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Everything posted by cmling

  1. If you don't do it right, it won't be raclette. But some interesting possibilities have already been pointed out.
  2. Thank you.
  3. I understand you well! It is something like 35 years ago now... I had my first *** meal at the Auberge de l'Ill. (I hadn't experienced a Michelin ** either, come to think of it.) And I was totally floored. Food can taste like this?! The next two days - I went to McDonald's.
  4. I wish I had been there. Of course. Thank you for letting us participate vicariously.
  5. Good to know that he has arrived and is at home! (And again, though I hate to say it: If he needs a rest, let him have it. I suppose, however, that he is just as eager to tell as we are to read.)
  6. "Chem lesson" implies "molecular gastronomy"?
  7. I don't mind (well, just a little bit) if FG decides to rest and digest before bedazzling us. He has had a lot of courses recently!
  8. Kitchen table?! Now that is additionally exciting.
  9. Certainly, I understand completely, and I spoke hastily. I should have narrowed it down to "best culinary weekend".
  10. I am very happy for you. This might have been the best weekend of your life! Don't go to extremes to satisfy us here, we will wait in patient salivation until you have time to tell us all!
  11. I am seriously impressed! I wonder what you drank with all those courses? (I suppose it would be unseemly to ask what the dinner cost.)
  12. Agreed, jsmeeker. However, not taking reservations is again something unusual in Europe. I always phone in advance, and if they tell me it might take xy minutes before I get seated, I have no problem with that. (Which means that I usually go somewhere else.)
  13. Waiting in Europe is very unusual if you have a reservation, I believe? I am not at all tolerant of waiting if I do. And I think most people would be practically insulted if waiting were expected of them and they had a reservation.
  14. Have a great trip! I can hardly wait to hear about it.
  15. A German housewife with rather primitive equipment shows how it should be done. Her explanations are in German, but not essential, I think - and not every German-speaker will be able to follow her easily either.
  16. Once there were about 6 Subways in Vienna. Now there is one. There are 44 Mcdonalds (and 10 Burger Kings, if anyone is interested). So there is not exactly a race for first place here.
  17. It was in the 70s that I began to learn how exciting food and wine could be. I experienced revelations (e.g. L'Auberge de l'Ill c. 1975, a glass of a 1955 Mouton-Rothschild) that have become increasingly rare. It was the in the 80s that I started to (try to) learn to cook myself...
  18. I have never pricked a potato prior to baking and never experienced an explosion. I suppose I was just lucky? In the future, I'll prick, now that I have read your stories.
  19. Toasting word: "Prost" (pronunciation somewhat like "proast") or "Zum Wohl" ("tsoom vole"). And I can second the Demel recommendation if the Salzburg Demel is comparable to the Vienna Demel! And I am sure Salzburg will be delightful with or without snow. (Still working on restaurant recommendations; haven't been in Salzburg for a long time, trying to ask friends now.) Edit: Here's a suggestion: http://www.travbuddy.com/esszimmer-v350174 A generally reliable friend of mine liked it very much. (Their webpage is German only, so I am sending this link.)
  20. No advice (for the moment) but don't count on a white Christmas. I would say your chances are about 25 %.
  21. Truffle oil again. Sigh.
  22. Wonderful. I am truly impressed. Kudos.
  23. Many, many things lukewarm. (I.e. roughly body temperature.)
  24. Prinsen might fill the bill. If the restaurant has deteriorated since I was last there, I am sure someone knowledgeable will make himself/herself heard!
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