I have been trying few times to make a simple lobster tail dish, but all were not good.
The lobster tail was still though (chewy?) and worse, it was tasteless (not enough lobster taste).
Here how I made it:
2 fresh still live lobster, each about 800 - 900 grams in weight
To get the tail, I boil the live lobster in hot rolling boiling water until it stop moving, about 3 minutes. Yes, I don't dare to kill it instantly with knife.
Then immeditaly put it under cold tap water until it is cold to handle (and I don't see steam out of it).
The lobster meat would be still quite raw (un-cooked) this way, after boiling.
Take all the meat, put the lobster tail in vaccum bag with a little bit unsalted butter.
The lobster claws meat were put in other bag, but sous vide together.
Sous vide (Annova):
# first experiment: 55C for 30 minutes
# second experiment: 60C for 45 minutes
Before serving, I would reheat by dipping in warm water (about 40 - 50C) for a few minutes.
Put some sauce in it, simple garlic butter sauce.
That's all.
Me and my wife were not satisfied, the tail were though (chewy) and kind of tasteless. No problem with the sauce obviously. But when compared to the lobster claws, the claws were good! The second experiment at 60C for 45minutes, the claws texture were nice and very strong lobster taste.
Any idea to "correct" this lobster tail? Different sous vide temperature / time? Different technique?
Should I choose "smaller" size? The place where I bought the live lobster they also have 500 - 600 gram and 600-700 gram in size. I read that bigger = thougher (chewier)!
Next Valentine Day would be the third attempt