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Everything posted by KOK

  1. ← Steak and Cheese? Isn't that how you kill a vampire? ← THAT'S the Smile of the Week!! Kevin
  2. Color me ignorant but what is a 'painkiller'? Is the mix available in the U.S.? Thanks, Kevin
  3. I called Bruce Foods and Louisiana Gold Pepper Sauce will continue to be available as Bruce Foods wasn't affected by Katrina. I usually have to mail order it as it's not available up north, though when I or friends visited NOLa, I always stocked up. LA Gold, with its mix of tabasco style (I think) and regular peppers is my favorite hot sauce. Thanks, Kevin Bruce Foods
  4. I finally got around to buying a bottle of the Cohiba white and was pleased with it overall. It had a pretty smooth taste neat, and mixed very well with pineapple juice as well as coca cola (the horror) At $9.75 /750ml I thought it was a good value. There is a caveat on the label that the rum is in NO way associated with the cigar. I found this amusing as it's obvious with the black and white checkerboard design they are trying to get you to think they are the same. Thanks, Kevin
  5. During the Jewish holiday of Passover, Coca Cola made with sugar (sugar is kosher for Passover while most Jews don't use corn/corn products) is usually widely available. Though most prevalent in 2-litre bottles, bigger cities (esp. kosher supermarkets) may carry it in cans. I still have two six-packs of suger Coke that I scored in Pittsburgh. Thanks, Kevin@Cuba_Libre.com
  6. A few Metro stops up from Air & Space is Eastern Market (Eastern Market Metro stop - go figure : ) It's kind of similar to Baltimore's Lexington, or Cleveland's West Side Markets. Market Lunch has a pretty good crabcake and many think a good breakfast. There is much to choose from there. A few blocks up (13th and Penn or so) is Mangialardo's, for one of the best subs in D.C. Go for the G-Man on a hard roll that cuts the roof of your mouth (in a good way). Thanks, Kevin
  7. I got my sample of the Petite Cane Syrup over the weekend and I could not be more pleased. The syrup was light gold in color and had a very sweet taste with no molasses bitterness. I had purchased some cane syrup from Florida that was like 1/2 strength molasses and it made a pretty poor Ti Punch. The Caribbean syrup made a fantastic Ti Punch - not that I'm an expert I look forwarding to buying a large bottle (the sample came in a miniature sized liquor bottle - no label, but sealed) when it comes available. Thanks, Kevin http://www.caribbean-spirits.com/sugar%20cane%20syrup.htm
  8. I'm curious what (if anything) you mix with agricole? I bought a bottle of cane syrup from a place in Florida (it tastes very much like weak molasses) and made a couple of Ti Punches with both Neisson's and La Favorite. I had to use a bit more syrup and lime than the EG recipes called for. I may just not be as big a fan of agricole as others, though a friend made us some Mojito's with cane sugar and they were very good. Thanks very much, Kevin
  9. This City Paper article caught my eye and I thought others would be interested. Thanks, Kevin I think I posted an incorrect link. This should work: http://restaurants.washingtoncitypaper.com...p?week=20050812
  10. There is a very good and highly informative article on rum in the August 10th edition of the New York Times (link below). I think you have to sign up to read it, but it's free to register. Thanks, Kevin http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/10/dining/10wine.html
  11. I recently mail-ordered cane syrup from William's Family Farm in Florida. It has a molasses like flavor (though nowhere near as intense as molasses) and is light to medium brown in color. Is the cane syrup from Martinique at all like this, or does it completely differ in taste and color? Thanks, Kevin
  12. I found this web page. They even have a link to the Ministry of Rum page. Not a lot of info on the rum though. The Ginger rum sounds interesting. Thanks, K http://www.cohibarum.com/cgi-bin/webc.exe/...-22105309953.e7
  13. switch out the stock for water switch out the bacon for tofu switch out Paris for Peoria switch out Hendrix for Hootie switch out Rita Hayworth for Loretta Young ← Bloody well said!!! Couldn't agree more. Thanks, Kevin
  14. I just saw bottles of Cohiba rum (light and gold) in a liquor store outside of Baltimore. The labels had the black and white checkering found on cigar labels so it's obviously the same company. I saw the word Carribean on the label but didn't have time to pick up and scrutinize the bottles. There are a couple of posts from 2001 and 2003 (one mentioned a 5 y.o. Cohiba) but they didn't give much info. Has anyone tried these rums? I'm curious to hear your input. Thanks very much, Kevin
  15. The $4.50/4 isn't a bad price for the Barritt's that I greatly prefer in a Dark & Stormy. Not sure how it works in N.J. but I sometimes go to a big liquor/wine store in Laurel, Md and they order me a case (24) of the Barritt's from their beverage distributor for around $20.00 The Goya is MUCH spicier, as is the Jamaican kind with the Qetzaquatal-looking bird on the label (or maybe that IS the Goya). Thanks, Kevin
  16. KOK

    The Mojito

    A friend of mine who works with a guy from Cuba says they use aguardiente in Cuba (stated above in this thread). If you can get a bottle of that, or rhum agricole, your mojito's will be a bit more authentic (if your not doing that already : ) Thanks, Kevin
  17. KOK

    Ti Punch

    slkinsey: Have you tried Neisson's Rhum Agricole Blanc? I picked up my bottle last night and only had time for a little sip. It was very strong and firery (100 proof) and had an excellent powerful but smooth flavor. I think a little similar to the white Cane rum from New Orleans Rum. While no two rums are alike, I'm wondering if the La Favorite is fairly similar in general taste (I did read Ed's descriptions above) to the Neisson's. I hope to make a bona fide Ti punch this weekend. Thanks, Kevin
  18. KOK

    Ti Punch

    Are there great differences between the La Favorite and Neisson Rhum Agricole Blancs? I was going to order a bottle of the La Favorite ($27.99/Litre from Sam's Wines) but they (Sam's) don't ship to Maryland or Virginia. By the time I squared away a Wash., D.C. address with a friend, the La Favorite was no longer showing and I ordered the Neisson ($30.49/Litre) from Sam's. I'm picking up the bottle this weekend and look forward to trying the Ti Punch, though it seems I'll have to substitute some simple syrup made with regular sugar as I haven't been able to get any cane juice syrup yet. Thanks very much, Kevin
  19. I haven't been to Chick and Ruth's in several years, but it was always great. I looked at your link and can't believe an 18" Italian hoagie for $7.99. What a deal!! Thanks, Kevin
  20. It has long been my assertion that Mike Tyson lost to Buster Douglas because Tyson wolfed down several WA-WA hoagies before the fight. If you get a chance to see the fight on any sports show, you can see Tyson's cornerman holding a super WA-WA squirt bottle that Tyson keeps drinking from. I kid you not. Kevin
  21. Agree 100%. Even if you CAN make it Cantler's, go to Jerry's. And don't forget a cup of either the cream of crab soup or crab bisque. Served with more lump crab on top than many places have in their crab cakes. Ask for a taste of each first if you can't decide. Excellent vegetable crab soup as well. Thanks, Kevin
  22. KOK

    Ways to eat grits

    I like them with a dash or five of hot sauce. Preferably, Louisiana Gold Pepper sauce when I can get it brought to me up North or after I visit NOLa. Maybe a pat of butter too. Thanks, Kevin
  23. Is this the place? : Walt's Flavor Crisp Chicken 527 Vandever Ave Wilmington DE 19802 (302) 658-1803 Sound very colorful and it doesn't seem too far from the Race Track & Slots. The makings of a great road trip. Thanks, Kevin
  24. Wednesday night at Jackie's is skillet-fried chicken night. 8081 Georgia Ave. in Silver Spring: click here for Jackie's webpage. ← Thanks for the tip, Crackers. I was hoping for a few places, and maybe some for the weekends, but the first chance I get I will venture from Neckminster to Jackie's on a Wednesday night. Kevin
  25. I agree with Whit that the new Gold rum is less smooth than the Black Seal. It has a stronger aroma to me than the Black, but a lighter taste. I had a little neat and then mixed in a little coke and lime juice. Both tasted good. I also like the Black Seal more than the gold, but I think the God will be good for a change of pace now and then. I also though the Gold might be more like a Bacardi or Cruzan gold, but to me it was totally different. I also cracked open the Gosling Old rum. Very similar to the Black Seal, but with a much stronger aroma and a deeper taste. Very smooth to me. I don't know that it was worth $55 but I'm sure I'll only have this with a cigar now and then so it will last a long time. Thanks, Kevin
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