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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. Vengroff, I hate to admit it but I really don't know what the hydration is on any of the breads that I make. I never measurer the water. I will though when I bake this week. Your ciabatta looks wonderful. Abra OOOH that looks so good. I love the shape and all the cheese. I have that cookbook so I'll look up the recipe. Made croissant dough yesterday. Rolled out the dough this morning and used most of it to make Pain au Chocolate with an ounce of chocolate in each one. Had enough dough leftover to make 4 Croissants. Baked two chocolate and the four croissants and I froze 16 Pain au Chocolates unbaked. Rising: Just out of the oven Lunch
  2. Ann_T


    I posted my recipe for scones on Recipe Gullet Recipe gullet. Ann
  3. Vengroff, what a beautiful loaf. I have so many bread books, I hate to buy another one, but I just might have too look for that one. I baked two different batches of sourdough bread yesterday. Morning's bread was made from a sourdough biga I started on Sunday night. Made the dough on Monday and refrigerated it overnight for a long cool rise. I filled two of the loaves with roasted garlic and cheddar and one with roasted garlic and kalamata olives. I mixed up another biga yesterday morning and made bread with it later in the day and baked two more regular sourdough loaves.
  4. Oh what a little sweetheart. And she can bake too. That's a loaf to be proud of. Sararwelch Lovely looking focaccia. I used some of my sourdough starter in Bagels today. Ann
  5. I tend to shop on a daily basis. Sometimes I have an idea of what I want to make and just need to pick up the main ingredients and sometimes I wait until I get to the butcher to see what looks good or appeals. I've always planned meals this way. Years ago when I worked downtown Toronto, on my way home from work, I would get off the subway at different stops along Yonge Street and pick up the makings for dinner at different butchers and fruit and vegetable markets. Ann
  6. Ann_T

    Dinner! 2007

    Dinner was grilled rack of lamb with Parisienne potatoes, zucchini and golden turnips.
  7. Ann_T

    Dinner! 2007

    Thanks Rachel. Wow! Not only is that beautiful but it sounds delicious too. I love your plates. It has been years since we ate at Splendido's. Ann
  8. Ann_T

    Dinner! 2007

    Shaya, I've missed you and your wonderful meals and photos. I bet your family is sorry that you had to go back home. Marlene, I posted the basic recipe on Recipe Gullet. Shengcai, My Bread and Butter Pudding recipe is also on Recipe Gullet. Dinner tonight was Cheese Ravioli,made using wonton skins with some of the sourdough bread I baked today. Ann
  9. Greek Baby Back Ribs Home Cookin Chapter: Recipes From Thibeault's Table Greek Ribs ========== 1 or 2 Racks of Baby Back Ribs 2 to 3 garlic cloves dried oregano Juice of 1 to 2 lemons Lemon zest (Optional) salt and pepper Mince garlic and press with back of knife to turn into a paste. (or use a microplane) Rub ribs with garlic, sprinkle on oregano, salt and pepper and lemon zest (if using). Squeeze juice of whole lemons over ribs a few hours before cooking. Note: These can be marinated earlier in the day or overnight, but do not add the lemon juice until a few hours before grilling or the lemon will change the texture of the meat. Heat grill to high (both sides) Place ribs on one side of grill and turn that side off. Cook, turning occasionally until ribs are tender. On my grill they take about 45 minutes to an hour depending on the size of the ribs but could take longer depending on grill being used. Keywords: Main Dish, Lunch, Easy, Mediterranean, Pork, Grill, Dinner ( RG1912 )
  10. Ann_T

    Dinner! 2007

    Truc Gorgeous steak. Judith Your lobster looks amazing. I seriously debated whether to poach ours in butter, but decided to go the easy way. I'd still like to try this method at least once. Megan Looks like you have been eating well. That Standing Rib roast is a thing of beauty. Bryan Your dinner looks wonderful. I have that cookbook but haven't cooked anything out of it yet. I guess I need to. Soon. Dinner last night was Greek seasoned baby back ribs. I pre-salted the ribs on Sunday. Served with a Greek Potato, Green Bean and Zucchini Stew. Bread and Butter Pudding with a caramel sauce for dessert.
  11. Sushicat your breakfast sounds deliciious. We had Eggs Benedict today. I used my homemade bread instead of English muffins with Canadian Back Bacon. and fried mushrooms on the side. Moe's plate This was my plate. I like my poached eggs "hard".
  12. Ann_T

    Dinner! 2007

    I was going through withdrawal the last few days with Egullet down. Missed reading about and seeing all the beautiful meals. Bruce As always your food looks delicious. Marcia Steak Diane and roasted cauliflower sounds great. Our New Year's tradition has always been to stay in and have Lobster and Champagne for dinner. So last night was no expection. I bought four 1 /14 pound lobsters for the two of us. After they were boiled I split them and then finished them off on the grill.
  13. Thanks Bruce. We had homemade cinnamon buns for breakfast twice this week. Topped with a cream cheese frosting.
  14. techno foodie We drank mimosas yesterday morning too. Today is boxing day, another holiday in Canada. My son's girlfriend arrived in time for breakfast this morning so we decided to be decadent and have mimosas again today. I used some of my sourdough starter in Sourdough buttermilk pancakes. The batter was thicker than my family likes so I thinned it out with a little more milk this morning. But the flavour was wonderful and the pancakes were very tender.
  15. Ann_T

    Prime Rib Roast

    Alana, my concern is if I roast it at 220° to 118°F and then jack the heat up to 500°F, then the internal temperature is going to go up, and by the time it rests for 20 or 30 minutes it will be up over 135°F. We like our beef on the rare to medium rare side so I usually like to keep the internal temperature below 130°F after it has rested. The small standing rib roast that I cooked on high heat last week, went from 115° out of the oven to 129F after resting. I guess my new question is, do I just roast to maybe 110° before upping the temperature to 500°F. so it doesn't go up over 130°F? Ann
  16. MifI Lovely omelette. Bruce That looks so good. We started our Christmas morning off with warm homemade donuts. Some sugar dipped and some glazed.
  17. Ann_T

    Prime Rib Roast

    Ling, I always do the high heat method and I'm always happy with the way my beef turns out. But I thought I would try the low heat on a 4 pound Ribeye roast that I'm cooking tomorrow. I just want to see if there is any noticeable difference in the two methods. I pre-salted it yesterday. I was thinking of browning it first and then roasting it at 200°F. I'm assuming that the roast still has to rest when it comes out of the oven for 20 minutes or so, so I thought I would take it out of the oven around 110 to 115. Can someone please advise approximately how long it will take a 4 pounder to reach 115°F? Thanks. Ann
  18. My favourite way to use up leftover beef tenderloin or prime rib is in Beef Dip Sandwiches. It is the one thing I get the big electric slicer out for. Sliced thin and stacked on a French Baguette and dipped in beef jus. Soooo good. I don't like leftover beef recooked in something else. Ann
  19. Ann_T

    Prime Rib Roast

    Anne, there is usually just two of us so I often roast small prime ribs with just one rib. I usually follow Barbara Kafka's high heat method (Roasting a Simple Art) which starts the roast at 500°F for 45 minutes and then makes some adjustments depending on the size. But for small roasts like last nights, I just start and finish at 500F. Ann
  20. Ann_T

    Prime Rib Roast

    Jmahl, Mark, Two beautiful prime ribs, cooked two different ways. Guess it is just a matter of personal preference. Not that one is superior to the other. I favour the High Heat method. I roasted a small one rib prime rib last night, just big enough for two thick slices. I took it out of the oven when it was at 115°F and the temperature went up to 129°F while it rested. Next time I'll take it out closer to 110°F so that it doesn't go over 125°F. I also pre-salted for 24 hours. I've pre-salted chicken and pork but never beef before.
  21. I prefer a rich brothy stew rather than one with a gravy or thick sauce. I brown the meat, add some chopped onions , a garlic clove, bay leaf and a sprig of fresh thyme, season with a little salt and pepper and cover with beef broth. Simmer until almost tender and then add celery and small whole onions and when those are almost tender, I add potatoes, green beans and carrots and either ruthabaga or cabbage, one or the other but not both. I usually add some frozen peas right at the end too. And I always make dumplings to serve with beef or chicken stew.
  22. OOOH Bruce, Cinnamon butter honey. Doesn't that sound good. Wendy I love pictures of egg yolks. I made ham and cheddar omelettes for breakfast with a side of potatoes fried with green peppers and scallions. Ann
  23. Shaya,some memories are so special. What a beautifully post. Ann
  24. Ann_T

    salt caramels

    Robert, Here is a description. Looks like corn syrup can be substituted for Golden Syrup. Golden Syrup
  25. Ann_T

    salt caramels

    Good question Robert. I assumed that it was Lyle's Golden Syrup. I have a jar of it that I bought and didn't have a use for until now. Ann
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