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The Dread Tourne has returned, this time for the final CUL 101 practical. Da da duuuummmm!

Have been practicing it after classes, in "Skills Lab." Although it's very warm in the Skills kitchen and not as pleasant as my porch (and a stray beer or two), I'm getting better.

Our Chef will grade more harshly for the Final, as he says, "mark my words."

My arm hurts and I'm feeling the twitch of that "tourne muscle" Zilla spoke of.

I'm going home.


Noise is music. All else is food.

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Fear not The Dread Tourne, Nero. You'll tourne it around for the big win.

"I've caught you Richardson, stuffing spit-backs in your vile maw. 'Let tomorrow's omelets go empty,' is that your fucking attitude?" -E. B. Farnum

"Behold, I teach you the ubermunch. The ubermunch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the ubermunch shall be the meaning of the earth!" -Fritzy N.

"It's okay to like celery more than yogurt, but it's not okay to think that batter is yogurt."

Serving fine and fresh gratuitous comments since Oct 5 2001, 09:53 PM

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The Dread Tourne has returned, this time for the final CUL 101 practical.  Da da duuuummmm!

Have been practicing it after classes, in "Skills Lab."  Although it's very warm in the Skills kitchen and not as pleasant as my porch (and a stray beer or two), I'm getting better.

Our Chef will grade more harshly for the Final, as he says, "mark my words."

My arm hurts and I'm feeling the twitch of that "tourne muscle" Zilla spoke of. 

I'm going home.


Nero, my dear, the fact that your arm hurts now will stand you in good stead during your final. I guarantee that most of your classmates' arms do NOT hurt properly.

Do you have to flute mushrooms as well? The tourne bulgy-muscle/weird mushroom-fluting blister combo is a great war wound to show off. :cool:

Marsha Lynch aka "zilla369"

Has anyone ever actually seen a bandit making out?

Uh-huh: just as I thought. Stereotyping.

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Kick back on the porch. Pop a PBR. Listen to Jinmyo and Zilla. You will be fine, just fine.

Your eGull buddies are pulling for you. Have another PBR.

Margaret McArthur

"Take it easy, but take it."

Studs Terkel


A sensational tennis blog from freakyfrites


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Your eGull buddies are pulling for you.  Have another PBR.

Yeah, sista. PBR. If you drink like a winner, you'll be a winner.

"There is no worse taste in the mouth than chocolate and cigarettes. Second would be tuna and peppermint. I've combined everything, so I know."

--Augusten Burroughs

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I remember seeing St. Jacques tourneeing on one of his teevee programs. He was, of course, awesome.

Personally, I don't see why seven sides is the ne plus ultra of sculpted veg, but I can see that it's a viable torture for cooks-in-training. I can't do it, never even tried; don't particularly want to.

There's a video at my local library where some massively famous chef demonstrates the fluted mushroom thing; he does it quickly, effortlessly, and pretty much perfectly; I'm sure it must be easy after the first few hundred (or thousand)?

I admire the skill, but don't feel the need to emulate it...

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does it serve any..er...gastronomical purpose?


(i know, the tourneed potatoes will cook evenly but so will cautiously chosen potatoes, too. and somehow, the tourneed ones make me think of canned potatoes (:wacko:))

christianh@geol.ku.dk. just in case.

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No fluted mushrooms.

I haven't even attempted that shit. Maybe if I get super-bored over vacation . . .

. . . probably not.

Noise is music. All else is food.

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No fluted mushrooms.

I haven't even attempted that shit.  Maybe if I get super-bored over vacation . . .

. . . probably not.

The mushroom is easier than the tourne, though it looks harder. Trust me on this. But don't try it on your own, there's definitely certain "trick" ways to think about it that make it easier - so corner one of your instructors and make them give you twenty minutes of their time so you can practice before you learn it in class.

Marsha Lynch aka "zilla369"

Has anyone ever actually seen a bandit making out?

Uh-huh: just as I thought. Stereotyping.

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Congratulations, Nero.

"I've caught you Richardson, stuffing spit-backs in your vile maw. 'Let tomorrow's omelets go empty,' is that your fucking attitude?" -E. B. Farnum

"Behold, I teach you the ubermunch. The ubermunch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the ubermunch shall be the meaning of the earth!" -Fritzy N.

"It's okay to like celery more than yogurt, but it's not okay to think that batter is yogurt."

Serving fine and fresh gratuitous comments since Oct 5 2001, 09:53 PM

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