It's already been a week! That was so fast. I'm ready to turn back into a pumpkin. Thanks to everyone for reading along.
As a final post, here's yesterday meals and libation. It was nothing fancy, this is a typical meal at the Smokey household.
For breakfast/lunch, I had the leftover scallops I never cooked from Wednesday.
My after-work cocktail came courtesy of @MetsFan5 a shot of Chambord topped with champagne. This was delicious!
And dinner was prosciutto-wrapped asapargus and scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. Mr. Smokey is on the no-carb diet. The eggs were made in my new Mauviel 1830 skillet, I was surprised at how non-stick it was. I love it. It's my first "big-purchase" cookware ever (excluding my kitchen-aid mixer, but that was a gift).
Happy Eating Everyone! Have a nice weekend.