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Posts posted by naguere

  1. Reminds us all what we lost when Meades stopped being a restaurant critic. Like all the genuinely good restaurant critics it wasn't the only thing he wrote about, just one of them. A writer first and a restaurant critic second. Apart from Gill who fits that description anymore?

    I still can't follow Meades on TV though, his writing does not work well when spoken and his habit of popping into frame from unexpected angles is a bit distracting!

    Worst of all, one becomes so used to his sun-glassed persona,

    that to see him wearing 'normal' spectacles is positively startling .

    He still looks as though he is a restaurant critic though..

  2. I volunteer at our local thrift store, and we love cookbooks! There are lots of cookbook collectors, and the books move quickly. (Except for microwave cookbooks--I think most folks have given up on cooking whole meals in the nuker.)

    I agree Sparrowgrass, I funded (handed in) my extensive collection of Maps of France to

    that kind of store, get them back in to circulation is my advice.

    Whole meals in the nuker, now who could have thought of that?

  3. I am all for Spam, still fry it occasionally, but best of all it was in my Army canteen,

    battered and deep fried, two thick slices with plenty of tomato sauce and French fries .

    Mind you, most things taste good battered and deep fried

  4. Way back Jeffrey Steingarten did a big french fry investigation and I think he ultimately ruled in favor of horse-kidney fat. Or at least he tried it.

    I think that at one time in Belgium horse fat for frites was voted the best.

    They did eat a lot of horse mind, and you don't want to waste anything.

  5. Here in England I stood next to a guy who used a pocket knife to trim of the large stump on a broccoli head.

    we do select the best spuds, onions and so on, rejecting any not up to snuff.

    On grazing,

    how was I to know that the nut dispenser dropped 100gr each time and not the sneaky handful I tried to garner. Nuts a go go in the aisle.. :biggrin:

    By the way, I am not driving message board traffic, but how about that guys and gals :unsure:

  6. I keep the European brick of butter in the fridge door, but have a small plastic container that will hold a 2" end slice which is kept at my work area.

    Midsummer it would be popped in the fridge overnight, but here in Englandland we have a temperate climate, Maritime at that so it rains often as well.

    Mudguards on your bike anyone?

  7. Being on my own, I still use the machine once a day never mind the load.

    If dish washer is lightly loaded I use half a tablet of cleaner (UK) and run it on economy wash.

    valves and bearings can dry out due to lack of use.

    To stay on subject, if you have a dirty dish, why wouldn't you pop it in?

    Oops, just seen Fatguy's post above mine.

    Well, in that case, I just dont slam the door each time. :biggrin:LOL

  8. The French are big on tinned sardines, every Supermarche has a huge shelving with cans large and small , some 'grilled' and every other way.

    A lot are locally caught which is nice.

    Each July on coming back to England I fill my bike panniers with every type.

    At the moment my last two tins sit waiting in my kitchen:



    Le Gourmet de la mer

    A l'Huile d'Olive.

    And they are good up to 2015. :biggrin:


    Going home.JPG

  9. Too late--cleared mine out on Friday to make room for the side of beef I picked up on Saturday. My co-worker raises Corrientes, which are the little steers rodeos use for roping. After the rodeo season is over, he fattens a few for the freezer. They are delicious and lean, and, as a plus, they are very small. (And, no hormones or antibiotics.) I live alone, and the 214 pounds of beef I picked up doesn't overwhelm.

    I tossed a bunch of stuff from the bottom of the freezer--an old tube of sausage, a pound of bacon, a big bag of flaxseed, some chopped nuts from a couple of years ago--and canned the 4 gallon bags of whole tomatoes and the 2 of green peppers I put in the freezer in August. (My kitchen smelled like summer all weekend!)

    You learn something every day 'Corrientes,'

    This could be a good line to be in.

    You lucky guy. :biggrin:

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