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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. Is Sachi Sushi open on Sundays? where is it in the village, we'll be up there this coming weekend.
  2. I really think that I didn't put enough fat in the pan initially. This just gives me an excuse to do it again! Duck confit is my absolute favorite
  3. tonight I dug out a few duck legs from the confit I put up for cassoulet, this was the first time I ever made extra to use on their own so I followed the CWSWF book for cooking them. the taste was excellent but they stuck too much and I lost some precious skin do you think that was a result of maybe the pan not being hot enough? I used the method for muscovy ducks
  4. Thomas Kellers icecream uses 6 egg yolks! Also his recipe for gnocchi is a pate choux style, they freeze really well and are great for quick meals. We also freeze egg white seperately in baggies as dayne makes some cocktails with egg whites so it is easy for him to grab them. edited to add that I bake gougere and freeze them, perfect for when people stop by and you need a nice snack. You can bake them, freeze them and then just reheat them in a 350F oven for 10 mins or so.
  5. Just to say that we had a salumi primo last weekend and it was very good!
  6. Welcome Mrs.Jenner! Unfortunately I will disagree with Le Picher, as a regular diner there I think it is very loud on most nights. But agree that the food never disappoints!
  7. Welcome Sam! Here in Seattle you can't smoke in restaurants or bars so that cures half your problem. If you make a smoke outside rule at your house I'll bet that will cure the second half!
  8. how about black truffles? I make an amuse of truffled lentils that always is so good. I love your lentil terrine idea Lucy, can't wait to see the results. When I googled I didn't find any recipes but came up with these search results: Ham Hock & Pickled Onion Terrine, Truffle Cream, French Bean & Shallot Salad Duck magret and lentil terrine with cured ham lentil terrine with fresh tomato-basil and garlic-leek mash Pressed Chicken and Lentil Terrine with Sunblush Tomatoes Have fun!
  9. I have the same bowls too! great minds......... my range also says to take out the racks as they will discolour. that reminds me that I actually need to use the self clean feature soon! beautiful soup, Keller uses a combo of grated and sliced cheese. I had only used grated before but now I see how great the slices work!
  10. Has anyone been to Green Village? I'm looking for a good chinese place for lunch close to the Amazon buildings.
  11. Susan, BRAVO!!! You are totally in charge now, I can tell! on another note, seriously...I know this was cold turkey and all but other methods work and cause less stress.... programs and Zyban!!!!
  12. not really but what the F are you doing still up and cursing the tabaco magnet?? go to bed!
  13. Does anyone know if they do the tasting menu in the bar?
  14. Not sure how quick they are but Brasa is always really quiet and it's a quick cab from PS. I agree also with Andaluca and Place Pigall.
  15. I had actually wondered if you all had told spouses, friends, family, etc. Susan I think you have really moved in the right direction. As I was reading your blog this weekend I realized that until I quit I never really was 'addicted' to cooking. I think that took the place of my bad habit. Can't say it enough though that it was in my best interest to stay away from my smoking friends for a while. I told them why and they understood. A few of them chose to quit also. The turkey looks sooooo good!!!
  16. Marlene here is another gratin dish that you could sub in broccoli, i just made this and it is delish! Bok Choy Gratin very very cheesy! good work all
  17. Thinking of going when we are in DC in April, do you think KnifeSkills just encountered an off night? Any recent experiences?
  18. That was last Friday. ← Well than I am a bit behind in my reading!
  19. see saw review in the Seattle Times today
  20. Marlene we have the same coffee pot, it is great but damn if it doesn't sound like an airplane winding up to take off when it grinds! You guys are brave and I hope you all succeed in your plan to quit. I'm coming up on my 5 year anniversary and I have to say that my life is just so much better for it. This is a great website for help Free and Clear Also when I quit I took Zyban, this stuff works and my dr. gave me 'samples' at no charge because she really wanted me to quit. You literally get sick if you smoke, that's what I needed! An idea for your car Dave is to scrub out your ashtray and fill it with sunflower seeds or something. And I trust you have all thrown out all your ashtrays, lighters and smokes? If you haven't it's really the first step. Good luck!!!!
  21. Couldn't agree more Susan, it was easy and the flavors were just perfect. This weekend I will be doing one of the chicken dishes! Edited to add that my only gripe is that the soup recipe says it makes 4 to 6 servings, well Paula you've never eaten with my husband! There was one small serving leftover so of course I gave it to him for lunch, I only got one bowl of the delish soup! I've changed my book to read 3 servings
  22. Made chicken stock this weekend so that I could make the Garlic Soup tonight. YUM! I have another Garlic Soup recipe from another french cookbook that only uses the yolks, no white or vinegar, and has you strain it smooth. This got voted the favorite by TallDrinkOfWater. Served with a salad, pate and baguette. A nice Cab/Syrah in the glass
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