    Not that I can detect. We used all Splenda last year and they were fine.

    Every week or so I’ll add another sliced cucumber and maybe some onion,

    Interesting. I make the quick pickle but start anew every time they are finished. Sounds like you are keeping the original liquid and "topping up" with vinegar and seasonings? Every type of cucumber was present in magnificent abundance at my farmer's market this morning and I indulged.

    Yep, I just top up as needed. I've never done it any other way.

  9. They had pickling cucumbers yesterday at the farm stand we go to to buy tomatoes all summer. So I knew cucumber time had come! Marinated cucumbers are a staple in our house all summer long.

    You start with just these:


    Sliced cucumbers, vinegar, onions, pepper and sugar (in our case Splenda)

    Layer the vegetables with plenty of sugar and pepper:


    Then cover everything with vinegar and put in the fridge:


    I’ll taste these every day for a week and adjust the sugar and pepper – you never add enough at the beginning. Slowly they “pickle” and turn into a sweet, sour crunchy addition to a nice dinner plate of corn, tomatoes and some meat (meat and threes, indeed!). Every week or so I’ll add another sliced cucumber and maybe some onion, and finally at the end of the summer, we’ll eat the last one and sigh for the loss of them on the plate, but by then our appetites will be running to stews and braises and casseroles! These cucumbers, along with tomatoes, corn, crab and grilled meat and fish just mean summer to me.

  10. Even when I'm at a farmers market, I usually don't pick up the smell from produce. I don't know if its my allergies or if the food isn't as ripe as it could be.

    And, if you can grill peaches and nectarines, does this mean that you can grill any type of fruit? Or, do some work better on the grill than others? I've even heard about grilling watermelons which I can't wait to try this summer.

    Grilled pineapple and mangos are fantastic! And if you do both and chop and mix them with some grilled jalapenos and lime juice, you have a wonderful salsa!

  11. It depends. At a restaurant, if the weather is good, I much prefer being outside. I love the ambiance and besides, you can usually smoke :wink: ! But, at home, eating outside means schlepping all that crap out and back in and I hate that part!

  12. I agree with everything Smithy said (why has it become so hard to find freestones, BTW?) plus I'd add that if you are grilling peach (or nectarine) halves, don't bother to peel them. I think they look nicer and the skin keeps them from being too terribly slippery when you are trying to manuver them!

  13. Kim - how did you do the waves?  Did you set something textured on the top or are you really that good with your hand control?

    Rob, I bought this at Michael's. I could never have made those otherwise! You just draw it firmly across the top and 'wiggle' it back and forth.

  14. Kim - That Texas caviar looks amazing! I would earn MAJOR points with my bride if I broke that out as a side - is there a recipe?

    From what I can see, there's black beans, black eyed peas, tomatoes, cilantro, parsley(maybe...)

    guessing now - red onion, garlic, jalapeno, green pepper, ???

    I guess the dressing is what I'm most curious about.

    Thanks in advance!


    Steve, I'm embarrassed to say that the dressing is a bottle of Kraft Zesty Italian :blush:. The recipe is here. Of course, knowing what it is, you could certainly us a good home made vinaigrette in it. Note that I roast the jalapenos - it's because I can't take the heat, but even people who like hot stuff like that change.

  15. Wow, nice bunch of meals Kim.. I dont think I have ever just served a big old plate of sausages like that before.. I felt it my duty to serve them on a bed of greens to my friends, just to break it up.. I brought them all home from my trip to New Orleans..


    Everything looks really pretty. I especially like that tiered dessert dish.. Can you tell me about the peanuts?

    Thanks, Daniel! Here's the recipe for the peanuts. They have hot sauce and jalapenos on them and you can adjust the heat by using whatever kind of hot sauce you like. I use the big, super crunchy VA peanuts and that really makes them sing! The NOLA trip is amazing looking. I am going to show it to Mr. Kim tonight. That is one place we haven't ever been and really want to. It's definitely on our 'wish list'!

  16. David - both your prawn dinners looked wonderful. When summer time comes I could live on seafood, salad, corn and tomatoes and be happy! Both those dishes would make me very, very happy!

    Dr. J - your monkfish is just lovely. I really have to try that soon!

    Prawn - what a gorgeous Father's day spread. I'm not a dad, but I want that!!

    Megan - I keep coming back to that frittata. I sure wish that was waiting for me when I get home tonight!!

    Daniel - love all the sausages! We were in a Russian deli last week and decided that we wanted to purchase one each of all the different sausages and have a party with sausages, beer and toothpicks as the only utensils!

    Only two dinners from me, but lots of pictures! Hope it's not too many.

    Friday night I used up that lovely merguez sausage in some marinara on whole wheat penne. I also served a salad:



    Father's day was a big feast. The apps included Texas Caviar w/ Pita chips:


    These wonderful little canapes with fresh salsa, cojito cheese, mayo and chorizo in little filo cups:


    Flaming hot peanuts:


    Cheesy Artichoke dip:


    For dinner Mr. Kim request BBQ, sausages and sides. I had to do oven roasted BBQ because of Stupid Grill, but it turned out really well:


    The sausages were brats and these cute little veal and pork sausages we got at the European deli called Parowki Dla Dzieci:


    We cut the brats in half and served small buns so that people could have some of each if they wanted to, but the other sausages were already tiny.


    That's 18 of the little suckers on a half sheet pan! So cute.

    Sides included mustard slaw:


    My sister-in-law's Caprese:


    My other sister-in-law's tossed salad with grapefruit, kiwi and strawberries and a really good sweet and sour dressing:


    My MIL's famous deviled eggs (she swears they aren't any different than anyone else's, but they do taste better):


    Pickled cabbage and Half Sours from the European Deli and my Grandmother's pickled pickles that I posted about before:



    Swiss potato kugel - a new recipe I was trying out (meh):


    Dessert was Angel Food cake with Caramel Apple Sauce, Lucky Charms Treats (they were silly, but everyone loved them - kids and adults), peanut butter cookies and a phenomenal Crunchy Milk Chocolate-Peanut Butter Layer cake that I heard about from DesertCulinary here at eG and that everyone just raved over. It is one of the best things I have ever put in my mouth:



  17. I am so impressed with all these gorgeous butts!!! Mr. Kim requested BBQ for Father's day, but had to settle for kitchen butt rather than yard butt. He's the one who bought the insane grill (it is divided in two and you can't really do indirect cooking on it), so he had to deal with oven roasting. Here is my much more humble butt:



    It tasted really good and was very moist and porky. In VA BBQ is chopped, not pulled, so I chopped it up some after that picture.

  18. Kim, is the recipe for the cake on recipeGullet?!  it looks amazing, moist and delicious...i like your cute use of the swirled chips as garnish.

    I don't know which recipe you're referring to. Here's the link to the recipe on my webpage: clickity

    Kerry  - I agree with Mark - chocolate is always appropriate!  I'll ask you the same question I asked CanadianBakin' - what kind of icing is that?  I really like the looks of that light colored chocolate!

    It is simply buttercream. 2 eggs, 2 yolks, beaten to light, drizzle in 1 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar in 1/2 cup water - cooked to 240F. Beat until it cools down, add 1 lb room temperature butter then about 6 ounces of melted and cooled chocolate.

    Thanks, Kerry. I'll be giving that a try!

  19. Verjuice - I loved your napoleans! Years ago, I used to do the same thing with deep fried wonton wrappers and strawberries and you just reminded me how good that was!

    Rob - the chocolate apricot tart is gorgeous! The apricots and the chocolate just glisten - I love when desserts do that!!! And the balloon cakes are perfect and adorable and sound delicious, unlike most cakes that are that cute!

    CanadianBakin' - my jaw dropped over every single item in your June 8th post! I know that it all tastes wonderful! What kind of icing is that on the Oreo cake? I love the smoothness. And the assorted sized dragees on the orange cake are just starry looking. The Stampin' Up Cake is so adorable that it made me laugh out loud when I saw it. And the adorable little minis made me want to sit right down with a cup of tea and indulge in baby talk with my favorite little girls! Such wonderful work. Thanks for sharing them.

    Kerry - I agree with Mark - chocolate is always appropriate! I'll ask you the same question I asked CanadianBakin' - what kind of icing is that? I really like the looks of that light colored chocolate!

    Mark - oooooh! That beautiful, pristine cake! I would like to make a pig of myself on that for lunch today and not touch my low fat cheese, crackers and banana :sad: ! I can almost taste it!

    Some Father's Day desserts:


    Don't know why the picture is so yellow :huh: . These are my very best peanut butter cookies and some Lucky Charms Treats. Very silly, but good. I made them for the kids, but they were a hit with the grown ups, too. We all set around and had a 'Treats epiphany' about all the different cereals you could make treats with! :laugh:

    Thanks to DesertCulinary who introduced us to this cake somewhere here at eG, I served this, too:



    This cake is truly amazing! So incredibly good!!! That filling is made of a thin meringue, chopped peanuts, peanut butter, chocolate and RICE KRISPIES!! Everyone at the party loved it and was really impressed. But it is so much easier to make than it looks or 'reads'. Thanks, again, DesertCulinary!!!

  20. This reminds of the the Evil In Law Fudge (the fudge is evil, not the in laws). Mr. Kim's family makes this (awful, bitter, dry) fudge that apparently only they can make work. I've tried to make it for years and ended up cracking the code for Tootsie Rolls and making really bad ganache, but almost never that damn fudge. And everytime I ask for help I hear, "I don't know why you have trouble with it, it's so EASY!" :angry::rolleyes:

  21. Thanks, Kim  :smile: 

    What does that delicious looking sausage taste like?

    Shelby - it is so good! When I've had it, it's been made with lamb, but supposedly you can also make it with beef. Really flavorful. It should be spicy and I've had it from not-too to right-much. It's usually got paprika, harissa, garlic and cayenne. This was on the not-too level (which is good for me) and very, very good. We are planning to finish it up tonight on pasta with some marinara and spinach.

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