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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. I bought 10lbs of Rhubarb yesterday. It cost 2.00lb for 10 lbs or more or 2.50 for less so I picked up the 10lbs for the seniors. I figure it will freeze really well. ( as an aside, 3yrs ago in my first foodblog it cost 1.25lb). I'm making them a rhubarb custard cake( tomorrow). You bake up a vanilla cake( I'm using a mix) and then sprinkle with sugar and 2 cups of chopped rhubarb. 1 cup of whipping cream is poured over top and then the entire pan is baked in the oven. Check the senior thread on Friday for the pics.
  2. CI's strawberry cream cake. Darcie B made one on her blog and its looks great. I do plan on making it this year, but I'm waiting for our Ontario berries( which wont be here until June)
  3. We just put a GE Dual fuel in last November. I love it.
  4. I was looking at Mastercook. I'd heard its capable of doing costing.
  5. My spouse went there for a work xmas lunch and she said it was really good.
  6. I think she meant to say Domed muffin : )
  7. I actually wondered that too. Cows arent meant to eat corn so they're pumped with antibiotics and drugs so they can injest it. Whats so special about "corn fed" beef? I never ask a server what they'd reccomend or I'd never say " how is the fish" because I dont expect an honest answer. I'm sure when a server asks us how a meal is they dont expect to hear " it sucks". Do you always tell the truth when someone asks? I know I don't!! I suffer thru mediocre(mostly poor) meals in the area where I live because mostly all the food here sucks.
  8. Not to get too much off topic, but as I said upthread, I serve my seniors coolwhip( unless the whipped cream would be the star of the dessert) because 1L( 1US quart) of heavy whipping cream is $6.09. Dairy products are expensive in Canada.
  9. Kim, The kit kat cakes looks so good. I can totally taste it having just made the CI german chocolate cake. What a great idea to use a different frosting. The frosting looks so light and fluffy. I really should try an Italian Meringue Buttercream again. I've only made one once and it was great, but I'm always intimidated by hot sugar syrup!!
  10. I've never had a trifle in the US or Canada that had jello as a component. We just went to an English pub last week and I had the trifle. It was served in a larger wine glass and it had the sponge, liquor, custard and fruit cocktail. Pretty shabby for $7.29. The owner is English and there was no jello to be found.
  11. Here is a trifle I litterally threw together in 15 minutes( it kinda looks that way too, although it was really tasty). I used a store bought chocolate loaf cake( Farmer's Market Brand for the Canadians), I made 3x a batch of chocolate pudding. A really easy recipe from Epicurous that you can find here. I layered it with kahlua and fresh strawberries( I would have prefered to use raspberries, but the hosts requested strawberries). I whipped real cream for the top. When I cook for the seniors, I dont mind using cool whip, but when I'm bringing a dessert to a party, I want to use real cream. Believe me, these people probably wouldnt have noticed a difference either. They served us pasta with Classico brand alfredo sauce and parmesean cheese( in a can) that expired in 2004.
  12. I get the #12 on whole grain, almost every time. They do deliver really fast, which I really appreciate, and it feels like a healthier option than the other places that deliver, although I suspect it's really not. Don't burst my bubble please. I'm in denial. ← I actually went yesterday and contemplated the whole grain. But, I smell the white stuff baking( and I never consume white bread at home) and it smells soooo good and then I cave in. I always wonder how fresh the whole grain is. They keep it in this big platic bucket( cambro?) on top of the counter. It doesnt look that appealing to me. There is nutritionally information on the website. Personally, I didnt find it that bad.
  13. I really want to try the tuna, but I can't get past the "chunk light". I find dark tuna too "cat foody" for my palate. I'm sure my body is just full of mercury from all the albacore I consume.
  14. Nice! Did you use the optional matzo meal? I'd like to make them but don't have the meal. Does it make a big difference? ← Yes, I did use the matzo meal( cause I always have it). I'm sure you can sub out some flour instead. My mom always used matzo meal when we were groing up, but I've made some pretty good latkas at a former job using flour.
  15. I live in Ontario, but I make frequent trips to Port Huron, MI. I was surprised and delighted when I found this new sandwich shop. I think the quality is 100x better than Subway. I've never been fond of a toasted sandwich so Quizno's just doesnt do it for me. I really like Jimmy John's. The sandwiches are either on a 8" white sub roll or thick cut whole grain bread. You tell the cashier what you want instead of walking down a slow line watching your sandwich( ie: Subway) I usually get the #12 Turkey, avocado spread, provolone, sprouts, cucumber, mayo, onion and oil and vinegar. You can check it out here. Have you ever had it? What do you think?
  16. I made these latka's back in December. They were amazing, the best ones I've ever made. Once again CI's method comes through!!
  17. I've never even heard of it. However, if you can believe the reviews on Amazon, its going to be good. Did you see that thread I started on CI boards about the extract I bought on ebay? I gotta a lot of flack for buying Mexican vanilla extract, but I'm not really worried about it.
  18. My spouse oversees a program for medically fragile individuals. Most of them require blended food. When she gets home from work, I'll ask her what blender they use at the program.
  19. I've suggested selling "tickets", but I'm just a low woman on the totem pole and thus far they havent listened to me. I'm not held responsible for going over budget, but it still bugs me when I do ( when it actually has nothing to do with me)
  20. Thanks for asking and thanks for your comments. I think I'm going to make sloppy Joes next week( ground beef is on for 1.79lb). I found a recipe from TAH that uses BBQ sauce and grape Jelly and it doesnt appear to be too spicy. As an aside, if I was cooking for "myself", I'd make the sloppy joes using a different recipe( a little more spicy) and I'd use ground turkey!!! I havent decided if I'll make mashed or baked potatoes, depends on how much Russets are. The salad and dessert are still undecided. Yeah, prices are going sky high. Its kinda freaking me out. I paid 6.09 for a Litre ( 1 quart) of heavy cream last month. I guess I just have to deal with it, as I already try to get the best deals that I can. I'm waiting for a farm in town to have rhubarb because I have a nice( inexpensive) dessert planned with that. What has been bugging me more lately is that people arent calling to cancel. We have a standing list of the same diners everytime so I'm told the number of people to buy for. I don't come in at budget when 15 of those people dont show up!!
  21. Did I ever use the word HATE? I dont think so. I come here to vent!! I don't hate it, I just wish they wouldnt complain so much and appreciate the effort I put into it. I dont like HAM. I eat a very small amount of pork. I wish you and Tri2cook would stop focusing on my eating habits. That wasnt the point of this thread. Well, its too bad that you wouldnt want me cooking for you. I'm an excellent cook and yes, I did tell them I dont eat beef. Its no big deal. I oversee 3-5 volunteers so I always have someone available who can taste something for me. Why do you think I'm not cooking for them? Hello, if I was only cooking for myself, I wouldnt serve beef at all. I'd make more exotic things( stir fries, etc and yes a stir fry is exotic for these folks) Btw, I made scalloped potoates the first dining program of the month. I'm sorry, but I refuse to make mashed potatoes each time I cook. I scour Taste of Home magazine( ya know the magazine of 1,000 country cooks) for recipes I think they'd like. I search out the best deals ( often shopping at 3 different stores) so I can get them fresh veg or make them a cheesecake occasionally( cream cheese is expensive) I feel like I need to defend myself here, but I shouldnt have to. Prior to me cooking for them, the previous cook NEVER made a fresh vegetable. I ALWAYS do. Should I just make them frozen because thats what they're used to? Should I give them bottled salad dressing because thats what they like? Or, should I introduce them to homeade dressing and oven roasted asparagus( which they love). Well, until I can practice law here in Ontario, I'm not giving this job up!! So there!!
  22. I'm glad you asked that Alex, because although I havent eaten red meat in 20+ years, I *accidentally* ingested some at The Common Grill in February. Robin and I went for a belated Vday dinner. I ordered a mixed grill platter. The menu description said " grilled chicken, bacon wrapped shrimp and tenderloin. The menu item under that was a grilled pork tenderloin with some type of sauce. I guess since I saw the word tenderloin, I thought Pork( which I do eat on occasion). The server even asked me how I wanted the tenderloin cooked and I said 160F. She said, medium, well, rare, etc. Still, I just didnt even think tenderloin= beef. I remarked to Robin " no one has ever asked me how I wanted my pork cooked". Robin even thought Pork tenderloin when reading the menu. Anyway, long story short, it came, I said to myself " wow, my pork tenderloin looks different". I ate a bite, than another( thinking wow, my pork sure tasted different too". Robin took a bite( she also hasnt eaten red meat in about 6 years). Robin said " this is beef". I said " No it isnt". She called the server over who said " yep, its beef tenderloin". By this point I was totally disgusted and I felt *dirty* for having eaten that. They removed the plate, brought me some more shrimp, but after that I couldnt eat. So to answer your question. NO, NO and NO. I dont feel like I'm missing anything( unless of course you want to count all the antibiotics and hormones pumped into factory farmed animals). And before someone makes a comment regarding chicken. I'm slowing weaning that from my diet too.
  23. *sigh* I just can't seem to get fried chicken down. It never comes out right. Robin has finally said " you dont have to bother making this anymore". Sad eh!!!
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