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Everything posted by stovetop

  1. Thanks merlin Oh chef table, that was a great place. There was a lot of restaurants in downtown Edmonton in the 80's when the floor dropped out, they dropped like flies, Boccolino's I believe was one of few downtown restaurants that survived, they were also one of the first to do the micro brew thing in the west. The one in Victoria was first and Boccolino's was like second or third. Although the dozen or so restaurants that made out of the eighties make up the solid base from the business in Edmonton. They are a solid group. steve
  2. Merlin there was a partner in Pagliacci's --Hans oglevie(sp)? or it might have been the bocalino(sp) people?? what was his name? steve
  3. I second the use of a flax slurry and add some banana. Omega makes a flax product. steve
  4. Hans Voegli, thats it, thanks what is he doing?? steve
  5. Broadway bakery try their flax bread, yum steve
  6. So were a lot of people My friend made very good money at victors, it went out in a big way, the cost being so high to run, when the big guns stopped coming and making big money and the gov took away the ability to right off entertainment, it killed the business instantaneously. Yes it was phillips before Claude and phillip joy was also chef partner at between friends out there by the big water tanks, back in the day when it was out there in the middle of no where, near 630 ched. Now it is in the middle of the city. Actualy it is based on a novel called Walden Pond by Henry Thoreau.Hans Kuhnel and Ernst Dorfler of Pan Pacific fame in vancouver made some of the best chow in Edmonton and made it into the top ten restaurants in Canada. remember Pagliacci it is what became bones, I think it was co owned with Hans Oglevie(sp) yes I was going to mention Brunos, glad you brought it up, that place rocked.
  7. Claude's claude buzon 10112 107 street edmonton great french food won an award from the french government Amandine royal le page building 103 street downtown fine french cuisine croissants and ice cream Le petit marche stony plain road catering john daigle Restaurant la suisse werner merlo 111 street downtown swiss food at its best Phillips convention center between friends-another restaurant jasper ave fine dinning-continental cafe bijou 109 street casual dinning vincent roy Waldens 104 street downtown Avanti patsa ristorante 104 st two small rooms jean louis danguy 101 a street Victors fine dinning standard life building downtown-2nd floor Carvery-westin downtown wow best food for years beans and barley 81st ave old starthcona Armoury fine dinning in a beautiful armoury jack fuller henry bachman 104 street old strathcona Bella pasta 81 ave old strathcona Italian
  8. The divorce from Lorenzos Now no more lorenzos soon to be no more Ivy wow talk about changes to the old hood There even using my name in a place in the same hood jerichocafe there got to be something there? chef know any body who has some money? steve ------------------------------------- I used to work there, my friend sold the restaurant a few year back, they did well by it, the selling of the restaurant that is, it was old school, the new owners made the mistake and did not change anything, ah but now, there is a sweeping staff change. it did well in the winter, but summer was slowwwwwwwwwwwww. The old place had good Itilian chow, fresh stuff and great pastas, chef dave was a great cook, who captained that ship through fog and many stormy nights, he was a solid helmsman, he keep that ship going to its destination, talk about staying power, I think I got some of that now?, wow two years as a line cook at a place in port, it is hard dealing with someone elses place, I have learned after 25 years, what the fuck the use of jumping ship, the new shit begins to smell just like the one you left, so you just gear down and be professional and just do your fucking job. steve
  9. http://www.starpak.ca/
  10. Yoka's Coffee & Honey (604) 738-0905 3171 Broadway West Vancouver, BC steve http://www.coffeekid.com/ http://www.coffeegeek.com
  11. Most fine restaurants buy some of their wine from spec; it is to their advantage to have wines that the consumer can not get from the liquor store directly. When you order from spec or auction it is brought through the liquor store, it is just not listed. When wines achieve a certain sales target then they get listed. Many wines are brought in just for the select few; many fine wines are purchased and become sold out before they even reach the main market. vancouver has many homes that have fine wine cellars, so this is a market but a small one. When some wines are first introduced to the van market they will be a bit cheaper, if they sell well and if the rep want’s to get them listed then the liquor board normally will raise the price, so a purchaser can get a little bit more of a margin on the wine. The best thing is the owner will have wines that no one else will have, this gives them a good cellar, and the customer can not complain about the price because they can not get the bottle in the liquor store, for me this is a good way to go. steve
  12. Ling, Callebaut chocolate is Callebaut chocolate, there are different types but they are all of the same quality, the brand will not change because of a different store and maybe cheaper price, they might buy more so the price will be cheaper. steve
  13. Buying and Selling Wines can be a little bit of speculation, like the stock market, he buys low and sells high, a wine can increase in price not from markup but from an increase in value, so it might be hard for him, to find some of the wines he bought at auction, and get them at the same price at a different auction, they have always tripled their wines whether they are worth 100 or 1000, he will always triple it, it is a bit harder to buy a 3000 dollar wine vs 300 dollar wine, it is still the same math. steve
  14. TORO Restaurant
  15. Everyone wants to be a critic; but The Irish Heather is what it is, how can one compare Bis Moreno or any other snotty white cloth to a pub, I think you need to take a step back and not be so serious, in all the write ups lately, I get the feeling that some people were not getting the attention you felt you deserved, it is not always about you (that is not any one specifically). I like the Heather; it is a beautiful place in a beautiful city, in an old nebourhood with lots of character, in a building that is one of the oldest buildings in Vancouver. Here is toast to you Sean steve
  16. I love the raven, I think it is one of the best pubs in the lower mainland, it has great chow and service, the beer selection is awesome.After a day of biking it serves up right. The Raven Neighbourhood Pub 604-929-3834 1060 Deep Cove Rd Deep Cove I used to go when I would take the train to go skiing in Whistler; it also has good pub food, old Vancouver style pub. Pemberton Station Pub 604-984-3558 135 Pemberton Avenue North Vancouver, Black Bear Pub 1177 Lynn Valley Road North Vancouver, BC Been many times, on the road, it is a nice break from driving before going on the ferry. The Troller Pub (604) 921-7616 6422 Bay St Horseshoe Bay Lived in the neibourhood for ten years, been there many times Jeremiah's Neighbourhood Pub 3681 West 4th Ave Vancouver, 604- 734-1205 It is in an up and coming neigbourhood, it is a great place, do not let the location scare you, It is one of few licenses in that area. Good room with good chow and good service. Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Pub 3728 Clarke 604-876-1411 Vancouver, BC steve
  17. You are so right there!!! remember Jordan’s lodge; now that was a real heritage building, it was up there with myrtle Phillips lodge which they tore down then had they after affect: " Whoops", I guess we should have not torn that down, there is some history here, oh well, we will keep the little cabins.” I like the creek side, cal has right of passage to developed behind the deli, but he might have dealt out all his lucky charms, we shall see the continuing saga of the creek side gossip. steve
  18. Yes I agree with you on that one columbus should be good quality steve
  19. Hills foods will have calves kidneys Meat shop on main and king edward?? jackson meats?? steve
  20. The health board guy used to eat there.( southside) I heard that Frank the frenchy was working at the new deli??? Cal is involved in some way cause the liquor liscence is in his name and it is running under the grandfather, cause like you said they would have to blow it up. if they changed from the grandfather. Dana rienhart had her time there and so did Uly. Cal let the deli go to hell. The creekside mafia put the place into the shitter, it used to be good back in the day. It lived off that reputation for ten years. steve
  21. MY three best Whatever the cost 1) Rimrock 2) Sushi Village 3) Waters edge ( summer) steve And I have not been smoking anything
  22. He lasted as long as I did at the deli, I went a year there, the Rajun Cajun. Cal got a free reno?? Cal has the deli open again. steve
  23. ???????? how is the new restaurant with only one fat guy. The old chef from the bear foot was chef,for the restaurant in beteen Les deux gros and les Gros, it lasted what a year??? Yes Splitz is famous in Whistler. A local hangout very good chicken burgers steve
  24. Hey if you have kids and your not made of money, Boston Pizza in whistler is one of the best deals and the food is very consistant, they also have great hockey pictures of all the great eighteis hockey players, after a day of sking and ski out to the creek side and go to boston pizza. I have been to most restaurants in whistler, can you affoerd to eat out three nights in a row, your talking like three hundred per person, that is 600 for two, add the room, breakfast, lunch, booze, lift tickets, a whole lota money. One night at boston pizza, pub food at hozes one night, dusties, Rimrock. Araxis. Spread around, plus the higher end restaurants in whistler are not as good value. I like hozes food in the creek side, I have eaten there for ten years, out of disney land and all the crowds, spend all day working around people you need to get some calmness, the creekside is good for that, plus creekside rules. steve
  25. Rimrock cafe http://www.rimrockwhistler.com/ Sushi Village http://www.sushivillage.com/ Hozs Pub http://www.hozspub.com/ Boston Pizza http://www.bostonpizza.com/restaurants/res...ation_ID/72.htm Riverside cafe http://www.whistlercamping.com/home.html Edgewater cafe http://www.edgewater-lodge.com/ Blacks http://www.whistlerpubrestaurant.com/ steve
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