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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by moosnsqrl

  1. Elements is already living in my kitchen . . . it definitely passes the size:usefulness test! I personally love Michael's prose . . . I am fishing "real time" for some gems but will assemble a collection and post ensemble. Maybe it's an Ohio cadence, but his phrasing really entertains me.
  2. Putting the irony in Iron Chef, Kat "I have no qualifications for this" Kora kept yammering away about what was and was not iron chef material. Dio mio! I guess if anyone would be acutely aware of "it," she would, but I can only imagine how much it made both finalists want to cringe having to listen to her. Please could we lose you and install both of these real chefs into the pantheon?
  3. Nonsense - the Chef de Cuisine already wears a Tigers hat - Detroit is no stretch at all. I give the specials one visit from Zeemanb before they're off. I am available, with vocal stylings and rapier wit, for your entertainment needs. I'll be here all week - try the veal - and don't forget to tip your server
  4. removing duplicate post
  5. Hmmm, when I came to town he made up some lame excuse about having been out of town for a week, mother-in-law taking care of Lukas, etc, etc. So I ate downtown by myself. Sniff, sniff. Guess I know where I rate now.
  6. While most of the information about history of "the four tastes" and discovery of the 5th is probably known to most of you, I especially enjoyed the authors' conclusion that there is much to be learned from artists (in this case, chefs) whose sensibility is such that they can discover things pure science cannot. Read/listen to it here. Who says cooking isn't rocket science?
  7. Chef Smith's more casual, tapas-y place that's set to open in the space formerly known as The Blue Gallery, adjacent to his eponymous restaurant. It was originally slated for October, IIRC.
  8. I wanted to try the potted pork but it was that OR pizza, being alone. I heard Rob (or one of the servers, my mind is going) explaining the presence of both brussels sprout items. I think the roasted will disappear and the crispy/cruncy will remain after what was a type-o. Looks like Chef Rob is online - perhaps he'll confirm or refute and answer the question about how often the menu will change? And one more note - the next day leftover half of my margherita was delicious and I kind of factor that in with my overall take on pizza, since I can never eat a whole one. I also really like the flavor of the olive oil they're using FWIW.
  9. I had lunch there yesterday - alone, so I didn't get to try much. I ordered a simple Margherita. It was good but not a "classic" margherita as it used a tomatoe sauce rathern than slices and also featured roasted garlic. It was delicious - don't get me wrong - just not what would be recognized as a Margherita in the mother country. Oh, and I also had a wonderfully crunchy, fennel-y breadstick. They weren't like grisini, more square and crunchier, almost like savory biscotti. The antipasti looked great but, again, I needed back-up. I'll defintely return.
  10. Thank you so much for sharing this. They're one of my favorite foods and I've never had much luck with them - and that's putting it mildly. I generally use Hero ones out of the package because they're frankly better than any result I've had. I can't wait to try this. BTW, I *think* the Hero ones are in safflower oil or something of the sort. Probably so they can be shelf-stable but curious if that is a common variation on the theme or is butter the gold standard?
  11. Hey, been offline for a while but very much hoping to attend the '08 Gathering. My only thought on July/August is that your growing season is a zone behind the nether regions of the Heartland so the really good summer bounty will need a nudge toward the August side. I've been known to fly there with 20# of tomatoes but security has made that a bit dodgier so don't make it too early. I'm not sure my pagan self would be welcome in a monastery. Maybe this place would be more apt? Just kidding - wherever it is, looking forward. I just read the Saveur and it made me realize how many stones I've left unturned there.
  12. Quite aside from the distinction between the Midwest Region and the Chicago Region, Chef Bowles is no longer under 30, as noted in this bio on the Peninsula Chicago's website. ← They grow up so quickly. Sigh.
  13. Jake often has fresh burrata at Bella Napoli but call first to avoid disappointment. He's in Rome now, IIRC, so definitely call ahead - don't know who does the ordering in his absence. And as for the rest of you bickering about quotes and such, behave! Can't I take a couple of weeks off without returning to this? You're as bad as my cats, honestly. Howard, sounds like you got some help and are back among the living. Glad to have you on board. Since everyone and their dog will be flocking to Smithville I'll be making the local rounds and hop see you all soon.
  14. Joe's suggestion is good if you can work them into your schedule. I've never been able to do that but, if you're like most of my friends who went to KU Law, you should have plenty of free time
  15. That's consistent with what I've heard. I've not attended a class there but a friend who once taught for them cautioned me that it was more "desperate housewives" entertainment than in-depth instruction. Too bad - they have a nice facility and go through the motions, it's a shame they don't use it. I guess they know who their audience is and they've not only survived but thrived, but 'tis a pity. I guess it's kinda like FTV - it could have been great but instead has "settled" for success.
  16. If you go early on a weeknight (by which I mean I am scratching at the locked door when they open at 5 ) you'll be fine. I think other times are pretty unpredictable based on random sampling.
  17. I'm glad you brought it up. It was on my list for a while and I never made it and just kinda forgot about it. Another point in the case for moving to Vista Condos - thank you for coming out of lurking to assist.
  18. Did I miss something? I was under the impression food and beverage were verboten under the current homeland insecurity restrictions. I was *really* dreading the transAtlanic flight but now I feel hopeful. I guess need to read-up on the latest restrictions.
  19. Try the Moccamaster, by Clementdesign, The Netherlands.
  20. I drove up to Trimble for some Berkshire pork, etc, yesterday and stopped at Parkville Market first. The Crums asked me if I was going to Justus and I had only a vague, sketchy memory of what they were even talking about at first. Thanks for the link fleshing it out. Smithville is ~30 minutes north of KC. Definitely sounds like it's worth a run up there one evening. And veering a few short miles off-topic, Paradise Meats have Piemontese beef now. I picked up a filet and we made some pretty decent tartare with it last night. Another bad habit is born.
  21. Never been there but, in the interest of maintaining a perfect record of never agreeing with Dennis, I will go post-haste and find fault with it.
  22. Agreed! I went there last week for the first time and was delighted. I thought I had posted it but, apparently, that was in an offline conversation. And they have more implements, serving and cookwares, too (or maybe they're just displayed in a more shopper-friendly way). Clearly they have grasped the new wasp-ish demographic of loft-dwellers and figured out (sadly, perhaps, but accurat ely) that wide aisles, hyper-refrigeration and bright lights sell. It's great to have TWO such wonderful Asian markets within a stone's throw of one another. And I think there is room for both -- I don't think either will drive the other out. Fingers crossed, hoping we're actually getting an urban thing happening here.
  23. Don't - they open, close and move almost constantly! I'm sure you'll be sharing new-found treasures with us before we know it.
  24. I think I gained 10 pounds watching it the first time! That was seriously good - just when I was about to give up all hope. Those crostini with lardo, truffles and Parm? OMG. I was a little appalled at the use of an entire wheel as a bowl, but I probably would have felt better about it had I been invited to share. Mario is a man of large appetites, after all. I was truly hoping for a tie - it seemed only right, given the level that they were both operating on.
  25. Damn, I've never seen periwinkles anywhere in town! That's exciting! Actually the last time I happened in there, the selection was slimmer than ever. I'm glad to hear I just caught them on an off-day. Having shopped at the Green Acres in Wichita during my mother's waning months, I was pretty excited about having one here. I even showed up before they opened (I was on time - they were a little slow out of the gate). I have been there 3 times since and they have never yet had anything I've gone in search of. And in each case it was a pretty basic "health food store" staple which, by their manager's own admission, they should have had. I have officially given up on them.
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