FIRST OFF, thank you so much to everyone who replied! I am self taught, so advice and knowledge is gracefully received. I plan to be on this site more as I have recently acquired a laptop, hooray 🙂
Has anybody used the Diva machines? I wish I could attach a video the rep sent to me in drop box, it's pretty seductive. foot pedal and a heated vibrating table.
Of course my first inclination was to find a few savage kettles but I haven't had much luck yet. Does anyone have model numbers for 25lb and/or 50lb savage kettles that I should be on the lookout for?
Mol d'art melter enthusiasts:
Doesn't ladeling into chocolate moulds get cumbersome and messy? I have faith that it keeps true temperature, as it was designed by Wybauw but is that assumption naïve? There's no auger! It reminds me so much of those cheapy food warmers, I wonder how the heating is properly dispersed and the temperature is secure. Does it have a spout/skimmer attachment similar to the one for Chocovision and delta machines? The kitchen will have two glass doors so a little flair would be nice.
EZ temper:
I will be more interested in this apparatus after I move into my commercial space. I will have room to build a box for cocoa butter spray and learn how to spray moulds. Up until now I have decorated with powdered food coloring. I think my past history of pinstriping cars and motorcycles will help me with the gun but y'all can be sure I will be coming here for advice on that.
*Also any and all advice on dry cases is greatly appreciated 💋 thanks again!