I succumbed to the Joule sale back in August - not long after my Anova died on me (it was subsequently replaced under warranty). My Joule finally arrived yesterday. I knew it was compact, but it was really striking to see it in person:
That is a standard 12 oz beer bottle. The beer is a little closer and the angle distorts it a bit, but the Joule is quite compact. I will give it a try in the next few days but I don't expect it to perform dramatically better or differently than my Anova. It will be nice to have a little more room in the pots I typically use for SV though - not to mention drawer space. My Anova is probably headed for the back of a distant pantry cupboard.
Chefsteps claims they will be caught up on their backorders soon. They are now taking orders at $199 including shipping. I am sure they would have liked to have kept the $299 price, but there are now many lower cost competitors.