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Posts posted by racheld

  1. A couple  cooking a late dinner of lamb curry and tea, interrupted by a neighbor.

    Adam and Amanda are interrupted by Kip(?)  with a song in Adam's Rib ( one of the many movies I would pretend to be too sick for school for to watch on Midday Movies in Oz. :biggrin:

    when I broke my ankle aged 10 I was in seventh heaven :smile:  :smile:

    Faaaarrrewellll, A-MAN-da!! Adios. . . :wub:

    Right you are.

    Those were the days.


    137.  Newspaper-wrapped fish.

    Formula 51

    Could be, and I'd give you credit, but it was a second clue for Movie #137, The Godfather, which has been solved. It was sent to signify that Luca Brazzi slept with the fishes.

    Well, technically (anally :raz: ) the two fish were wrappped in Brazzis woefully inadequate bullet-proof vest which was then wrapped in plain, brown paper.

    I bow to your correction---that movie made quite an impression on me---went to see it in Denver as a first-run, and don't think I've seen the whole thing since. Did you rewind and look to see the wrappings, or do you have such a perfect memory?

    Wow. Apologies. I grovel. I cringe.

    Carry on.

  3. Spring: the White asparagus dinner, asparagus with ham, boiled potatoes, eggs and lots of melted butter

    An echo from far away, from pictures and descriptions LAST Spring---it is THE perfect first-hint-of-Spring meal.

    We've always had lots of green asparagus during the season, but the white just seems a voluptuous siren-call, the long pale tenderness creamy in the mouth, and the richness of the melted butter, with the nearly-gold, orange-centered egg halves lying waiting. The little pink curls of ham are lagniappe, salt to the sweetness and asparagus-bitter mouthfuls.

    The whiteness of the potato, both colour and flavour, is a moment's rest from the sensory overload of asparagus, butter, softly-gelled egg yolk. It's a pillow of a meal, all sumptuous textures and tastes, with a crunch of salt to the teeth and a runnel of buttermelt painting the plate.

    Fat round shocks of the tall white stems with their tight-furled fist-tops have stood in the icy pan in our favourite grocery for days now, but only when the windows are all open, the sheers billowing in the soft breezes, will I buy, and steam, and savour.

    Chufi is a true Goblin Market Elf.

  4. "The Ides of March are celebrated every year by the Rome Hash House Harriers with a toga run in the streets of Rome, in the same place where Julius Caesar was killed."

    SB (just wondered if anybody else on eGullet had the same odd taste in trivia and late night tv as me? :blink: )

    Sorry---I must have been typing whilst you were posting---didn't mean to step on your toes AFTER you posted this.

    Yes. Ours is decidedly odd, all of us. Late night TV---I once won a poetry contest about a lonely woman. They said the deciding line was,

    "And closets full of midnight-ordered junk from Ron Popeil." :rolleyes:

  5. And, (extra credit if you get this one), Hash? :rolleyes:

    Hamburgers are coming to mind.

    And perhaps chips and Doritos and brownies and Cheerios right out of the box, all eaten at midnight and unremembered in the light of day? Is that the appropriate hash?

    Or are you referring to the Hash House guys, and is it true that they wear their togas sans culottes as a Scotsman wears his kilt?

  6. Hi All

    Wonderful, wonderful pictures and recipes, I look forward to contributing soon with some genuine Greek cooking, "just the way my mama made it"

    In the meantime if anyone needs first hand advice on Greek cuisine feel free to ask.

    See ya soon

    A hearty WELCOME and please cook!!! And photograph.

  7. Apologies if these are already covered, though I doubt it, as I have skipped 25-ish pages......any way here goes my tuppence worth.

    **I`m gonna have the kalamari** - clue, psychopathic Ghandi.

    **You got a good Sasparilla** - no clue, too easy.

    **Blackpuddings are no good to us! I want somethings FLESH!** - clue, a failed Hamlet.

    (I fully expect Racheld to pounce on this one!)

    Awwww!! Withnail :wub: Strutting and fretting, indeed.

    PS---don't know the others, but I heard someone mention the Kalamari desert on TV recently.

  8. Wow, Nishla, you returned with a flourish!! The apple slices are little works of art---the whole picture belongs in a frame. And the "long peppers, ground-up"---what are they? It looks like a scatter of ground peppercorns, but were they raw and green?

    The Ziti would grace any long, sunny Sunday table under the grape arbor, with wine in little tumblers, two dozen mismatched chairs, and a big, laughing family gathered round.

    And the noodle dish---hot or cold?

  9. I MISSED IT!!! :angry: Is it ALWAYS Ides-Eve?

    Mine woulda been a creamy-dream of a lemon icebox pie, with pale yellow double filling piled high into a Nilla wafer/macadamia crust, and a meringue swirled into ALL the Greek letters, special emphasis on the Omega and Omicron.

    A quick shusssh from my new so-big-I-have-to-use-both-hands kitchen torch, and the handwriting's on the plate.

    rachel (who finds herself muttering Avogadro's number when navigating heavy traffic) :wacko:

  10. No more photo pics from me for a while.  We had a break-in on Saturday and the basta&d took both of my cameras.  He would have walked out the door with our laptop too if Moe hadn't walked in on him.


    I'm so glad you and Moe were not harmed---the mingy little weasel must have run for his life. Poo on all sneaky, craven snaglets who take other people's stuff. :angry:

    He doesn't deserve the courtesy of an ampersand.

  11. gallery_1978_2925_189765.jpg

    ma po tofu from hzrt8w recipe. Really great thanks hzrt8w.

    I think we're all in love with hzrt8w's ma po tofu. Even though we just had a lovely roast chicken, baked potatoes, and a lively green salad, I'd love to be smelling that garlicky, gingery sauce simmering right now.

    Everyone who's made it by his recipe, raise your hand.

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