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Posts posted by handmc

  1. I use the same method as Shalmanese, however before cooking I marinate them in a Ancho, honey and garlic. After cooking I like to slice it very thin.

    I then serve on Mach or Spring mix tossed with a light dressing of olive oil, orange juice and champange vinegar, topped with with mandarin or blood orange slices, a few dots of goat cheese and a couple of turns of salt and pepper. A few chinese noodles or slivered toasted almonds for crunch.

  2. Love the flavor of the potstickers! Why, does it not sound appetizing?

    No they sounded great, you didn't mention them either way. And it sounded like a must try recipe.

    I make my carrot soup with more of a mexican influnce. I use a similar base but wiz in a roasted pablano and mix some honey and lime to drizzle in just before I serve it. I also do a little creme frachie artwork for fun.

    I have been in a rutlately, cabin fever, you have got me back cooking again.

  3. Dinner looks great.

    A couple of questions. Does the curry overtake the taste of the halibut?

    I tried truffle cheeses about a month ago and thought that the truffle flavor really dominated the cheese, you mentioned too much truffle. Did you mean you would have like more variety or the truffle flavor was too pronounced?

    Did you like the flavor of the pot stickers?

    I liked the menu I sounds like an excellent combintation of flavors?

    Do you like chili black bean sauce I use it as a condiment some times but I am using it more is stir fry and it seems to back the heat of the off, but it adds a nice fermented taste that I really enjoy.

    edited to try to resemble english

  4. feeling seriously under the weather...fogged-in....sore...congested...ornery... need soup.

    Must have soup.

    Maybe Beef Stew Rice Noodle Soup from Bamboo Noodle House in Fraser. (Sure they say the address is Malvern but you can't fool me, that's Fraser...)


    Starting to feel almost human. Almost. 

    I have no idea if the restaurant as a whole is any good, but this is a fine soup.

    I have had many a bowl there good pho, I like the dumplings, and they hand some kind of app that was steamed rice with crunchy shallots, fish sauce and thinly sliced hot pepper that was really good.

  5. Go to the cast bios page and look at the guy playing with his turkey neck! It is a scream. I think if I was ever forced to pose like that, sober, I would kill myself first!

    As for comparisons to PR, thankfully at least as of yet, there is no one chanting one of you will win and one of you will be out, in a German accent every two minutes. I think that will be phrase will form that basis for a new drinking game.

    I had trouble understanding why the beef duo was passed by, it seemed, well received. While I have had some knee buckling enchiladas before, if the target was restaurant quality high end food, why was the beef duo overlooked?

    If the bios are to be believed, many claim to have cooked for the stars, whatever that means, I am surprised that their "signature dishes" were such a mess.

    Did the Caribbean plate suck? That plate seemed well thought out. There is a lot that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and appears contrived.

    If we continue the PR comparison, is the Crazy rice women Top Chef's Santino, who for his big show dumps all the frills and trots out a conservative but nice line of work. Will she suddenly just overnight roll out some show stopping food that the Hilton's deemed worthy to serve their little princess?

    It will be amusing to watch. I think Top Chef is more interesting than restaurant or the cooking under fire but nothing to go out of the way for.

    I was hoping Daniel would show up on the show. I think he and many of the folks here at EG would blow these guys away.

  6. I dine alone frequently on the road, however not often with strangers. Mostly it's my fault. I usually feel bad about taking up a table at a restaurant all by myself, so I often eat at the bar, alone. I must confess it is a pretty gruesome experience when you are used to eating at a table of four.

    The closest I came was when I was in Milwaukee and I wanted dinner at the Chop House. The table next to me commented how they liked bottle of wine I chose, I was spluring on myself and was on my second glass, so I sent the rest of the bottle over to thier table.

    After dinner we chatted a bit, and that was nice.

    I don't know if inviting people over to you table is that common over here. It is a pitty, for it made a rather dull evening tolerable.

    To be fair the food at the Chop house was very good. I didn't want to give the wrong impression. The dull part of the evening was the lack of conversation.

  7. I don't know about silly. It is just good writing.

    I had some Harlod's after a Rugby game with the South Side Irish. O'Baby that was good. Even with a few broken teeth.

    Ahhh Chicago's Calumet Park rugby pitch, where there are more shards of glass on the field, than blades of glass. Tough guys out there you is!

  8. Sandy that sandwhich looks great. I have to get down to Chester to give it a try. Do you happen to know the street address?

    P.S. Pink Shirts look great on a man. Particularly with a stripped tie. I know it is one of my favorite combinations.

  9. Funny you should mention that my suggestion to go to Mariachis in Phoenixville was shot down. I am thrilled there is even more to look forward to.

    Philly has some good mexican food but I don't get in town much and usually rely on my cookbooks from Kennedy or recently EG recipes to get the good stuff.

    Now if I could only find decent mexican grocer without having to drive to the Kennet Sq area.

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