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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Ann - yes please! Thanks, very much looking forward.

    Ann -- could you send me that recipe as well -- I have been aching to make this for some time and haven't found a recipe to use -- I really appreciate it!




  2. Ann_T - blanquette de veau, something I always plan to make and never end up making. Looks delicious.

    What recipe do you use

    Patrick, I use a recipe that I've had for more than 25 years. It was a recipe from a newspaper - The Toronto Star. I'll be happy to send it to you, if you would like.

  3. Paul, Love the idea of meatballs and mashed potatoes - Comfort food.

    A "loose" version of a Teppanyaki Steak dinner.


    Trimmed New York Strip Steaks.


    Steaks seared on both sides and then cut into bite size pieces.




    Grilled Chicken Breasts - Tacos with homemade corn tortillas.

    • Like 6
  4. Minas6907, Wow, beautiful baguettes.

    Tri2Cook, I agree with Anna. Love olive bread.

    I started a 12 cup batch of bread dough on Monday, with the addition of a biga.


    Baked three baguettes on Monday, and used another 1/3 of the dough today


    for two more baguettes and a black olive pain d' epi.

    • Like 4
  5. Basquecook, Bone marrow, what a great starter. And beautifully cooked steak. You can tell by looking, just from the colour and the texture that this was a traditionally cooked steak and not Sous vide. Perfect!!!


    • Like 2
  6. Scubadoo, I would love your dinner. Reminds me that I still have lamb in the freezer.

    Bruce, your make store bought naan look great.

    MM, your turbot is so beautifully plated.


    Roast Chicken dinner.

    • Like 5
  7. Nickrey, that is my favourite way to make roasted potatoes. Par Boil, drain and back into the pot, shake the pan over low heat to dry and rough up the potatoes before adding to the hot fat.

    Rotus, Thank you. I agree, not a big fan of roasts with lots of excess fat.

    Norm, YUM! Chicken and Dumplings, pure comfort food. I also prefer drop dumplings . I'd feel deprived though if I only had them once a year. Not something I get tired of.

    I use unwaxed dental floss to stitch up boned chicken/turkey. Easy to remove. One quick pull and it slides right out.

  8. Some spectacular meals here.
    Prawncrackers, your photos are fantastic. Great lighting. Beautifully plated.

    Nickrey, As much as I love duck, it is the roasted potatoes that has my mouth watering.

    Dcarch, great idea using scallion dough to make a pizza.

    Cookalong, I like how you plated the lamb chops.

    Miraklegirl, I have to disagree too. If I served your dinner to my husband he would be a very, very happy man.

    Keith, beautiful job boning out those birds. I cheat and cut down the back. Requires a little more suturing. Love the cutting board.

    Grilled a small prime rib. Just big enough for two slices.

    Buttery Mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli.

    • Like 3
  9. I love Naan, and have over the years tried various methods for making it. BUT, it is never the same as Naan that is baked in a tandoori oven. Unless you have a tandoori oven, the naan will never have that flavour that I associate with Naan. So when I make a curry dinner, I make Chapati.



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