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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    They are difficult to find around here as well. The Duncan Butcher carries them frozen. Last time I saw them, I bought two packages and still had one package in the freezer. Thankfully I love lamb shanks so am not opposed to using lamb for the same recipe. Tonight's dinner. One of our favourites. Picked up some beautiful Sterling Silver Beef Tenderloin Filets and made Green Peppercorn steaks. Roasted potatoes and steamed green beans.
  2. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Last night's dinner. Osso Buco. with polenta.
  3. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @DuvelI would be happy with any one of your pizzas. Last night's dinner. Cacio e Pepe.
  4. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Canada Day Dinner. I worked yesterday but I asked Moe before I left for work yesterday morning what he would like for dinner and he said Caesar Salad. He loves the Caesar Salad that I've been making for him for almost 43 years. Homemade croutons and homemade dressing started with a coddled egg. This Caesar also has Roquefort cheese as well as parmesan. Recipe is from Pat Davis who had a cooking school in her home in Grand Rapids back in 1979. I went to a few of her lessons. She studied with Simone Beck at Le Cordon Bleu . I've been looking through some old cooking magazines and found a recipe that I thought sounded good in a 1998 Food and Wine. I'm not a fan of scallops, but these scallops I could eat. Sweet Potato Scallops with caramelized onions. Would definitely make these again. Served with grilled sirloin cap steaks and Caesar Salad.
  5. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Smithy, I've never cared for BBQ sauces because they are usually all sweet. You can find the recipe here......https://thibeaultstable.com/2022/06/29/tbq-sauce/ It is so easy to make and it keeps for months in the fridge. I usually make a double batch. Today's batch made six of those jars and three are going with me to work tomorrow.
  6. Thanks @PatrickT. Started a batch of dough yesterday morning and gave it a 6 hour fermentation before putting it in the fridge until early afternoon. Baked tonight. Two of the loaves were shaped and proofed in Banneton lined baskets.
  7. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @liamsaunt, I have to agree with @Marylsobel. Skipped lunch today and made an early dinner. Made a batch of TBQ sauce. My favourite sauce. Actually the only BBQ sauce that I like. and grilled baby back ribs and served with roasted potatoes.
  8. WOW PatrickT. Your Parmesan Garlic Herb loaf looks amazing and and I love the shape. Baked two loaves late last week, both proofed in lined oval Banneton baskets. Froze both. Took one out of the freezer this morning and sliced for breakfast.
  9. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Moe loves scallops so I love having them in the freezer from Walcan Seafoods. Made him a lemon garlic pasta topped with seared scallops for dinner last night.
  10. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @weinoo, Nice looking steaks. Mexican Chicken Rice Soup (Caldo Tlapeno) I love this soup but haven't made it lately. I had homemade chicken broth in the fridge so I picked up what I needed on my way to work yesterday and made this soup for dinner last night.
  11. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Pizza Night!! Same day dough. Made Friday morning, 3g of yeast in 1000g batch. Left out on the counter for a slow room temperature fermentation (11 hours). Salami and mushrooms. Baked in the Ooni.
  12. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    I love easy dinners, especially on a worknight. Chicken Souvlaki. Rice and Greek Salad.
  13. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Late lunch/Early dinner. Decided to smoke chicken wings on the gas grill using two pellet smoking tubes, but instead of pellets I used hickory wood chips. Wood chips are so much better than pellets. Nice flavour and colour. Really happy with the way they turned out. Served with roasted potatoes. There was also a salad but no pics.
  14. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Moe's breakfast. Poached eggs on toasted baguettes. Baguettes were baked last night after a slow room temperature fermentation of 9 hours.
  15. I totally agree with you Margaret. I tell everyone that is interested and afraid to bake bread that nothing is easier to make than bread. Once you understand the different steps, it is really difficult to screw up. Even if it isn't perfect, or pretty, it will still taste great. All you need is flour, water, salt and yeast. I remember watching my grandmother make all her breads by hand. But I have a number of machines, including a 43 year old Hobart KitchenAid that is still running, a 26 year old Electrolux Magic Mill, and a heavy duty KitchenAid Food Processor. And yet my favourite way to make my bread is by hand using the Forkish , stretch, fold and autolyze method. I've used that method since 2014 until recently. Since the car accident I have found that doing bread dough all by hand has been a little challenging. I'm doing better now, but using the food processor for a 45 second mix, and then a number of stretch and folds with the autolyze rests has made bread making less painful. I help a lot of would be bread makers on some facebook food groups and if using a machine is what it takes to get them interested, I tell them to go for it. And when I look back to around 2002 when I started taking food photos, there is very little difference in the bread I bake now and the bread I baked then when it comes to crust and crumb.
  16. @Dave R, I think that the stretch folds really make a difference.
  17. Since @Dave R,reminded me about using the FP for bread dough, I have been using it often. I make two separate 500g doughs using just 1g of yeast in each at 63% hydration, and then combined them in the dough container. I do between two and three stretch and folds and then leave on the counter either overnight if made at night or all day if made in the morning. I'm finding this method much easier on my neck. This batch was made on Friday morning before leaving for work and baked Friday evening. All six started individually in the CSO on Bread Steam setting and then transferred to the conventional oven after 10 minutes.
  18. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @KennethT, a very simple fresh mint sauce. I met a lovely woman when we moved to the Sault back in 1998, who became a good friend. Her husband Harry was a Thoracic Surgeon. And let me tell you, I've never seen anyone carve a leg of lamb like Harry. Great knife skills. Francis and Harry were both wonderful cooks and loved good wine. Francis made a fresh mint sauce with honey and red wine vinegar. Just mix a little honey with red wine vinegar and add fresh chopped mint. Any time I want a mint sauce this is the one I make.
  19. Dave,I keep coming back to look at these muffins. What I wouldn't give for one of those with our early minute cappuccinos.
  20. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @liamsaunt, looks great to me. I would love your curry. I picked up some thick Lamb Loin Chops at the butcher this week and presalted them. Before leaving for work Friday, I seasoned with fresh minced garlic, fresh rosemary, lots of black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Grilled for dinner and served with roasted potatoes, sauteed zucchini, sliced tomatoes and I made one of Moe's favourite mint sauces for the lamb.
  21. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Katie Meadow, you probably would have liked this one then. It was fresh pineapple, and it wasn't overly ripe or too sweet.
  22. I don't make many loaves with fruit and nuts, but I really love the idea of this combination. Especially the walnuts. Beautiful loaf @PatrickT. I bet it was good toasted too. I have one I do with onions and walnuts that I haven't made recently. Last night's baguettes. Same, same day dough as the pizzas posted in the dinner thread. Sliced this morning for breakfast.
  23. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    The good news is, although he really enjoyed his pineapple pizza, he also had a slice of mine and when asked which he preferred, the "normal" pizza won out. Won't be baking any more pineapple pizzas.
  24. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    I made a batch of dough this morning for baguettes and enough for pizza. 1000g flour, 4g yeast, 27g of salt at 63% hydration. Dough was given an 8 hour fermentation at room temperature. Divided the dough into three balls of various sizes for pizza and shaped two baguettes from the remaining dough. Matt likes full size pizzas so one ball was 450g, one for Moe was 250g and the third ball was slightly smaller. Matt made his Greek Potato Pizza and baked it in the oven at 550°F on the stone. As an act of LOVE, I made Moe a fresh pineapple and prosciutto pizza. Not something I will eat, but he actually likes the combination. And a smaller pepperoni and mushroom pizza for me. Both baked in the Ooni. The pizza crust was great considering it was a same day dough.
  25. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Had planned to grill a steak last night but neither of us felt like a big dinner so............. Since I am not working today, I made a late breakfast of steak and eggs. Grilled the steak which was just over 1lb and big enough to share, and served with roasted potatoes, sautéed mushrooms and fried eggs. Toasted baguette. Sunny-side up eggs, butter basted for Moe and mine over "hard". Don't care for runny eggs.
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