Yes, thank you I do have a couple of versions of the dessert. (I've never made it though...)
In fact, Annette, the daughter, has gifted me with Magdaleen van Wyk, Cooking the South African Way, 1986. I've made Bobotie and Blatjang and the Malva Pudding a number of times since for Canadian friends and they are always well received.
The South African father, Karl Van Der Fliegen, for whom this meal was originally designed in 2015 has by now passed away at 101 years. The irony of my attempt to give him a 'familiar' meal was that he had never eaten South African food at all. His wife was English and was, according to Annette, a terrible cook who stuck closely to that reputation that the English have of being terrible cooks. She never once made any South African foods.