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    North Vancouver, BC

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  1. Matcha pound cake, matcha chiffon, matcha madelaines and matcha whipped cream. I would go easy on competing flavors, as it doesn't take much to overwhelm the matcha.
  2. sanrensho


    Not bad at all! I've paid about the same at local stores sometimes. I would definitely recommend against drying, there goes all that fresh basil flavor. And I think that freezing would definitely diminish the flavor over time. If it were me, and knowing how precious a find it is, I would make basil pesto that is heavy on the oil, and dribble that on dishes at the end for maximum flavor.
  3. sanrensho


    Nice find. Was it expensive? I know that there are people who freeze basil, but I wonder if you could also make a basil oil by heating slowly in oil. Of course, part of the attraction is having the leaves in the actual dish and it's non-traditional, but it seems like it would be a nice touch to drizzle with a bit of basil oil at the end. Just my $0.02.
  4. This is good advice and something I do with my sourdough loaves. (My kids are still young and struggle with a substantial crust.) I bake at a high temperature (425 degrees) until the crust achieves the desired color, usually about 17 minutes, then I rotate the loaves and cover with foil. In my case, I also lower the temperature although that may not be necessary. Although I would say that it shouldn't be necessary for ciabatta if you get the proofing right.
  5. By overproofing I am specifically referring to the final proof after shaping the bread. You can overproof to the point where slashing or moving the bread to the oven causes the structure of the bread to noticeably collapse. If your yeast is fresh and active, there is absolutely no reason to proof for even a few minutes, much less 15 minutes. I never do it anymore. If using instant yeast, whisk the yeast into the flour. If using active dry yeast, sprinkle the yeast on some of the water (warm), and just wait long enough until you can stir/whisk and dissolve the yeast. Then go ahead and start mixing. If you aren't already, I strongly recommend using weights for consistent results. Regarding the tough crust, it wouldn't hurt to use a probe thermometer, again for consistent results and to make sure you're not overbaking the bread. I don't usually bake ciabatta, but 200 degrees should be about good.
  6. Past tricks I've used to make bricks are: 1. Too low hydration (not enough water) 2. Insufficient proofing (in some cases producing tough crusts from it taking too long for heat to penetrate the underproofed brick) 3. Overproofing (collapsing of dough structure when moved to oven) 4. Unnecessary slashing or handling (collapsing of dough structure) There could also be insufficient yeast or underproofing relative to a small amount of yeast used. A recipe would help people analyze your problems more, as well as details such as proof time, shaping method and oven temps (are they accurate?).
  7. Are there any local roasters in your area? A potential future business opportunity?
  8. I haven't seen everything, but I have never seen a recipe that referred to the weight of gelatin after it has been bloomed. It is definitely referring to the dry (unbloomed) weight.
  9. I have a hard time believing that French cuisine is the mother cuisine to Japanese cuisine. Or Chinese cuisine for that matter.
  10. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I wouldn't expect to incorporate 67 grams of butter into a dough within a minute. It usually takes longer, especially if the dough is stiff. As far as dough stiffness, flours behave differently so you may need to adjust the flour quantity. At some point, you will reach a consistency that you like in the end product.
  11. Montreal bagel. But it would kill me to only be able to eat one type of bread.
  12. The fish is only part of the equation for me. The shari is the other part. So I would order nigiri right away. If there is too much rice, too soft, too vinegary, then that ruins it for me right away. Ika and tako are the two that I find most consistently unspectacular at sushi restaurants here in North America. If they can get those two right, then it says something. Not coincidentally, they would usually be the last thing I would order, from being disappointed too many times.
  13. This is the best suggestion so far. Unless specifically requested, I would stay away from religious symbols, figures or foreign scripture of any kind. (The latter will look especially bad unless written by a native speaker, and even then not everyone will understand it.) Same for religious scenes. The OP mentions that not all the guests are Buddhist, so I think that is a good cue to omit any religious overtones to the cake design. Why force that on the guests? I think Buddha's thoughts on wedding cakes are pretty much as you would expect. Tasteful design and good balance of flavors.
  14. I guess it depends on the students, but some kids might balk at curry and jump to the conclusion that it's "spicy." (Completely unfounded of course.) Gyoza would also have a 100% hit rate, and is not too bad cold. Crispy, deep-fried gyoza is even better if it has to be served cold. A classic bento food.
  15. Probably the easiest and most accessible thing I can think of for this application is yakisoba. Even better if there is a microwave on site (but not completely necessary).
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