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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Does this look as delicious as it can be ? everything's there !


    OK then there is this:


    nothing wrong with it. but ....

    just saying.

    Rotuts, Needless to say, that got left on the plate.




    with Gorgonzola Garlic Bread.

    • Like 12
  2. Basquecook, now that is one beautiful shepherd's pie.


    Prime Rib dinner. Presalted on Thursday and roasted at 500°F on Saturday. Corn pudding, Yorkshire Puddings and homemade horseradish.

    • Like 12
  3. Shelby, Which recipe did you use for the Pork Belly. I love cracklin's. I'm definitely picking up a pork belly this week. The Goose Pastrami looks amazing. I've never eaten Canada Goose.

    I had a craving for curry this past week.


    Not very pretty, but it tasted great. Chicken Curry, Aloo Gobi, rice pilaf


    and homemade chapati.

    • Like 7
  4. Blether, great looking breakfast. I love the "collapsed tomatoes". Never heard them called that before.

    Jay, Yum, home cured pork belly. I prefer side bacon over regular bacon.


    Steak and Eggs - Buttered Based Eggs and Grilled Filet.


    • Like 2
  5. Keychris, looks like flour tortillas. I like the idea of a yeast wrap.


    I made a double batch of dough (85% hydration). Baked a couple of rustic baguettes and the rest went into the fridge overnight destined for pizza.


    I started the bread late, and the last baguette came out of the oven after 10:00 PM. Broke off a piece for a bed time snack for Moe.

    • Like 2
  6. Sourdough Bread. Dough was made on Monday, with a sourdough Levain and refrigerated until this morning.



    Baked two loaves.


    Both in Cast Iron Pots (Ken Forkish's method) one with parchment one with out.


    I wanted to see if there was any difference in the bottom crusts. There wasn't. I did notice though that the loaf without the parchment was rounder. The parchment where it folded caused the other loaf to have a couple of indentations.

    • Like 1
  7. Ann that looks fantastic. Beautiful bagels. Did you make your smoke salmon as well?

    Thanks Scubadoo, No, bought the smoked salmon.


    Small prime rib grilled. Sliced into two thick slices and served with double fried fries.

    • Like 7
  8. Keychris, your baguettes look perfect. I like your slashes.

    Sourdough Bagels.


    Made both a sourdough biga and a sourdough levain. Both had more than doubled by mid afternoon. The biga went into dough for bagels and the levain into a batch of bread dough. Baked the bagels and the bread dough is in the fridge and will be baked tomorrow or Wednesday.

    • Like 1
  9. Basquecook, I know that soup would make me feel good. Hope your wife feels better.

    Ann-- Very Nice nice PorterHouse

    Not easy to cook them , w/o over cooking the filet sometimes. Plus you got a decent filet with that cut also.

    How are you sourcing your meat?


    Thanks Paul. We have a couple of good local butchers and one of our grocery stores has a meat counter and butchers on staff. They carry Sterling Silver beef which is consistently great.


    Lamb Shanks tonight.

    • Like 6
  10. Mgaretz, my mouth is watering for your pastrami sandwich. All that is missing is a big dill pickle.


    Roasted a couple of chicken breasts for dinner. Green Peppercorn sauce, roasted potatoes and fresh asparagus.

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