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jess mebane

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Posts posted by jess mebane

  1. OK... Further discussion puts some doubt on the use of Karo syrup in Aunt Minnie's recipe. We are now suspecting that she used Imperial (Sugarland, TX) light brown cane sugar. Research continues.

    She did. I'm just saying, Feef, b/c we have a shared nostalgia of holidays in Tejas.

    Anyhoo, the real test of pecan pie in the South is as a general bellwether of the event in context. For example, if you successfully survived the interminable Thanksgiving dinner where a loved one weeped silently into their side dishes over a lost paramour, then you, by god, deserved a big piece of p. pie. If on the other hand, much celebration was made of the Christmas season and everyone attending, then you, by god, needed a big piece of p. pie to soften the blow of a perhaps corky Korbel vintage. Pecan pie, in short, is the glue that holds southern gothic together until restraining orders and repos rent us asunder.

  2. Tomato tango music anyone? 

    Just bought some creole seeds off Ebay---seriously, it's the best birthday gift a gal can give herself!

    So, you lucky gal, when are you starting these magic seeds? Have you grown these before, jess? I haven't -- but would love to! May need to check out ebay myself. I wouldn't have thought of that for seeds -- good tip. :wink:

    Typically, I start seeds after a brief procrastination period somewhen in late Dec. This year I thought I might start earlier to get hardier specimen in the ground, but I'd hate for them to get windy-legged and pale from too much too soon. What do you think is the best time for seed starting in these parts? And is anyone trying onion sets or seeds this winter? I'd like to start some leeks, and have no earthly as to what to do or expect.

  3. Jess:  Triple creme brie is a tell.  Lay in some red wine and Advil --- fast.  If possible retire to your couch with something by Josephine Tey, Georgette Heyer or Carl Hiasson.

    Wine, Advil and Hiaason--these three gifts of the Magi :smile: can get a girl thru, for certain. If I may stray off-topic amongst friends, can anyone help with an AHA disaster? I bought a bar of organic soap with alpha-hydroxy stuff in it, and it has fried my eyelids. Is there an antidote to this particular fresh hell?

    And just to get back on-topic before Perlow releases the 'ounds, I weaned myself off brie with some camembert, and have since consumed Kodiak bear quantities of salmon sashimi. Feeling better, if verbose.

  4. Quite by accident, I know of two. The chef at Grapevine Mkt here in Austin recommended a Boschendal chardonnay, and then later when it was out of stock, the manager rec'd a Bartho Ecksteen Sauvignon Blanc. Both were lovely, and I sincerely hope not part of the "peppering up" scandal mentioned in earlier threads. I'm giving the latter as a Xmas present to father-in-law, in hopes we'll get some relief from the Coppola and Lindeman's.

  5. Well, if I have a glass of wine at night most of my symptoms disappear

    Turning now in our hymnals to pg. 334:

    Oooh, Tannin balm, Oh Tannin balm .......(hee-hee!)

    Oh, Miss Jess-- you are sooo funny! I'll be singing this particular carol every opportunity I get, and I can make some opportunities.

    Magali, the world is a better place with your sunny presence in it. And by the by, I've had a bit of Triple Cream brie with every meal for the past five days, if it means anything.

  6. Seems like Martha used to preach on how butter vats/lots, etc. had salt added rather indiscriminately, leaving no way to know how much there was per pound. After years of unsalted living, the salted seems a little briny on toast.

  7. Official gardening season results are in and tabulated from Chez Hopleaf and there will not be a recount.

    Squirrels: 2

    Hopleaf:  0

    That's the second season in a row that those cute furry-tailed critters have decimated my tomato crop. I'm asking Santa for an air gun for Christmas. (I know, I know...I'll shoot my eye out!)

    My herbs did very well this year tho, good lavender, great thyme, and the old trusty sage kicked butt.

    And my raspberry brambles are ready for transplant. Started those two years ago and waited with baited breath as some of them didn't look too healthy.

    dude, not to get PETA on my tail, but have you considered the uh, "invisible fence" routine?

  8. For the trees themselves:

    Does anyone know of specific sources? Not necessarily online sources. There are shipping problems for Chef Metcalf, as US sources shipping to Vancouver would necessitate a risky layover in Customs.

    Texas, as a citrus producing state, will not allow commercial importation of citrus trees from another state.

    For me to actually see the tree before purchasing would be preferable. Any nurseries sources in the Austin area? However, I'm willing to be open to anything!

    I got a baby specimen at Howard's on Koenig, if that helps.

  9. Coffee with heavy cream and splenda, ice water and. . .


    Foie gras with toast points, peach preserves and creamy scrambled eggs. My favorite breakfast, actually. My boyfriend brought home some leftover foie gras from work, which seems like some kind of weird oxymoron. How does one have "leftover" foie gras? Well, these are some of the little end pieces that don't make a perfect restaurant slice. They still taste pretty darned good, though.

    Wow what a terrific breakfast your boyfriend made for you! He must really be wonderful! :biggrin:

    GREAT DAY IN THE MORNIN'! Now I must waddle over to the PMS thread and add this little mugshot--thanks, f'tutor!

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