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Kim Shook

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Posts posted by Kim Shook

  1. Mifi - I think I'm repeating myself here - I believe that I said almost this same thing to percyn awhile back, but while that whole meal you posted on 12/2, was wonderful looking, what really stopped me in my tracks was the turkey, stuffing, gravy open faced sandwich - my favorite meal of the holiday season!

    legourmet - just a lovely, lovely meal start to finish!

    Dr J - gorgeous meal and, as a country girl, my favorite was the biscuits and gravy - talk about kicking it up a knotch!

    I am in danger of shorting out my keyboard with all of the salivating going on here. How I want some of the real, gorgeous and delicious food that I'm seeing here. Those are some gorgeous steaks that y'all are serving lately!

    As I said in another post, I have basically been so busy that I've just been pulling random stuff out of the freezer, heating up and making a salad. Either that or eating out. But I need more freezer space, so I'm trying to cook rather than buy. We had chili for dinner the other night. Some kind neighbor bought it from a local supermarket's deli section when Mr. Kim was recovering. Basically tasted like Wendy's. Then last night I warmed up some delicious (but not photogenic) baked spaghetti that someone else had brought us. I do, have something to share, though:


    Caesar salad, butter poached lobster tail, filet w/ bearnaise and horseradish cream and Asiago bread

    This was our tree trimming dinner. We usually do a big fondue production - beef fondue with all the sauces, crudites with dips and then chocolate fondue with all kinds of dippers (last year I did Toblerone fondue). But I have been so exhausted this year doing everything on my own (Mr. Kim is forbidden to lift anything heavy for another 3-4 months), that I asked them if it would be acceptable to break with tradition for one year and do something lovely, but easy instead. The lobster was a bit of a disappointment, which is all my fault. I bought lobster tails that were just a little skunky when I got them home - not spoiled, but just past their prime. And I think that I overcooked them a little bit. I should have just gotten live ones, but was being lazy. I have heard how incredibly wonderful the butter poaching is, but they were not any better than steamed (which is pretty dern good).

  2. moosnsqrl and Katie - thank you so much for your compliments! I got the idea from a Taste of Home magazine and really liked how they turned out. Katie - when I get home, I'll find the glue and tell you the name - can't remember it right off the bat.

    baroness - I did NOT know that about the beads! Thank you for the info - I'm afraid that it's too late to 'test' them, but I'll do it next time I use them for a food project and I'll warn everyone to be careful with temperature extremes.

    Jerry - that's a very cool gift idea! PM me soon to let me know your plans re: Richmond!

  3. I want to do butter poached lobster tails for our tree decorating dinner on Friday. I know someone here has made them, but can't find the directions if I copied them at the time and can't find a post about them. Directions or a link to a recipe would be great. Thanks!

  4. Ce'nedra – the Shook house was salivating over those dumplings! They are beautiful and look so good! If I had a family friend who could make those, I’d ask for a lesson!

    Percyn – no Thanksgiving shots from me, we ate at my MIL’s and my only contribution was sweet potato soufflé (don’t get excited, it’s just a name – no true soufflé-ing went on) and Jessica made a delicious apple gallette. My in laws think I’m totally odd for taking pictures, so I don’t bother with their meals :hmmm: . Your dinner looked wonderful start to finish, but I admit, my favorite part would have been that open faced sandwich at the end and I’d have had that at about midnight Thurday, if I’d remembered to pack up some gravy when I did our leftover packages :rolleyes: !

    PopsicleToze – I am just awestruck by that gorgeous cake! The crumb looks absolutely perfect. What an impressive first effort, too! Which SL was that in? I get the annual every year and I want to find that recipe!

    Lonnj – I’ll just ditto Kathy! Wonderful food and your potstickers are works of art. Keep ‘em coming!

    Here’s my contribution:



    Well, it’s not dinner yet, but it will be on December 24th! I started my gravy. This is the roasted veg and turkey wings. They looked so pretty and there was no one here to admire them, so I thought I’d show my online buddies, who will appreciate the sight. They are all simmering away in broth at this moment to be strained later. Then, as soon as they are cool enough, I’ll pick the meat from the wings and defat the stock and start a long, slow, dark roux. This probably won’t go into the freezer until tomorrow night. I should have started yesterday, but the day got away from me.

  5. dystopiandreamgirl – Mr. Kim and I were just in awe at your cookies and tarts. Those are some of the most lovely things I’ve ever seen on this board (and that’s saying something). I am just in awe.

    Randi – I am really intrigued by that cake! I checked and my library doesn’t have that book, so I added it to my Amazon list :biggrin: ! That frosting has a really interesting looking texture!

    Something I tried out a few days ago:


    Marshmallow Caramel Puffs They are Trader Joe marshmallows (making marshmallows it one of my yet-to-attempt projects) dipped in caramel, then in toasted coconut. My caramel needs work, but these were still really good. A very fast and easy confection.

  6. I guess I would rather look foolish asking a question...than apologizing later for getting it wrong.

    It's OK to start making hard candy lollipops for Christmas now, isn't it?

    Thanks.  :rolleyes:

    Yep - I always make my hard candy anytime from late November and it's fine. Just store airtight.

  7. Percyn – sometimes I see a dish on eG that makes me think, other times I see one that makes me immediately hungry, no matter when I last ate. Occasionally, I see one dish that does both! That poached egg and brioche dish was one of the occasionals! Awesome!

    Dr J – beautiful pasta – especially for a first time. I am envious!

    Suzi – I, too, miss kitty footprints this time of year. My boys loved the tree and the oyster stuffing and stalked the turkey and Banshee (my little girl kitty) liked carrying off all the rubber bands from around the wrapping paper.

    I’ve been filling the Christmas freezer and dinners have been ordered out, eggs, cheese and crackers, etc. but I finally cooked a dinner:


    mostly leftovers – Panini made with bagels from the freezer, ham, American and Swiss and some chicken soup from when Mr. Kim was recuperating. I don’t care what you make them with, Panini are good!

  8. Rob – I would buy that bacon pumpkin pie.  Honestly, regular pumpkin pie is a little dull to me. 

    Pretzel Turtles for Christmas:


    Pretzels, Rolos and Pecans

    Have you ever tried using something like Riesen's Chocolate Covered Caramels instead of Rolo's? I hate Rolo's, but I love Riesen's and other similar chocolate covered caramels. Think it would work OK, or would the caramel be too hard?

    I think they'd work just fine! I love Riesen's and might just try them. But we love Rolo's passionately and just never thought to use anything else :biggrin: !

  9. Rob – I would buy that bacon pumpkin pie.  Honestly, regular pumpkin pie is a little dull to me. 

    Pretzel Turtles for Christmas:


    Pretzels, Rolos and Pecans

    Kim, do you freeze these?

    Yup - they do great. They taste good STILL frozen, too. Make about twice as many as you think you'll need. The first time I made these, my SIL and her 3 girls dropped by and ate the ENTIRE batch. We had to go back to the store to get more stuff. :laugh:

  10. I don't know.  It's just the regular Hershey's cocoa - it doesn't say on the container.

    Regular Hershey's isn't dutched, but is natural cocoa. Using different cocoas (or combinations of cocoa) could account for the differences in your cookies, unless those differences occured in the same batch (I wasn't clear if you had differences in height within the same batch, or between batches).

    Rona - there was a difference in the same batches.

    I realized that I forgot to say that I got the chocolate-chocolate chip cooky recipe from CanadianBakin'! I got the recipe from her last year and already they are the cookies I MUST make for Christmas :wub: !

  11. ...all the same dough, ingredients, etc. and some are nice and tall and some are as flat as pancakes.  I will never understand baking :wacko: .

    They're the same dough and the only difference is the chips? The ones on the right are much darker than the others though. Why is that?

    Sorry - I thought I had explained that - must have left it out. I had some Hershey Special Dark cocoa, but ran out. Those dark cookies were made the Special Dark - the medium ones are with a mix of half Special Dark and half regular, the lightest ones with all regular. I like the look of the dark, but honestly the flavor isn't that much different.

    Aha. I just googled and it sounds like the special dark is a dutch cocoa. Is the other cocoa you used dutch as well?

    I don't know. It's just the regular Hershey's cocoa - it doesn't say on the container.

  12.   Very odd though, all the same dough, ingredients, etc. and some are nice and tall and some are as flat as pancakes.  I will never understand baking :wacko: .

    Do you bake with a digital scale?

    I do use a digital scale for chocolate, but not for everything. I know that I should, but haven't gotten up the energy to convert my recipes. Even though with the elements of a cooky, there aren't that many things to remember.

    I think flour is one of the most important ingredients to measure since it's hard to have a perfectly consistent method of measuring with a cup and the weather also affects how it measures.

    But what is a cup? 4 oz., 4.5, 4.625?? I found all those answers in my research.

    ...all the same dough, ingredients, etc. and some are nice and tall and some are as flat as pancakes.  I will never understand baking :wacko: .

    They're the same dough and the only difference is the chips? The ones on the right are much darker than the others though. Why is that?

    Sorry - I thought I had explained that - must have left it out. I had some Hershey Special Dark cocoa, but ran out. Those dark cookies were made the Special Dark - the medium ones are with a mix of half Special Dark and half regular, the lightest ones with all regular. I like the look of the dark, but honestly the flavor isn't that much different.

  13.   Very odd though, all the same dough, ingredients, etc. and some are nice and tall and some are as flat as pancakes.  I will never understand baking :wacko: .

    Do you bake with a digital scale?

      Very odd though, all the same dough, ingredients, etc. and some are nice and tall and some are as flat as pancakes.  I will never understand baking :wacko: .

    Do you bake with a digital scale?

    Did you put the scoops of cookie dough on an already hot cookie sheet?

    I do use a digital scale for chocolate, but not for everything. I know that I should, but haven't gotten up the energy to convert my recipes. Even though with the elements of a cooky, there aren't that many things to remember.

    ETA - I just did a little quick online research and I got anywhere from 4 oz to 4.625 oz being equal to a cup. So what do I follow anyway?

    I never, ever reuse a sheet until it's cool and sometimes if I'm not sure, I stash them in the fridge for a couple of minutes.

    I never have this problem with my peanut butter cookies - which I make with bread flour - I wonder if that is part of the issue for me?

  14. Ilana – and then I try to make candy and think of yours! It just goes on and on :biggrin: .

    A Pumpkin Poundcake that I made to take to dinner at a friend’s house tonight:


    it looks a little like a baked potato, doesn’t it?

    More Christmas cooking:


    A chocolate cooky assortment - chocolate-chocolate chip, chocolate-PB chip and chocolate-peppermint chip. All taste very good. The peppermint chips are soft chips by Andes that I found in some discount store. Very odd though, all the same dough, ingredients, etc. and some are nice and tall and some are as flat as pancakes. I will never understand baking :wacko: .

  15. Not to hijack the thread or anything, but has anyone noticed that guys actually LIKE salad nowadays? My husband and his BF always get salad for their tailgates, Mr. Kim always requests salad when he gets to plan a meal and salad is my father's (not Ted Fairhead - he's my dad :biggrin: ) specialty - what he's known for and what people ask him to bring to gatherings. It is so different from the "Real Men Don't Eat..." and ladies-who-lunch era that I grew up with.

    On topic: I vote for a roasted vegetable salad or a classic Caesar if you decide to serve a stew :wink: .

  16. I would say the opposite, unlike duck, rare goose is not the best way to eat it all!

    Didn't say anything about either rare or duck.

    One cooks the breast until its still juicy which takes less time than most of the other parts.

    Thus dismember the goose & cook each part as appropriate.

    I think Prawn was probably responding to Ruth's comment about rare goose - it was before yours. :smile:

  17. One more before bedtime:


    Very, very weird fudge. Deep, Dark Chocolate Fudge with Candied Ginger. Sounds good, huh? But the 'secret ingredient' is....wasabi paste :blink: . Only Mr. Kim likes this stuff. Jess and I think it would be good without the wasabi.

    how is the kick..?? i only eat dark chocolate and that combination with candied ginger and wasabi paste is making my mouth water.. i have a package of candied ginger in my pantry that is gonna disappear right after i post this..

    The kick was not too strong - I've tried and liked chile infused chocolate, but the flavor of the wasabi was strong and just wrong, it seemed to me.

  18. Lisa2k – poor you :sad: ! I hope you are better soon and back to impressing everyone with your wonderful creations!

    One more before bedtime:


    Very, very weird fudge. Deep, Dark Chocolate Fudge with Candied Ginger. Sounds good, huh? But the 'secret ingredient' is....wasabi paste :blink: . Only Mr. Kim likes this stuff. Jess and I think it would be good without the wasabi.

  19. Ce'nedra – love the prawn pizza! I do a white pizza with shrimp and horseradish and ricotta, but I like the idea of all the juiciness of the garlic butter!

    Percyn – the crust on that chicken cordon bleu is amazing!

    David – your beef and polenta is gorgeous! Thanks so much for posting the directions, too! I’ll be trying that this winter!

    tkassum – welcome! Lovely brunch!

    Dinner tonight:


    Mr. Kim made some Tonton ginger Japanese dressing and marinade marinated chicken breasts the other night. I used the leftovers tonight to make a stir fry with some snow peas. Really good. I also did some “A Taste of Thai” microwave peanut noodles – they were ok, not great.

  20. For the Foodie BlogRolls Royal Joust of Coffee, Black Peppercorn & Honey, I submitted:

    Fried Morning-After Ice Cream


    Black & Szechuan peppercorn infused brandy ice cream, coated in coffee tempura, and fried.  Boy was it good!  You can read the recipe at my blog HERE.


    Awesome! That looks so amazing! Since I had a dish made with peppered honey at one of our favorite restaurants, I've been addicted to the combination of pepper and sweet.

    Kerry - what kind of fruitcake is that? Looks good!

    Some more Christmas cooking:


    Crystal Candy. Just a fanciful name for hard candy – cinnamon and wintergreen.

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