"Nisu is the old Finnish word for wheat and this bread. Modern Finns call it Pulla." Everything is online. Amazing.
And hooray for ChocoMom. I could certainly use the names of some main meat dishes and/or sides...and recipes would be gratefully received...to surprise my Finland-loving chum when next she comes to the farm. I should have remembered about her year in Finland. She still talks about it quite a lot and she's now in her mid-50s.
And a much-loved recipe for those Karjalanpiirakat would be awesome.
And I'll look up the Birch Syrup situation. We might have some in Ontario...and UP is not that far if they do mail order. Although I don't know about mailing liquids in glass bottles.
(I once sent some maple sugar candies to very young friends in New Mexico and the package arrived broken with all the candies missing. And I'm not thinking breakage either.)
ps. Birch syrup is available in Ontario.