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jess mebane

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Posts posted by jess mebane

  1. Oh, and then I cook for the two of us after we tuck the kids in for the night!

    We do the same thing. I look forward to the day when all babies are big enough to join us at the grownups' table, but until then it is a short respite, an atoll of quiet, a soothing oas--wait, the middle one just disassembled his crib again....

    Picky eaters press their mother's hysteria button, because after all it is our first instinct to nurture, and what is wrong with you that your beloved offspring won't feed? NOTHING. Well, nothing a circus balloon-sized glass of red wine and good night's sleep wouldn't cure. God bless you and your house!

    I had a boy that wouldn't eat anything but dreadful Goldfish crackers and Cheerios, and I thought I would lose my mind. Then he went to Granny and Grandaddy's house for a week, and watched his cousins scarf everything, watched my parents nonchalantly scrape his untouched plate into the trash, and then watched his own little self go to bed without the irradiated orange fish pellets. Said boy came home with a refined taste for green beans, actual fresh fish and cream chipped beef--I blame Grandaddy for that last one, but it was wonderful and we've never looked back.

    Now, congratulations and good health to you by the way, and may I offer my mother's droning advice: This too shall pass!

  2. I have never been to Kemah ever because I just envision a Joes Crab shack and Aquarium mix a la Evil Empire (Fertitta) but after this article and this thread I want to try one of these places like Topwater.  It would hurt me to just see that Landry stuff.  Can you get to the recommended restaurants without driving through all that stuff?

    I weep for America.

    Don't cry. Remember that hating Fertitta makes you one of millions of Houstonians who consider hating Fertitta a treasured indoor sport; also remember that Houston is big enough to accommodate Mr. Fartypants and several other decent waterfront joints, thankyouverymuch Fifi!

  3. For us, the kids are becoming less suspicious of new foods, so every time I take them to a chain I worry about becoming part of the GMO-meets-SYSCO machine; that being said, sometimes you just cannot bear the idea of thrashing the kitchen one more time that day, and Outback makes a decent hockey puck of beef with a decent-er caesar salad. You don't wanna have one of these meals and cruise through the slow food diary thread over there in Italy, is what I'm sayin'.

  4. I also like champagne with BBQ. Maybe champagne cocktails?

    Edit to say, what I actually like even better with BBQ is cava. Cava cocktails instead, then?

    I second the champagne idea. And as a recent ex-pat of the BBQ capital (Lockhart, TX), may I also suggest the champagne of beers, MHL.

  5. I would like to hear a little more advice on herb container gardening in Texas. Are there some herbs that can't take the heat?

    The herb guru at my local Whole Foods did confirm what someone else told me --- that you can't put Rosemary and Clinatro in the same pot, because they will effect each other in such a way that their flavors will mix, with one tasting like the other. Has anyone experienced this? Any other quirky combinations? Or ones that really work well together?

    Any specific recommendations for potting soils? Commercial or mix-your-own?

    I have not heard of the rosemary and cilantro thing, but I do watch with fascination to see which neighbors in the garden seem to cross pollinate and take on some of the other's characteristics; for example, I had basil and habanero rubbing shoulders all summer last year, and the basil began growing larger, flatter leaves.

    For your purposes, I think you should pick your favorites and go with it. Go Simon and Garfunkel with it. Martha Stewart had a show years ago where she used a strawberry pot to plant a kitchen herb selection, and I've always wanted to try that. Save yourself some time and effort and go with commercial potting mix, because most herbs are not picky, essentially being weeds with good intentions.

    Hey, and if you get them in the ground/pot tomorrow, it's a full moon--supposed to be good luck for the whole growing season!

  6. Bebe is just gorgeous, as is her mother. Congratulations to you both!

    I'm a little verklempt; talk amongst yourselves. The topic will be: Which is more beautiful, a new mother, a new baby, or a new mother and baby together?

    Blessings upon the Castaneda house. Selah!

  7. So . . . Do tell us what a "college kid" buys at a grocery like that. Inquiring minds want to know.  :biggrin:

    Groovy Gruyere Doritos and Beer, right? But seriously folks, I'm with FTex on the unTexan vibe of the Whole Foods chain now. Central Market is a Byzantine mouse maze, but there is a general, "Y'all come back now and spend another $75 on cheese, y'hear?" thing going on.

  8. Just did a bit of research on the authenticity of Southern macaroni & cheese dishes and have come to understand that the bread crumbs (sometimes replaced by saltine crumbs) were put on top of the casserole to absorb the excess oils from the butter. And, it appears, that some did use them while others did not ... nothing very revelatory but interesting nonetheless!

    Nothing very revelatory, indeed! Specious research which reveals southerners topping m&c with bread dust to "absorb excess oils from the butter" is akin to research showing mint were applied to juleps to absorb excess bourbon. It does explain, perhaps, whence from the term "Cracker" might've originated.

  9. Since the weather seems to continue to be perverse, I thought I would bump this up and see what folks are up to so I can continue my vicarious gardening. I am planning my herb pots for the balconey.  Do any of you have suggestions on what will absolutely NOT work well in the same pot?

    All herbs are compatible; there are only a few garden heavyweights that can't play nicely together, like corn and tomatoes.

    Did anyone else rush right out into the much-needed sunshine to buy up peppers and tomatoes? I've been on a hunt for Early Girl, and finally ran her to ground at Red Barn, if anyone else in Austin is lacking............

  10. Tis the season to zest your limones

    Fa lalalala


    Grab a handful of yellow cajones

    Fa lalalala


    Clean we now our deco glassware

    Fa lalalalalalalala!

    Pick your favy Russian to pair



    la Limoncello

    The winter fades; don't get caught this summer without a decent batch of the cloudy stuff :smile:

  11. Late-nite Jack in the Box: My husband and I will each get a sourdough burger and the two skeevy tacos for .99, and then out of consideration sleep in different rooms. I've grogged up after one of these meals to get the pepto and seen our dog stagger out from under the master bed and hurl herself at the back door, as if another second with our flatulence would prove fatal.

  12. At this time I know I'll be putting substantial corn in. I feel a primal need to stand out in the corn and hear the squeaks and slithers while it grows! How I have missed dirty fingernails!!

    Now Mabelline, make sure you plant enough rows to accommodate the pilfering teenagers! :wink:

    And thank you again for the wilhite folks--Sometimes a well-worn Burpee catalog won't get you past February, 'know?

  13. On Christmas Eve I made the obligatory rib roast, then we went to Big Momma's hse and had a whack at two more rib roasts, then on to little Granny and Grandaddy's house on la prairie with yet another rib roast. Tonight, I believe we shall have salad.

    Joyeaux Noel, y'all!

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