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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Robirdstx, nice plating. That is a dinner that Moe would love.


    Homemade pasta. 



    Cappelletti , which I froze.





    Tortelloni that I cooked for dinner.



      Filled with chicken and spinach. 

    • Like 14
  2. Ann_T, your photos always make me hungry.  The Gougere is just a beautiful thing. 

    Thanks Scubadoo.


    Patrick, it is early here on the west coast, but my mouth is watering for your citrus marinated chicken.  


    Friday night's dinner.



    A quick and easy dinner.   Small sterling silver top sirloin roast, presalted the day before and roasted at 500°F.  Dinner was ready in less than an hour after I got home from work.


    Last night's dinner.  Another easy meal.



    Grilled Pork Chops.

    • Like 7
  3. Paul, Lucky you.  Spot prawns are my favourite. Short season, only about six weeks,  and the season doesn't  open here until mid May. Something to look forward to.

  4. .  Great meals on this page. Love the different takes on Caesar salads.     We are having roast beef for dinner, but now I am craving chicken.  Either Bruce's Country fried, Basquecook's roast chicken or Robirdstx's breaded chicken with garlic sauce.  




    Last night's dinner.



    Vittorio's Salad with




    With Greek Ribs.



    This pizza was actually lunch. I was baking bread and decided to make a pizza with some of the dough.



    Made a Gougere Wednesday night.



    It ended up being dinner.

    • Like 12
  5. Shelby  I've never had fried pheasant livers, but if they are anything like chicken livers I know that I would love them.




    Spanish Tapa - Gambas al Ajillo - Garlic Shrimp as a main course.  With homemade bread for sopping up the wonderful garlic sauce.

    • Like 17
  6. Anna, I would love a slice of your bread toasted.  Love toasted cheese bread.


    Last week I ordered a Lame and three linen couches from the San Francisco Baking Institute.  They arrived yesterday, just in time for this week's baking.   If anyone is looking for a linen couche, the SFBI had the best prices I could find on the web.  I bought the largest size, 31" X 36 at $10.50 each. 




    Used the other half yesterday's (Biga) dough to make two Batards.



    • Like 2
  7. Anna, I've never had the Brazilian Cheese Bread.   They look so light and airy. Definitely need to try these.

    Dcarch, the next stone I buy will be one that lets me bake longer baguettes.


    Fed my two sourdough starters yesterday. One with white and one with rye. 



    Made both a Biga and a Levain.



    Both were ready to use by late afternoon.


    Mixed up two batches of dough.  One for baguettes using the biga.



    Used half of the baguette dough and took four baguettes out of the oven just before bed.



    Sliced this morning. 

    • Like 2
  8. Perfectly cooked for me Anna, I prefer my eggs, well set.

    Robirdstk, that is Moe's favourite. And he likes them cooked just like yours. Perfect.


    Buttermilk Biscuits


    With Sausage gravy and scrambled eggs.

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