I just moved to Portland, OR from Minneapolis, MN and while I'm really missing the midwest I am now working my way through the Stumptown coffee roster one bean per week, which is a level of coffee glory I couldn't have dreamed of walking down the street for in MN. So, this week I'm on the Ethiopia Sidamo. The guy at Stumptown mentioned something about strawberries, and truly it has a hint of strawberry Quik! Anyway, since my boyfriend and I have moved to Portland we've been hitting the garage sales pretty hard and I happened upon a Starbuck's Barista grinder, which, while not top of the line, beats the pants off my old anonymous blade grinder (now truly anonymous since I lost the lid in the move and can't remember the brand name). So, at 5am before I head to the hotel where I plie others with coffee from massive urns, I grind my 5 tablespoons, pour them into my french press, add the water from my electric kettle, swirl, wait 3 minutes and pour my coffee into the waiting cream and sugar. It's my own little ritual, and I feel like a queen.