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Potato Oil


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Today I made my second Spanish tortilla of the month. I love tortilla, but I always end up wasting the olive oil used to cook the potatoes and onions. Penelope Casas advises the cook to save the oil for later use, and I often do this, only to find it going to waste, unused, after a while.

What is potato-infused oil good for? The next tortilla? Anything else?

Edited by SethG (log)

"I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast;

but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast!"

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Depending on your recipe, you use a cup or more, and have almost all of it left over.

"The potatoes give the oil a delicious flavor, so reserve the rest for future use."

--- Penelope Casas

Future use=salad dressing?

Edited by SethG (log)

"I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast;

but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast!"

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Depending on your recipe, you use a cup or more, and have almost all of it left over.

Maybe you could change the recipe then? :wink:

The one I use only has a little oil and has no waste. Man, I certainly wouldn't use a cup! (But I'm glad you like it....)

You could drizzle the oil over roasted potatoes, maybe.

I dunno. The though is kind of weird. I can't really imagine potatoes infusing much flavor.



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You definitely need quite a lot, the trick is to allow the potatoes to absorb as much oil as they can. You could reserve the oil for your next tortilla. I doubt it would keep to well though, it is almost certainly going to contain quite a bit of solids from the potato and onions, unless you filter it.

I love animals.

They are delicious.

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Use it to saute onions or home fries. I keep jars of leftover fat of various types in the refrigerator, so I'll always have the right one on hand.

When I was in Spain, my Spanish dorm mates would pour the used frying oil back into a container for reuse, regardless of what it had been used for. I would draw the line somewhat before the fried luncheon meat, myself. Ick.

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