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Posts posted by hollywood

  1. From what I know from people who hung around that whole Ronstadt/California scene in the 70s, THEY were all loaded while making the music. I'd like to think one can pick up on that sort of thing. Good drug music seems to attract drug users....just look at Phish!

    The tipoff on Ronstadt was that she would do this giggly between song patter.

  2. I wonder, in some ways, whether it is absolutely necessary that a chef needs to be a good cook, so long as he/she understands the workings of the professional kitchen, understands cooking, is a capable manager, can recognize well-cooked food, has good taste and has a good creative mind.  Does one have to be a good dancer in order to be a good choreographer?

    i agree. on a related note, thomas keller reportedly doesn't even taste his food. that, i never quite understood. perhaps just hype? [i'm guessing there will be some mis-directed pro-keller tirade on the way which will have little to do with this comment.]

    Isn't this the Dilbert theory of management?

  3. I think that when I've had it in a Japanese restaurant in NYC, it's been poached. It's served cold in a ponzu sauce with a piece of lettuce as a garnish and a bit of spicy stuff. They must roll it up in a cylinder before poaching as it's served in disks about a third of an inch thick.

    Sushi Ike in Hollywood serves discs about an inch thick. Great stuff.

  4. Okay, so their product reviews are reliable, but so are the ones in Fine Cooking, which is head and shoulders above Cooks.

    I'm intrigued as to why there are 7 issues per year. This seems different from the norm. Is there 1 special issue?

    You're forgetting the annual Cooks Illustrated Swimsuit issue..

    :smile: Right, but Cook's only does 6 issues. It's Fine Cooking that does 7.

  5. On a whim, I bought 2 bottles of wine at The 99 Cent store yesterday.  Based on one I tasted (endured), definitely not the place for wine. :angry:

    What were you thinking???? :wacko: Wine at the .99 Store? Have you ever looked at the expiration date on the canned and boxed food goods in there?

    Just remember - you get what you pay for :biggrin:

    You are correct. The one I tasted was a voignier from Saint Helena. Oddly, each bottle is numbered as one of about six or seven thousand.

  6. Thinking about this some more the retail price is not a fair comparison. That's because there's significant cost externalization in the petroleum world. In addition to the pump price, we pay the cost of air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, aggravation of lung problems due to smog (which in turn gets us into aesthetic costs), not to mention various tax breaks such as the (27%?) oil depletion allowance (to enable the petro companies to find alternate energy sources--still waiting on that). And, if you are really cynical, you can throw the cost of going to war over oil on the pile as well. As far as water goes, I can't think of many additional costs society has to pay in the bottled water arena except for the bottle recycling/disposal cost. So, gas definitely costs more. Just my opinion.

  7. Long-term, bottled water is an expensive and unnecessary habit for coffee-making -- not to mention I don't trust the bottled water companies. If the local tap water is so hard as to be a major problem, you just get Rancilio's $20 softener accessory and hook it to the water line. That plus a Brita and you'll be all set.

    Don't softeners work using sodium? That can be a problem for some folks.

  8. There was a followup on the recycling of plastic water bottles in California on NPR the other day. Story said about 35 % of plastic bottles in California are recycled but only about 15 % of water bottles get recycled. So the proposal is to double the CRV (deposit) from 2.5 to 5 cents a bottle to give consumers more incentive to recycle.

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