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    Seattle, WA USA

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  1. https://shop.tillamook.com/products/makers-reserve-2014-extra-sharp-white-cheddar Tillamook has cheddars up to 10 years old available. I wouldn't be concerned about the quality of the cheese, but do be careful so you don't end up injured and posting in that 'never again' thread
  2. https://www.ampersanddairy.com/ ampersand butter, to go with your wildfarmed bread
  3. Are you planning to re-sell them or use them in producing food to sell? If not, I wouldn't worry about items for personal use.
  4. I have a shop, or more accurately a production kitchen where people can also shop. It's in an industrial area & I'm always a little surprised when people find me. I sell more wholesale to gift shops & gift basket companies than I do direct, which is fine. If you decide to go into business, check with your state Dept of Ag for their Cottage Food laws & if they aren't friendly to chocolate, look into commissary kitchens.
  5. IIRC, that's the 'bakery' discount, I think there's a 'chocolatier' discount as well but it's not as good so convince them you're a bakery if you can
  6. It's super satisfying when the bonbons come our all shiny and pretty, but excited customers doing involuntary happy dances are downright intoxicating. Makes all the hard parts of business worthwhile!
  7. I used to be a restaurant pastry chef, did mostly plated desserts for years. Now I'm focused on chocolate.
  8. @Saltychoc I use Felchlin Edelweiss, I'd say it's a little less sweet than Ivoire and a little less opaque than Opalys. Should be around $30-35/kg.
  9. I'd try wrapping it in a damp towel then in plastic for a day.
  10. Hygropalm 23
  11. @GRiker I don't think it's supposed to be instantaneous. I have the Rotronic, which lets you set a 'dwell time' of how long you want it to analyze the sample before computing. 20 minutes might be what you need for accuracy.
  12. Borrow money in this economy??? That is a rational fear. Rent is easy enough to figure out, just look at your local commercial real estate listings or talk to an agent. You already know your ingredient & packaging cost. Where are you? I agree that marketing is huge. You can make the best product but people need to know it exists before they can buy it.
  13. Oh yeah, you had mentioned that in your intro post. Also check out Caputo's and Worldwide Chocolate, they have pretty decent prices for retail and even re-pack some items into one pound bags. https://caputos.com/chocolate/ https://worldwidechocolate.com/
  14. They had been carrying a wide variety of Felchlin then had a clearance sale & now have a much more limited selection. I'd gotten some Sao Palme 60% & 43% plus some Edelweiss at way better prices than AUI, now those aren't listed. Sorry, not sorry for buying it all Worldwide Chocolate also carries Felchlin and will break cases but prices aren't great, even wholesale is higher than AUI. @MECO are you starting a business or are you sticking to small volumes for friends/family?
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