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I'm probably a raving lunatic to be posting now. My flight for Malaysia leaves from Newark at 11:30 A.M. and I haven't slept yet, but I usually sleep little before a long trip. Anyway, I'll try to type this quickly.

I went to Pampa with an old friend from nursery school (!) who I'm still in touch with.

We started with empanadas (her) and blood sausage (me). She didn't like the blood sausage, so I didn't try her empanadas, which she was very pleased with (she had the meat [beef I think] and corn empanadas). I liked the blood sausage the last time I was there and liked it this time; very flavorful.

We followed up with the entrana (skirt steak) for two, which, in my friend's words, was "the whole cow"! Of course, between the two of us (both with fair-sized appetites), we finished barely more than half of it (should have ordered the entrana for one and shared). But that wasn't all. It came with a really large bowl of salad with a decent though not mind-blowing citrusy vinaigrette, and we had also ordered the garlic-parsely french fries because I liked them before. It was a pity they didn't give us half an order, though. :wacko:

The entrana was delightful. The sort of skin of the meat was flavorful though a bit salty, but the inside wasn't salty. We ordered it medium because that's what my friend wanted. I would have ordered it medium rare, but I was satisfied. As we got further into the piece of meat, it got juicier. I don't have steak much, but it's great to have such a lovely piece of steak on occasion.

I had a couple of glasses of Argentian red wine with the meal which I liked (waitress recommendation); it had good complexity and was a cut above being merely a table wine. Sorry, I don't remember the name. My friend had two Cokes (I'd say she's not a sophisticated diner, but she had a wonderful time).

After they had packed the remnants of the meat, salad, and fried potatoes for my friend to take home, we ordered two desserts and shared them. I got the crepe with creme caramel which was good but she got the one with dulce de leche, which was superior and came with a very strongly-flavored vanilla ice cream that delighted us.

The bill including the tip came out to precisely $100 all told. We had so much fun it was worth it, though I could really use a job in a summer festival next summer to pay for meals like this. :wacko: Anyone know any summer festivals that need an experienced flutist, flute teacher, and music theory teacher? :raz::laugh:

Enjoy your August, everyone. I may or may not have a chance to post while I'm in Malaysia.

Michael aka "Pan"


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Damn you, damn you and your blood sausage. Now I have to make a trip to Pampa, if only to stop my mouth from watering. :biggrin:


Basil endive parmesan shrimp live

Lobster hamster worchester muenster

Caviar radicchio snow pea scampi

Roquefort meat squirt blue beef red alert

Pork hocs side flank cantaloupe sheep shanks

Provolone flatbread goat's head soup

Gruyere cheese angelhair please

And a vichyssoise and a cabbage and a crawfish claws.

--"Johnny Saucep'n," by Moxy Früvous

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:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Have fun!

We did!

Miss bergerka, Mr. slkinsey and I just now returned from an evening of carnal debauchery (perhaps that's not the right adjective.....) at Pampa.

It was, in a word, delish! We started with a big plate of empanadas (deep-fried turnovers), half of them humita (corn) and the other half the special flavor for the summer, spinach. The spinach ones were particularly nice, I thought...they used a different dough for these that fried up crisper, almost "lacy". Sam observed they were a bit like deep-fried spanakopita.

Sam and I split the, as he calls it, "gizzard plate"--Pampa calls it the "mixed grill". A veritable avalanche of food, and for 29 bucks for two, a real steal. Beef ribs, entraña, chorizo criollo, morcilla (blood sausage--especially good), kidneys, sweetbreads, and tubular intestine, all in more than ample quantities. Kathleen stuck with the entraña. Of course, we had the garlic fries. The only mediocre note: the potato salad. Skip it and get a different side....there were some mashed sweet potatoes at a neighboring table that were looking pretty tempting.

Crepes with dulce de leche and panqueca de manzana (a sort of crepe with slices of apple cooked in) were the satisfying desserts.

We had a bottle of Gascon Malbec--still, I think, one of the best bargains around in moderately-priced reds.

And now, I can barely move.....I think I just barely have enough energy to lie in bed and read some Balzac. :wacko:

My restaurant blog: Mahlzeit!

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Glad you liked it!

I think the Malbec was what I had, too.

Perhaps I'll see you when I'm back in New York, where it really is the time that my posts are still set to. (Here in Malaysia, it's 4:51 P.M.)

Michael aka "Pan"


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Yeah, I think debauchery is the word for it. Honestly, ever since it opened, I could happily go to Pampa about once a week and just fulfill all my meat cravings in one fell swoop (not to mention the dulce de leche...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ). :cool:

K, still all garlicky. And that's a good thing.

Basil endive parmesan shrimp live

Lobster hamster worchester muenster

Caviar radicchio snow pea scampi

Roquefort meat squirt blue beef red alert

Pork hocs side flank cantaloupe sheep shanks

Provolone flatbread goat's head soup

Gruyere cheese angelhair please

And a vichyssoise and a cabbage and a crawfish claws.

--"Johnny Saucep'n," by Moxy Früvous

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K, still all garlicky.  And that's a good thing.


One of these days, I have to post the old story about the onion- and garlic-merchants and the fierce king of the island in some appropriate spot on these boards... :biggrin:

Michael aka "Pan"


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  • 2 years later...

Went to Pampa this evening. This was only my second visit.. But I think I can say this place is solid.. Grilled meats Argentinean Style..

Started with the blood sausage and empanadas..

A chicken and meat.. The outside was perfectly crispy.. Both were enjoyable.. I prefer the chicken. Chicken tasted really rich, like it was stewed. Had corn and vegetables..


Blood Sausage was done very well.. Outside had a perfectly charred snapping skin.. The inside was rich and smokey.


Moved on to the sweetbreads..These are done really well.. A brief meeting with their indoor grill leaves them crispy, firm and fire seasoned.. Sprinkle some lemon over these guys and its awesome.. Our five year old companion happily ate these up under the banner of "chicken"..


Skirt Steak still breathing.. This place knows how to grill their meats.. The kitchen is closed off in the back, the grill is situated in the bar area. There is a lot of silent activity on the grill, the place doesnt get smokey or hot. They have Chimmichurri Sauce on the table before the water gets there.. It goes well with everything. Although, its not needed.


For a side we ordered a huge plate of hand cut fries, served with garlic and parsley..


To drink we ordered sangria.. Its extremely sweet. Not too much orange juice or wine for that matter.. I enjoyed it however, its pretty different then most I have had..

For dessert we had the dolce de leche crepes.. They cooked down condensed milk and added it to a sugary crepe.. Whats not to love..

This place is delivering their menu.. Its warm and friendly and a great new option for me..

Edited by Daniel (log)
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Great post, Daniel!

I used to live a block from Pampa, and it was the first place I ate dinner out after I made the move to the big city. Glad to hear it's still good!

Also the first place I ate sweetbreads, and those look damn fine. :laugh:

"We had dry martinis; great wing-shaped glasses of perfumed fire, tangy as the early morning air." - Elaine Dundy, The Dud Avocado

Queenie Takes Manhattan

eG Foodblogs: 2006 - 2007

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