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  1. I see it's already on youtube! Need to brush up on my Chinese vocab though...
  2. Coming into this late...(but that just means I can get the english subtitles! ) Thanks for the links. This is fantastic!
  3. Get the Grace Young cookbook, "The Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen". She has a great recipe in there that works very well. I think it works better than the recipe that Will linked to above. The main difference looks to be that Grace's recipe calls for cooking the rice flour in with the daikon before steaming. I think that makes a world of difference. Also, note that it is VERY time consuming. Expect to take 3 hours to get it all done. But, it's well worth it!
  4. This sounds really interesting and I will definitely give this a try. I've been trying to make banh mi baguettes for a while now, but haven't really found a recipe that I like. All of my efforts have resulted in nice loaves, but not the light, crispy loaf that you need for banh mi. I'm especially intrigued by the use of vitamin C in the dough. I really want to see if that will make a difference for me. Thanks!
  5. Interesting to read the McGee quote above because that is exactly what I have learned to do over the years...buy a bag of avocados, let them ripen on the counter, then throw them in the fridge if I'm not going to eat them right away. I find that they can sit in the fridge for at least a week before I notice any appreciable degredation. It's great to do this when they have the 3 for $1 weekly sales and you want to stock up.
  6. Forgot to add that on Tuesday from (I think) 4 - 7pm, there's the Mira Mesa Farmer's Market near the high school. There's a couple that has a truck and they sell local crab and uni. They sometimes have whole fish and oysters. And, there's guy there that sells filets over by the food stalls as well.
  7. Well, you might be out of luck...as those two, in my experience, had better quality fish than the big chain stores (Vons, Ralphs, etc). I like Lucky Seafood, but their quality really depends on the day that you go. You also don't mention exactly what kind of fish you are looking for, but you can try to see if The Fish Boutique (near Trader Joes) has what you need. I can't vouch for the fish counter, but their crab cake sandwiches are very good. Similarly, if you go up the 15 a little bit, there's FireGrille on Scripps Poway which also sells fish separately. Again, never bought the fish there, but the meals I've eaten at the restaurant were good and the fish fresh. Those two are more of your mainstream fish (salmon, tuna, etc) fillets. You won't get whole fish from them. If you're willing to go a little further south, I always like the awesome Mitsuwa market down in Kearney Mesa for my sushi fish needs. And, Zion Marketplace which is right there too is also good.
  8. Probably preaching to the choir, but fast food isn't really all that fast anyway... 10 min to get ready to go out and drive to the neighborhood burger joint. 15 min to stand in line, order, and get my bag of food. 10 min to get home. Who here couldn't put something together that's 10x tastier and 100x better for you in that time?
  9. I'm sorry it didn't work..I doubt you did anything wrong. Maybe it's just that you and your DH were such ardent broccoli-lovers before that you were less surprised than the rest of us at how good broccoli can taste. Me too. The soup is nice, but not mind blowing to me. This broccoli soup recipe is right up there with the roasted cauliflower recipe from last(?) year. Simply wonderful! I think the key thing is to add enough salt to the water when you cook it. Without enough salt, it is just boiled boring broccoli.
  10. Last night, I took a stab at cooking this dish. I don't have a 8,000,000 BTU stove, and I knew going into it that this would be the key issue, but I've had some success in getting that great smokyness that you would get from a wok by using a cast iron pan, so I wasn't too concerned. So, I got all set by opening all the windows that I could, turning on the fan, and, most importantly, disconnecting the smoke alarm! I put my pan on the stove and got it blazing hot. I kept it really simple, just noodles, bean sprouts, mushroom soy and brown sugar. My wife declared it: "Tasty and good...but...not what I remembered" Which is about what I expected. Now the trick will be for me to somehow turn this into a trip to Hong Kong to get the real thing... My personal post-mortem is that I think I fried the noodles a bit too much as they turned pretty crispy. I would prefer noodles that had some crunchy bits but still had a softness to them. Also, I think the austerity of just using soy is a bit too bland for me. I'll probably throw in some scallions and garlic if I try this again. Thanks again for everyone's input! That's what I love about eGullet.
  11. Mike should have had her do scallops instead of salad...might have made the difference last night. I thought the episode was the absolute best ever and am very happy that Richard won!
  12. Thanks for all the comments. Ben: To me, lo mein is more saucy than what I imagine this dish to be. But, then again, my experience with lo mein comes from the 1980's chop suey era Chinese restaurants... CFT: I tried googling silver thread noodles but didn't find a recipe, but I can see that it could very well be the same dish. heidih: kecap manis would be good in something like this. I'm filing that away as something to try. Thanks! Chris: Thanks for your summary of how you do things. I am going to follow your "recipe" tonight. I got my mushroom soy sauce and beansprouts all set!
  13. Been googling everything I can think of and have come up pretty empty. This looked promising but link they provided doesn't go anywhere helpful...but it looks like just soy plus sugar(?) and beansprouts... The only other thing I've seen is this post which seems like a variant of the dish. http://tastesofhome.blogspot.com/2011/01/hong-kong-soy-sauce-noodles-udon-with.html Interestingly, he mentions using mushroom soy sauce instead of regular. Does this sound right? I've never had the dish so I have no basis for making a judgment on that. This might drive me to complete distraction.
  14. My wife and I were watching a recent tv show (I think it was Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, but could have been No Reservations (Tony Bourdain)) where the person was in Hong Kong. In one scene, they showed someone making soy sauce noodles, which gave my wife a serious Proustian moment as she grew up in HK and misses it badly. Ever since then, she's been craving this dish. And, I have no idea what how to go about making this for her. From what I can tell, the dish seems to be just egg noodles, soy sauce, and bean sprouts. They're all stir fried on high heat. That's it. Clearly, there must be something more to this. Is it just soy sauce or some special blend of things? Garlic? Onion? I pretty much know that the "secret" is going to be in the frying part, but I'd at least like to have a small chance of recreating this by knowing what to put in the dish. So, I turn to the great masses of eGullet and ask: does anyone know what this dish is? And, can you please help me figure out how to recreate it?
  15. Had my first McNuggets in about 15 years the other day and McD's should be ashamed to include the word "Chicken" in the name. Sure, when hot and slathered with ranch sauce, they were passably inoffensive. But, when they cooled off slightly, they took on a slightly sinister quality. I noticed that each nugget seemed unnaturally airy, as if they foamed the chicken (lets face it...mechanically separated chicken...) and nuggetized it. There was no appreciable "meat" texture. It was all coating and filler...maybe I would have been better off trying to eat one of those plastic sushi models... I think I'll stick with In-n-out when I need my fast food fix...
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