When back to CaF to try the lunch CaF, spicy chicken
on @blue_dolphin advice i got two ' sauce [sic] containers
the CaF sauce : mayo + sugar + dry of matchup ?
and hot and sweet : siracha + sugar ?
I brought it home . 10 min.
this affected the bun . the chicken was crunchy , not greasy moist and tender.
it had much higher spiciness than one might expect for pst food.
two thin pickles cut the richness of the fried food.
Id say if you like spicy chicken , its worth a try
but eat it there .
Ive had Wendy's spicy chicken several years ago.
it had lettuce tomato , and they addd extra tomato if asked.
I did like that rendition
can't remember enough about it to compare to CaF.
a P.S.: this might be age related : this stuff has real staying power
but Id guess all FastFood does in relation to ones age.