A bread of Cyprus/Greece/Turkish origin.
Dough: Make 1-4 days ahead
- 25g sugar
- 4g instant dried yeast
- 100g yogurt or buttermilk
- 140g water
- apx. 15g olive oil
- 9g salt
- 450g AP fluor
- Mix all but the flour.
- Mix in the flour.
- Knead, rest and repeat until a smooth strong dough forms.
- Cover and rest for a night and up to 4.
- 230g of a mixture of coarsely chopped salty cheeses - Feta, halloumi, kashkaval, sirene. You can also throw in mozzarella.
- 1-2 scallions, chopped (optional)
- A handful of chopped mint (optional)
- A handful of chopped herbs: oregano, thyme, marjoram, etc.
- Apx 8 garlic cloves, halved (optional)
- A small handful of olives, coarsely chopped (optional. I used Tassos, but most types will work)
- Filling 1: 100g roasted peppers, coarsely chopped (or instead, use double the next filling)
- Filling 2: 1 large onion and one leek, chopped and sauteed soft (or instead, use another 100g roasted peppers)
- a 22cm spring form pan
- 1/2 tsp of silan (or honey) mixed with 2 tsp water and a pinch of salt
- 25g toasted sesame
- 1-1.5 tsp nigella seeds (optional)
- Mix nigella and sesame.
- Grease the pan well and sprinkle some sesame and nigella.
- Flatten (with your hands) the dough on a lightly dusted surface.
- Cover and let rest 15 minutes.
- Roll the dough into a rectangle, dusting as needed.
- Scatter the peppers on one half. Scatter the onion and leek on the other.
- Scatter the cheeses and herbs evenly.
- Cut into 7 stripes, so that each contains either peppers or onion-leek (it's fine if some get mixed).
- Roll each stripe into a spiral.
- Brush/dip a spiral in the silan (or honey) mixture. Scatter/dip in the sesame.
- Place in the pan, and repeat. You should have one in the middle, surrounded by the rest.
- Cover with remaining silan and sesame.
- Bake in a preheated oven at 200dc, for ~40-50 minutes until browned.
- Release from the pan. Let cool for ~20 minutes (or more).
- To serve, bake again for ~10-15 minutes until hot and crisp (or more if needed, e.g. if it was cooled for longer).