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4 hours ago, weinoo said:


Do these tend to be airbnbs or people you know, friends of friends,etc.  Cause they're pretty nice places. We've only stayed in 3 different places in Ptown, and they're all inns/hotels. 


We rent from different sources.  Not VRBO/AirB+B because you can usually find the same places on other sites without the fees. It just takes some poking around online.  Once we rent a place, if we like it and want to rent again, we typically rent direct from the owner, as usually the owners will reach out after your stay and ask if you want to lock in again for the following year.    We rented this house from a realty company in town that reps vacation rentals as well as offering the usual realtor services.  


I made breakfast from stuff I brought from home.  An omelet stuffed with sautéed summer squash, zucchini and swiss cheese, a tomato from the farm box, and some bread that I baked to bring for toasting.





We spent the morning at Indian Neck.  This is a sticker beach on the harbor side, so not crowded.  It's a good walking beach because a lot of it is firmer sand.




We spent the afternoon at Lecount Hollow on the ocean side.   You can see the clouds starting to move in.  We are expecting weather from the remnants of Ida tomorrow evening into Thursday.  




Dinner was at Mac's Shack.  Halibut turadito and jalepeno yellowtail






Husband chose a seafood stew with calamari, monkfish, shrimp, mussels, and razor clams




I had grilled monkfish skewers on a farro, tomato and cucumber salad with a stone fruit compote.




We finished dinner in time to catch the sunset at Duck Harbor




And then went back for more gelato.  Tonight we tried the chocolate hazelnut and the coconut.  Both were very tasty, but we gave the edge to the chocolate hazelnut.






3 hours ago, weinoo said:


Do these tend to be airbnbs or people you know, friends of friends,etc.  Cause they're pretty nice places. We've only stayed in 3 different places in Ptown, and they're all inns/hotels. 


We rent from different sources.  Not VRBO/AirB+B because you can usually find the same places on other sites without the fees. It just takes some poking around online.  Once we rent a place, if we like it and want to rent again, we typically rent direct from the owner, as usually the owners will reach out after your stay and ask if you want to lock in again for the following year.    We rented this house from a realty company in town that reps vacation rentals as well as offering the usual realtor services.  


I made breakfast from stuff I brought from home.  An omelet stuffed with sautéed summer squash, zucchini and swiss cheese, a tomato from the farm box, and some bread that I baked to bring for toasting.





We spent the morning at Indian Neck.  This is a sticker beach on the harbor side, so not crowded.  It's a good walking beach because a lot of it is firmer sand.




We spent the afternoon at Lecount Hollow on the ocean side.   You can see the clouds starting to move in.  We are expecting weather from the remnants of Ida tomorrow evening into Thursday.  




Dinner was at Mac's Shack.  Halibut turadito and jalepenoytellowtail






Husband chose a seafood stew with calamari, monkfish, shrimp, mussels, and razor clams




I had grilled monkfish skewers on a farro, tomato and cucumber salad with a stone fruit compote.




We finished dinner in time to catch the sunset at Duck Harbor




And then went back for more gelato.  Tonight we tried the chocolate hazelnut and the coconut.  Both were very tasty, but we gave the edge to the chocolate hazelnut.




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