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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. I agree with doc regarding Arzak- it was one of our best meals ever and was not formal. We went for lunch and really enjoyed the basque ingrediants and preparations. we've all just given some good recommendations here too!
  2. mizducky how wonderful to hear that you are able to do so much more now! great job to you for doing it the right way- I'll be very interested to see the types of meals that have helped with this weight loss!! and san diego is part of my sales territory now so I'll be making notes on places to go the next time I'm down there! hadn't you moved at the end of your last blog? am I remembering correctly? how has that gone? blog on!
  3. I agree agalarneu those look very scrumptous! in honor of the Irish we had fish n chips tonight served with homemade tartar sauce
  4. ok Abra if your reading this, this one was for you! I was reading my new issue of F&W and saw this recipe for orchietta (sp) with sauteed greens and I had a bunch in my fridge from my farmer so viola!
  5. mmmmmm! now that is my kind of snack ...note to self- must make croque monsieur at home! We actually had these last night too but they were at the bar we were drinking at- they serve them onto of some bechemel sauce that looks gorgeous!
  6. Bryan you will have such an awesome trip! BCN is sooo fun! I also highly recommend I strongly recommend you go to the Boqueria and stroll the Ramblas- our afternoons were always spent having a few drinks here and people watching. Our favorite memory is still Cal Pep- we lined up at opening time and sat at the bar for lunch. Loved it! There are some cute wine and tapas bars by the church Santa Maria del Mar that we also enjoyed hanging out in. El Xampanyet champagne bar is very fun and upbeat in the evenings and I think it is close to the pintxos bar?? Can't wait for the report uppon your return!
  7. LOVE your market pictures! they remind me not only of your wonderful market pictures from mexico but all the markets I also have been lucky enough to go to around the world! thank you.
  8. We love Via Trib for pizza and Pagliacci. Steelhead diner in the pike Place Market has some good veggie options too. my favs in the ID are Seven Star Pepper, Green Leaf, Canton Wonton Noodle House, Tropics Thai and Green Village- awesome fried rice!!!
  9. Ann that sucks, and must have been scary!!! so sorry.
  10. had these today- pork chow mein- fantastic!! the noodles reminded me almost of spaetzle with their firm texture and funny shapes. excellent today and the rest should be great tomorrow!
  11. Doc, the cuy! wow! that caught me a bit off guard. So let me ask- do they skin them before roasting? Do they use the pelts? or is it just singed off in the cooking process? I've only had mackeral cooked whole with all inards intact- not sure if I could do that with the little critter. In restuarants is it also served whole roasted?
  12. FWED you are my hero!!! Dayne and I totally want to have a Big Night dinner party one day- this looks awesome!
  13. Hathor that filet is sooo what I want for dinner soon! Pontormo believe me we are at wit's end....the mnf is finally talking about replacing the whole unit- we'll know more on friday!
  14. I particularly appreciated that the cuy were free-range! ← LOL!!! Did you find that many people spoke english or mainly just spanish? Can you talk about what you got out of doing an organized tour vs going on your own?
  15. We made reservations and toured Riscal, Ysios and Ugarta. We also toured the one in Laguardia - the poet's one....Faustian or something- the tour was cool but the wine just so so. There is a little wine shop in town that stocks some amazing older vintages at very good prices so we bought a bunch from her.
  16. you are going to one of our favorite areas!!! I agree that Arzak is still a memory we are soooo happy to have but for really traditional food in San Sebastian look no further than pinchos hopping in Parte Vieja (old town). So much fun!! Casa Vergara, La Cepa and our favorite Ormazabel. The pinchos are truly little works of art! And we came to love the funny wine Txacoli (sp). Closer to the beach is Bar San Marcial which is also fantastic. For a nicer but still traditional meal we also loved the restaurant Kursaal. We each had a glass of sherry, shared a bottle of wine, app and 1st course split, each had an entree, dessert, coffee and after dinner drinks for 150E, I also heard that they have a lunch tasting menu that includes a glass of wine for something like 20E each! Where are you staying in Laguardia?? This is the most beautiful little town! Will you be wine tasting? If so make reservations!! We loved our dinner at Posada Mayor de Migueloa- great atmosphere and wonderful food and service. You are heading to such an amazing area!!! Have fun!
  17. thanks enurmi, ice cream is one of the many things my husband does REALLY well!! tonight we had chicken milanese and some trofie paste we brought back from Italy with pesto we froze last summer. Megan where have you been, I thought of you tonight when we made this!!
  18. haha!!! I'm sure your not implying that I would have made my own wrappers?? that is what stores are for! I actually made them in the afternoon and put them well floured in a dish covered with a damp papertowel (but not touching) for the day. they were awesome!! I have more in the freezer for a later date and we also pan fried a few cause you have to taste before you serve right?? thanks for your imput Shal I really do appreciate it!
  19. YUM!!! that sounds awesome!! do you have a tortilla press? Last night we got together with Della and her SO and made a 40th dinner for another friend. There were 6 of us, no photos unfortunately as my battery died on the 1st course! Here was the menu: Happy 40th Birthday Brett! March 10, 2007 ~ Amuse ~ Duck Wonton with Duck Consommé ~ Salad ~ Bibb Lettuce Salad with Herbs and Bacon ~ Seafood ~ Crab Soufflés ~ Pasta ~ Homemade Fettuccini Pasta with Foie Gras Sauce ~ Sorbet ~ Pea-Mint Sorbet ~ Main ~ Pork Roast with Apples, Onions & Sage served with Celeriac and Potato Puree ~ Cheese ~ ~ Dessert ~ Fruit Crisp with Homemade Cinnamon Ice Cream ~ Wines ~ Meursault Vieilles Vignes, Guy Bocard 2002 Cristom Pinot Noir Reserve 2001 Anne Amie Syrah Port
  20. what about a savory beinet?? Chef Kevin at Steelhead Diner at the Pike Place market makes fried cheese curds using Beechers curds and serves them with a spicy mustard dipping sauce- I love them!! oh the point is he is from NOLA- you could go there and do some "research"! I also think oysters rockefeller would be fantastic
  21. thanks Shal, yes I meant consomme!!! there definatley will be extra for me to freeze but for the 6 tonight I was hoping to make them this afternoon and hold them before they going into boiling water and then the consomme as an amuse.
  22. very very pretty everyone! tonight we were prepping for a dinner party tomorrow so a simple dinner of salad lyonnaise with a little strip of duck crackling! and there was a cheese plate (not pictured) of chevre, 23 mo old aged english chedder and blue de basque with fresh baguette. cote des rhones in the glass
  23. I"m making a duck consomme with duck wontons for a dinner party. consume is finished. once I make the filling and stuff my wontons how long can I hold them before I need to boil them? and should I keep them covered with a damp towel. My guess is 2 hours / on a 1/4 sheet pan/ in the fridge with a damp towel. How close am I? edited for bad spelling!
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