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Baron d'Apcher

Baron d'Apcher

55 minutes ago, boilsover said:

  It costs more, needs to be looked after, can't be machine washed.  Frankly, IMO those are the only reasons, along with unfamiliarity, it isn't used more by 9/10 top chefs and home cooks.


Those are considerable reasons.  Buying 2 stainless steel pots for the price of 1 copper is more pragmatic and the cooking results away from the microscope are negligible.  Quite simply, the fat cats use copper because they can afford to buy it and can pay people to maintain them (like a $5-million McLaren, when a Subaru will do). However,  l'Astrance (and Fäviken) use non-stick for their fish, for what they will argue are very practical reasons.

Baron d'Apcher

Baron d'Apcher

42 minutes ago, boilsover said:

  It costs more, needs to be looked after, can't be machine washed.  Frankly, IMO those are the only reasons, along with unfamiliarity, it isn't used more by 9/10 top chefs and home cooks.


Those are considerable reasons.  Buying 2 stainless steel pots for the price of 1 copper is more pragmatic and the cooking results away from the microscope are negligible.  Quite simply, the fat cats use copper because they can afford to buy it and can pay people to maintain them. However,  l'Astrance (and Fäviken) use non-stick for their fish, for what they will argue are very practical reasons.

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