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Posts posted by racheld

  1. I do not have a link, just a memory of all the comic-book picnics of my childhood. Every character, from Mighty Mouse to Heckle and Jeckle, seemed to have the same basket, checkered cloth spread upon the ground, and the obligatory bottle of wine, a whole ham or roast chicken on a plate, a loaf of crusty brown bread, and a bowl of fruit, with several bananas standing proudly and a swag of hanging grapes.

    Going on a picnic with my parents, even with sandwiches and cold fried chicken, maybe a watermelon chilled in the cold stream, just lost a lot in the translation from that brimming basket of brightly-colored goodies, to Tupperware and an oilcloth spread upon a concrete table in the park.

    I now, however, have a collection of many of the flip-top RedMan picnic baskets, in which we have carried many a nice spread to be laid upon a cloth on the grass. Even if the fruit IS transported in a snap-top plastic box, it's arranged prettily, grapes spilling attractively over the side, before we begin our lunch. :wub:

  2. Thanks, Kim!! That was a neat first-cup whileaway. :wub: I'm sharing it later.

    Once, while putting a bushel of yellow squash in the freezer, we found several conjoined ones, along with quite a few graceful crooknecks. We were catering a Wedding Rehearsal dinner at the country club in a couple of nights, so Caro made an elegant little wedding party of swans, skating down a mirror on the salad buffet. A few wisps of tulle, a couple of cut-paper black ties, a tiny white clerical collar, and they were a great conversation piece.

  3. Grim and gritty and totally mesmerizing---the steps from being put in the kitchen, to being OF the kitchen because it's where the goodies are, to being there because there IS no better place and it's where you have to be in order to breathe---phrased and narrated in images rounded as an apple presented on a palm.

    Can't wait for the next chapters. (Or is the book ALREADY out?)


    ps Bay leaf in collards---that's a new one to me. Where was your chef FROM?

  4. And re: Rosemary's baby: "No, Guy; it has a chalky aftertaste."

    Actually, I believe that's chalky undertaste. (If memory serves.)

    Also, one of the characters (Ruth Gordon?) refers to the dessert as 'chocolate mouse' somewhere along the way (again IIRC.)

    You and your charming marmalady cat are quite right. I've seen the movie twice, I think, once this year, and both times were quite impressive---the first time was on a DATE at a drive-in movie---with my younger sister sitting in the back seat.

    I was trying to think how I would spell Mia's classy diction, learnt at the knee of the elegant Jane herself, and thinking of Ah-fta put me on the wrong track.

    I blush. Carry on.

  5. caroled was correct---71 was Father of the Bride #2---sorry.

    We didn't confer on these, and after she posted, she left for work, calling back over her shoulder, "We'll have the chipper chicken!!!" My feeble mind took it as confirmation, just because. Sorry I didn't post to clear it.

    And re: Rosemary's baby: "No, Guy; it has a chalky aftertaste."

    Thanks for omitting the reflected-in-the-toaster liver-gorging moment.

  6. Would this be #84?

    Two minute scene:  Mom bustles home from work, grabs two little saucepans, dumps a cup of Minute rice in one, a can of tuna and a can of mushroom soup into the other, and as she scritches them around with a fork, yells, "Dinner's ready."

    I think this is Desert Bloom about the 3 girls and mum and dad with a gas station?? Actually it's a guess cos it rings a big bell??

    CORRECT!!! And when Rose ran away from home, she carried a heavy suitcase full of mushroom soup, because that's all she knew how to cook.

  7. 70. "A little sprinkle of tapioca in the cherry pie, just like Mama did," just before the cook is coaxed down onto the floor with her husband, with her "Apron up around her ears."

    (bonus clue: same movie features a roast chicken dinner used to decorate the dining room walls)

    Is this one Sweet Dreams, the movie about Patsy Cline?

    Yes. :biggrin:

  8. #70:  I can't remember the name of the movie, but was it the one with Laura Linney (?) and Bob Dreyfuss about the fire bombers?  About the only time you'll see a B-26 Marauder in flight in color these days?

    ”Always", IIRC

    Not this time. That's the one where Holly Hunter "made" her date dinner by opening hot deli-foil packages and made it look homemade by scattering flour over the table, the floor and herself.

    And she always dreamed of peaches.

  9. Yes. 27. "One ostrich egg to feed a crowd for dinner,"  "A signature yell," and "In the jungle." --from one of the Tarzan movies starring Johnny Weissmuller.

    In the one I remember, (and had mentioned in some obscure movie-themed thread on this or another food site), Jane has the egg bubbling away in a stone pot over the fire---she takes it out, whacks it gently all over with a stone-age hatchet, and peels it neatly. She then cuts it into wedges (quite a trick---not a single bit of yolk falls free from the white) and serves it to several tally-ho types with cocktails. (Don't know where she got those).

    May I mention a few?

    Spaghetti carbonara, served in big bowls in bed

    "A little sprinkle of tapioca in the cherry pie, just like Mama did," just before the cook is coaxed down onto the floor with her husband, with her "Apron up around her ears."

    (bonus clue: same movie features a roast chicken dinner used to decorate the dining room walls)

    Saffodd and Keck

    A decapitated chopped-liver chicken

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