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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. great info, thanks everyone!! One thing I just thought about is that we will get into Montreal late on Thursday night, being from the west coast we will probably still be pretty awake. Is there anyplace that is really great for late night eating? Are any of the bistros open for dinner late on a Thurs. night? Where do the restaurant folks go for dinner after they get off work?
  2. mustard tarragon seared scallops with corn cakes and creme fraiche eeehhhh, this was ok but we won't make it again. nothing wrong per say (except for there is no color on the plate!) but it just wasn't GREAT! oh well it's friday.....bring on the cocktails!
  3. Abra I learned to make quenelles at Culinary Communion, remind me on Sat and I'll show you how they taught us to see if it's what you are looking for.
  4. Daniel you are so right! lucky he is feeling better today
  5. I have to agree with Lesley C also, Tom your remarks are crude. I appreciate your wanting to give some advice but honestly I think I'll take that of members who I know are constructive vs critical. Also I'll go with the advice from people who like the same restaurants/type of food/chefs that I tend to. It's great to have new members but you might want to revise your strategy for communicating
  6. I'm going to be in NYC next month and plan on dining alone at the bar, any recent reports on this, best time to go.....I'm assuming a weeknight might be best?
  7. Ann..... YUM!!! tonight we had pork parmesean with brown butter spatzle my honey is still a bit under the weather so just Pelegrino in the glass
  8. NICE!!! gorgeous photos, food and the BC people!! thanks for all your hard work!
  9. hubby wasn't feeling well today so i made summer squash soup with basi, crostini of rosemary olive oil bread, parm shavings and drizzled with good EVOO
  10. Is Barking Frog in Woodinville too far? Maybe Holli at Juanita Cafe could put you in a private-ish corner?
  11. Wendy that tuna dish looks positively luscious I love white beans with bacon.. I never would have thought of adding tuna to it.. but seeing it in your picture it makes total sense. For how long was the tuna cooked? was it cooked through? would this also work with a grilled tuna steak you think? ← Chufi we brought the oil up to 200F on the stove and then added the tuna steaks. We took it off the heat and let the tuna sit for 10 mins, then flipped them over and placed the whole pot in a 300F oven for 20 mins. The tuna needs to be taken out right away after this (from the oil) I wasn't thinking and left ours in so it was a little more done than I care for but still delicious. I think a grilled tuna steak would be great on the beans too. drizzled with a nice EVOO, yum!
  12. Look at you in Seattle! So glad you packed in a bunch in your one day. The Irish place in Post Alley you were at was most likely Kells? Great place!
  13. Well I had a WONDERFUL lunch at Pagliacci on the ave today. Fay Jai was nice enough to make up the fig and proscuitto pie, while it cooked I had a slice of the pep and black olive, what can I say? It's my go to slice! The proscuitto and fig is soooooo good! It's light and the flavor is just perfect. Real figs, not jam! awesome. The proscuitto was salty and had just the right bite to it. the mozz was excellent! This is a pie that we will buy again and also try to copy at home. thanks again Fay Jai for an awesome lunch!
  14. as far as the colored pastas we have made them with spinach. You blanch the spinach and then chop it really fine. Then you mix your eggs into in before adding the eggs to your flour. I'm sure you could do that with other greens/herbs or roasted peppers, etc.
  15. Has anyone been to Zagi's recently??? Jason that pie sounds right up my ally! How long should we expect this to run for?
  16. I like the SauceBox, Blue Hour and the bar at the Red Star. I'm not sure how 'happening' the are but I think they are comfortable for cocktails
  17. thank you! do you know if the bistros you mentioned in Montreal are open on Sundays or Mondays?
  18. Malarkey I posted about this little lunch place recently lunch in totem lake
  19. I'd maybe do a different soup?? like a nice potato leek soup done with homemade veggie stock. or a butternut squash soup with cream fraiche. Also figs are beautiful right now, how about stufffing some blue cheese in a few and roasting them for either an app or to add to a salad.
  20. of course! I remember that now. thanks!!
  21. As you may have read on another thread Della and I will be in Montreal and Quebec City later this month. We have reservations at Toque! and at Le Club Chasse et Pêche, we need a good bistro that is open on Sunday or Monday for our last night in Montreal and also some lunch and bar recommendations. Also we have one day in Quebec City and it will be either Sunday or Monday, where is a great place for lunch and dinner? Probably on the more casual side as we will be day trippers. thanks!
  22. Thanks all, yes the dinner was excellent and a blast to do. tonight we had the leftover beans with some ribs. My butcher said he likes to do ribs in the oven. 300F for 2 to 3 hours. Take a jar of bbq sauce and pour it in a roasting dish, fill the jar with water and pour that in too. add the ribs and cook. turn half way through and baste. so thats what I did, they were good and easy. Beer!
  23. those are beautiful photos!! Rouget? Is that Orange Roughy?
  24. We house sat for my inlaws this weekend up on Camano Island in the San Juans. eG'ers Della and Adiabatic came up on Sat. and helped us use the kick ass kitchen my in laws have. bruschetta with heirloom tomatoes, basil and citrus salt. Spicy pickled green beans. kirs in the glass Corn chowder made with corn I picked up from an honor stand on the island! drizzled with avacado oil Another tuna loin from DRColby was poached in EVOO with rosemary and lemon zest. Served with white beans, rosemary and bacon both of those courses were served with a Viogner from Chatter Creek (WA) Duck with sour cherry sauce, the duck legs were done in the oven while the breasts were done on the stovetop. The sauce was duck stock and cherries and orange. This recipe Della found in the Herbfarm Cookbook. It was delish, sorry the picture isn't very good. Roasted carrots with butter and marjoram. We served a 2001 Lange Pinot Noir 3 Hills Cuvee with this, the smokey/cherry of the wine was a perfect match. Dayne made us vanilla creme brulee with some blackberries from the local farmers market for dessert. Lord, we were still full this morning!! Very fun to cook with your friends!
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