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Everything posted by MsRamsey

  1. My husband doesn't like Top Pot donuts because they're very heavy and oily (nice way to say greasy). I just had one about half an hour ago, and it was quite moist and flavorful. I must say that sometimes you can get one that has been sitting around too long and is bordering on stale, but in general I think they're delicious.
  2. Top Pot is a one off, a local thing.
  3. Yes, these two vegetarian friends of mine (who know my leanings quite well) raved about the bakery of which you speak, and often tell me about the vegan, flavorless places they have found. That's all fine and good -- I'll take it as a warning rather than a recommendation -- but they seem to think I'm gonna be so excited that I'll jump in the car and zoom right over there!
  4. You might get some answers if you post your questions on the Lonely Planet site. Go to lonelyplanet.com, then click on Thorn Tree (which is the message board section), then scroll down until you find the Western Europe board. This can be quite a helpful site. Kathy
  5. Since you have asked, I will admit that Indian food is not high on my list. I would happy to try some high-end restaurants, such as Vij's in Vancouver, and Diwan sounds spectacular. I'd eat there in a heartbeat. In general, though, my perception is that Indian food is too heavy and too spicy. Maybe not enough delicate flavors and touches to balance out the heavy, saturated flavors. Also, I have had some serious gastric distress in the past after eating Indian food. I also have found many Indian restaurants where I have eaten to be overstaffed. When the restaurant is not busy, the folks who don't have anything to do stand across the room and stare at your party while you eat, which I find very annoying. I hope this is not too incendiary. I thought the question deserved to be answered and I am trying to answer honestly.
  6. I wonder if there's a newer Chronicle Top 100 list. This one's almost 3 years old. I'd love to print out a newer list and keep it for reference in my SF tourist file.
  7. Kimball is wrong. I've lived here for 5 years and have yet to eat any lotus.
  8. I had lunch in the Chez Panisse Cafe on Saturday, 12/7. The lunch menu and credit card slip both stated "Service charge: 15%. Tipping is not necessary." Was this stated on the dinner menu and your credit card slip? Our credit card slip for lunch did not include a spot for a tip, and "Tipping is not necessary" was written in capital letters. We were very pleased with our lunch and the service was great, but of course were not spending as much as marcus. I also had fish (sole) that was perfectly cooked. [shrug]
  9. Since internationalwoman.net is an Internet magazine, they should archive their reviews so they are only a click away. I think it's silly to have reviews up for only a short period and then pull them. I'm only complaining because I really like to read cookbook reviews.
  10. In 1997, while I could get money out of ATMs in tiny villages in Wales, I could get NOTHING in Paris. My ATM card had several of the internationally recognized symbols, such as STAR and Cirrus, and I had procured an list from my home bank with bank addresses in Paris where I could supposedly use ATMs successfully. No luck at all. I even called my US bank from Paris, but what could they do, really?
  11. And if you order a bowl of pho and this coffee at the same time, your coffee MIGHT be done dripping by the time you have finished eating your pho. If you're me, you will always get a nonfunctioning set-up, no matter how much fiddling you do, while your dining partner's coffee drip works just fine.
  12. Where did you find it, Ben? I've been looking, but haven't seen it in any of the Seattle liquor stores. Kathy
  13. Bet they already knew about his [whoopsie doodle-ness].
  14. That is like totally true MsR y'know? Like, what's your damage, Heather?
  15. Fair enough, but this can be a tough crowd (maybe moreso the NYC axis rather than the somewhat more mellow PNW crowd) and I'm somewhat reluctant to say much without being able to back it up. Unless I make a specific effort, I tend to reduce things to like/dislike, and tend to forget the details (maybe this is true of most people), but the details are important here. For example, I can say, "Sockeye rulez, coho droolz" but can't really say why. Becoming a critical thinker and expressing oneself clearly takes time and patience. So many people on eGullet have amazing language skills. They make it look easy, but for most I suspect they've had years or decades of practice. I often feel intimidated on the one hand, but on the other hand revel in the beauty of the language and hopefully learn something about communicating effectively. I think you can try out any descriptions you care to on us and no one is going to stomp all over you. Of course, people may ask you questions for clarification, etc., which should help you to hone your skills even more.
  16. Was it a sock puppet, sock monkey, ventriloquist's dummy, what? I must know.
  17. I'll join you if there's still time to add me in. Thanks! Kathy
  18. Thanks for the great report, klink. I have to admit I've had a prejudice concerning Musashi that probably isn't fair. We ate there a while back with some friends who raved on and on for weeks about the place, why? Because it was really great? No, because it was really CHEAP. I let that color the way I felt when I went there. I do think the sushi was tasty, but not prepared with much finesse. It looked like what I might come up with at home.
  19. From one bumpkin to another: Here's a March 2001 article from the PI about the Hakka place on Aurora. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/food/rest02x.shtml We went once (2? 3? years ago) with high expectations after reading many glowing reports, and were pretty disappointed. I don't remember what we had, but I remember the food being very bland. I'd be willing to try it again if I knew specifically what to order. Kathy
  20. Kinda looks like Friday-after-work at Bennigan's.
  21. Nah klink, I think you have party cred for life. 11:00 ay-em is okay with me.
  22. Thank you! Dim sum is so much better with a big group. I hope to feel less loopy by Sunday! Probably shouldn't go into it much on this thread, but I had a smashing time. Unfortunately, I didn't make it out Heston's way , but I did go to St. John. And I sat right next to Vince Vaughn at Nobu. Nobu was your suggestion, nightscotsman, and oh soooo good! I hope to go back fairly soon since it's a direct flight and all, so I will try Fat Duck next time.
  23. I'm in too, if I can ride along with somebody.
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