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Jerry's Gourmet Osteria


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IMHO David Corcoran is dead on in his revue of this rest. in this Sundays NY Times. Since we have known the owners for quite some time we went to the rest. shortly after it opened and were disappointed but we felt that maybe we should have waited a while, at least until they got their act together. After all, we do not believe they had any rest. experience before and wanted to give them the benifit of the doubt. So, after waiting 3/4 months we did go back and unfortunately had the same reaction as Mr. Corcoran, who rated the rest. a "good". Twice he mentions the word bland, then, tastes ordinary and the pastas tend toward the generic. He also states that half the main courses did not live up to promise and at $18.00 to $26.00 those odds are pertty bad.

It has been mentioned that this is the best Italian rest. in the area, (Fort Lee, Englewood, The Cl;iffs,Tenafly, etc.) and maybe it is, but PLEASE, will someone tell me how and in what bracket the rest of the Italian rest. in this area fall into if D.C. only gives this one a good? Personally I and many other people would love to not have to cross the bridge for very good food but this one will not stop us.


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David Corcoran is a great guy and also one of my occasional dining companions. He also bases some of his reviews on my recommendations. That being said, I don't always agree with EVERYTHING he writes.

I like Jerrys. I think its a great Italian place. Not every dish is a home run and I have had some stuff I genuinely didn't like there, like a lobster ravioli main dish that was very disappointing because it had too much breading in the filling, but some of them are very good -- a simple dairy-free mushoom soup they sometimes make there is outstanding, and they do a very good job with their seafood (their grilled seafood platter is fresh and very good) and I like quite a few of their other pasta dishes as well as their veal and chicken mains. I also like their antipasto selections, which they rotate around.

So while they are an occasional miss, and what retaurant isn't, I still go back. Maybe its because I like to go local, but I still like the place.

Meanwhile, we went to Armando's for the first time last night In Fort Lee. I thought it was good (they do a nice job with the vegetables, doing simple sautes with garlic and not overcooking them), but I definitely prefer Jerry's.

I can definitely tell you this though. Whatever faults David has found in his review, I am sure Jerry will correct, he's a smart business guy and he and his staff has been open to criticism. When I was disappointed in that Lobster Ravioli dish, I left the balance of it on my plate, and towards the end of the meal, the captain asked me why I didn't send it back. "If you don't like something, definitely send it back, we'll get you something else next time, we WANT to know about those things." So I told him what was wrong with it, and they comped us on dessert.

So thats probably why I go back. I think attentive and nice service can compensate for the rough edges. I genuinely like the people over there, and I know they WANT to make you happy.

Edited by Rachel Perlow (log)

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Rosie, I inquired at Jerry's Deli and it seems that the Osteria is closed permanently in spite of the sign. Unless you know differently, it should be added to your "Closings" list.

Also, judging from the previous posts, Jason & Rachel used to go regularly, but I guess they lost interest in the place. Tough business. Alot of these places are like supernovas-- they get tremendous praise and raves and then they fade into dust. Seems like the same fate for Felice in Oradell, a place that got raves and seems now to be downsliding fast.

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Actually our problem with Felice is not as much as the quality of the food -- we liked the food there a lot. The problem is that rachel is hypersensitive to cigarrete smoke, and the bar area has terrible ventllation so it goes right into the dining room.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Actually our problem with Felice is not as much as the quality of the food -- we liked the food there a lot. The problem is that rachel is hypersensitive to cigarrete smoke, and the bar area has terrible ventllation so it goes right into the dining room.

Was that the same problem with Jerry's Osteria, do you think?

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Jerry's? Dunno.

We liked Jerry's but it was a tad expensive and they didn't seem to change its menu that often. I don't remember the exact reasons why we stopped going.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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