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Posts posted by handmc

  1. The classic reciepe is (deep) fried oysters and fried or baked Va ham.

    I like your idea. Oysters, Ham, spinach, maybe in a bachamel with a little nutmeg, some cheese, maybe parm topped with buttered cracker crumbs and baked till brown.. mmmm I might just try that myself.

    Let me know what you cook.

    I have made braciole stuffed with oysters and spinach, bread crumbs and cheese. It was awesome, but Oy was it rich. You eat one and your done. Tastes good though.


  2. 1/2 and 1/2 will work fine. You can add the butter fat by adding a little melted butter. Not much of a tip considering I have no clue how much butter costs over there. If it is not too expense the dish should come out fine either way.

  3. My experience has been I've sold way more food by offering a taste than I have given away. As in many instances when people do not dine alone, one or more of the groups may be more daring when it comes to new things. Roasted squash soup ?!? No way. Give the daring on a taste they start raving about it and you have sold the whole table.

    No to a granish? I don't understand.

    Unfortunately, the "do you want me to leave" line only gets a shrug or a "whatever."

  4. Truly amazing. I see a grant from the pork insititue coming your way!

    Bacon for dessert. Angels are singing your name in praise.

    Have you checked your blood values lately? If I sat down for a meal like that I would need the crash cart half way through, not like its a bad thing, I just would have to interrupt my chewing.

  5. I love this story. I don't think the advance notice has all that much to do with what the folks who came to dinner thought of the overall experience. You can either do it right or not service or sourcing those who do nothing than eat for a living cannot be fooled.

    I hope if we, the wife and I can drop by for a visit

  6. Donate what you would like to eat and don't forget the babys. I help with the food bank at the church, stuff from other countries, strange products, come on, would you eat it?

    Year round would be great. A light list every week, goes a long way to help the food bank. Its a year round thing and peanut butter, while useful, gets old even for hungry people. We wondered if our food bank would get off the ground. We let the local school district know, all grades, even in a high rent area we can't keep it full.

    It is sadly stunning the number of hungry people their are.

    We sponsor a family each year for each school in the district,the middle school and the high school. We are up to 6 families and counting and that doesn't even include our southern missions related to hurricane aid.

    So much help is needed please, please do what you can.

  7. The advantage of having a full kitchen in the office. Pate @ 5, with some raw milk stinky French cheese on poppy seed water crackers with a glass of Toasted head Merlot. I really need to get some stemware here good wine in solo plastic cups is kind of tacky.

    Meanwhile cornbread stuffed pork chops and cauliflower roasted in the oven to be served with green beans and mushrooms sauteed in shallot, brown butter and fresh sage and a fresh sliced tomato

  8. Jamaican Beef Patties: (Well, there's one patty here, just sliced in half)...


    There was a thread on this board recently about these things, and I figured I'd try make one -- I've made a lot of puff pastry and phyllo dough stuff, and wanted to try make the pastry stuff myself. It was a bit of work, but pretty interesting.

    I'm wondering though -- where'd this stuff come from? Seems like this would be something the Brits brought to Jamaica -- Cornish pastry looking things, they are. Just done with Jamaican ingredients, maybe? (Although that'd probably be goat, not beef -- but it probably got translated to beef for import to the US; people don't dig on goats here, heheh).

    Oh, the two sauces -- the dark one is a peanut-soy-curry sauce, whereas the yellow one is a mint-yogurt sauce (seeing that the patties were pretty hot, with a habanero pepper going for it). The rice just got some paprika, as much for the color as anything else.


  9. Oh! Oh! waving hands, get the tenderloin, marinate in red wine and garlic, rub with cumin and coarse black pepper. Cook on grill nice char on the outside rare inside. let rest, cut on the bias in thin pieces and wrap around dollops of mashed sweet potato load with butter and some chipoltle chili powder.

  10. You know the only thing better than this thread, is the monitor at my office 17" in full wonderful color. Lap tops are nice but the pictures just jump out at you.

    They all look great.

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