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Everything posted by Safran

  1. Jaz, Dinner looks GOOD! And those cocktails! Did I read right when you said pressure cookers? Why and which models? Do you use them often? I thought I was the only one with two pressure cookers, a tall one and a squat one. Again, this is such a cool blog. Thank you for showing us your kitchen. I could work in there too.
  2. ...and don't forget...we want pics of your kitchen!!! (Open those cupboard doors and show your stash ) Am very much looking forward to your blog!!!
  3. Hey....I disagree... I thought it looked really neat and would have loved to have been at your place for dinner. Looks yummy!! And yep, ripping carpet gives one a sense of achievement!
  4. Megan, this was just too cool....I like the way you pace yourself, the ease with which you include the little things of daily life into your blog. I feel not like a voyeur but more like a traveling companion. You definitely have the touch! Thank you so very much and, hopefully, we'll travel again together in blogland in the future. Safran
  5. Yup, I like your style! I, too, go by the same principles....they keep on coming back...
  6. Yesss!! I'm not the only one!
  7. Megan, I can't believe you made all that and had guests "the day after the night before"...I'd still be in bed. Amazing! And the food looked WONDERFUL! This blog is awesome! Am so enjoying this!
  8. Hey, Megan, this will be one cool week! Can hardly wait for the food and the pictures - I'll be visiting New York trough your eyes. Happy blogging!!!
  9. Marlene, Snowangel, Dave, This has been a nail-biting blog and I've enjoyed every single moment of it...the food, the real-life choices, the HONESTY. I found you so respectful of us by admitting when things weren't going well when the three of you could actually have chosen to omit or simply lie about things. And the FOOD, what can I say about the food?? I wanted to sit at each and every one of your tables and eat with you...and in a way, I felt that I have. Thank you for having me as a guest. edited to add: That smoke-free Durango will never be the same again...
  10. After your drink (and after you close your vents), check out Grillmaster's Garden. Shipping to Canada no problem. ← Oh!! Thanks Dave!!! I was starting to feel deprived here in Ottawa thinking that Amazon was off-limits..
  11. Good morning Marlene! Hope it isn't quite as cold where you are as here in Ottawa...brrrrrr......... Good luck with the smoking!
  12. Get the Benriner...you won't regret it. Just use your WS credit for something else....
  13. Safran

    Le Creuset

    I have two that were handed down to me. I love them! And yes, I use ice.
  14. Good morning Snow Angel and Marlene! It's a bright, crisp day here, excellent for new beginnings!! Heavens, Snow Angel, just COUNT the ciggies you DIDN'T smoke. If that isn't progress, I don't know what is! I find that both of you are far, far too hard on yourselves. You've done well....now, as Marlene says, let's try to find Dave either under a stack of computer stuff of cigarette packs...it's ok Dave, we love you too!!! I really, really enjoy this blog, the food, life as it goes because yes, all of this is very much linked. Happy cooking, dear friends!
  15. Snowangel...I suspect Dave is also having a really rough time...thank you so much for sharing this with us. I will never-never-never-never ask my 80 year old mother to quit again. Thank you for that! Meanwhile, you and Marlene and Dave and the others that have decided to go for it are in my thoughts.
  16. Hé, Maggie, Two more for me: The Silver Spoon and Mangoes & Curry Leaves...
  17. Dear bleu, Merde!!! This is said with enthusiasm and respect! Safran
  18. Bonjour bleu, May the golden apple fall in the palm of your hand... I, too, will be following your blog path for the coming week! Safran ps: the serviettes with your initials make me want to sit at your table!
  19. Abra, You have been a wonderful ambassador, presenting your area in such a way that I now wish to visit! Thank you so much for the wonderful food and scenery. I sensed a different pace of life in your corner of the world... I was also amazed by your spontaneity and sense of adventure with food, oh wow!!! Safran
  20. The Dutch theme looks wonderful, but seeing that Paula is the guest this week, why not do French??
  21. Oh Abra, ....a sitdown affair six hours away, you had no chance to see the kitchen beforehand and your 'helpers' were under 15????? With a storyline like that, I'm hooked for the week.... Blog on!
  22. I have most of your books...and my bookshelves are waiting for your new one!
  23. Safran

    Le Creuset

    snowangel, I have pan envy! Especially at that price! Well done!
  24. Ohhhhh! This is indeed a great blog!!!! And yes, Sam should indeed go away more often.....
  25. Oh yes, Alex, I am a firm believer of pruning. I pull out the books that I haven't opened in two years or more and go through them. If I see things that excite me, or that I want to cook, the book goes back on the shelf. If nothing of the sort happens, the book goes into a pile. I recheck this pile a week later. I then invite friends to serve themselves. The remaining books are put in a Rubbermaid container and brought to whichever local church takes books for their book fair. I have never had a church refuse cookbooks; they seem to be bestsellers. Have I ever regretted parting with a book? No. This system seems to work for me.
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