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Graduation parties


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Help! Diana graduates from high school this June. We are having the party in May (due to the fact that she reports for summer employment the following day.

The parameters:

1. We've invited almost 100 families. No clue as to how many will attend, or who many will really eat. Let's face it, RSVP doesn't mean what it did when Emily Post ruled.

2. Most eaters will be fairly unadventurous, and there will be some vegetarians (not vegans).

3. I'm going to be busy This needs to be drop dead easy, and as easily prepared in advance as possible (she blightfully asked if I could do egg rolls (what was she thinking; I also have to do all of the cleaning and other shopping, which puts deep frying out of the question).

4. While she's willing to accept smoked pork ( :biggrin: , which is my specialty) as an option, she wants some other thing to offer than is more than just a pasta salad.

HELP! I need some side ideas, and quite frankly, some main ideas as well. I'm also embroiled in trying to get the house ready, the finaicial aid stuff ready, etc., etc.


Susan Fahning aka "snowangel"
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I seem to remember from the Larb topic that Diana was a fan- that works well room temp mounded on a platter with another platter of beautiful lettuce leaves.

If using your smoked pork- would you be serving as pulled pork mini-sandwiches? the guests can assemble.

Chili?- is she a fan, does she have a favorite? Works great in a crock pot with the add-ins along-side.

A big salad like a "Chinese chicken salad" always pleases. The chicken cooked well in advance. The lettuce and other veg ingredients prepped. Start with an average size bowl and re-fill from the fridge as needed. This is one of those times that iceberg lettuce or even finely sliced Napa cabbage may be better since it will have to sit out for a while.

On the eggroll issue- do you have a Vietnamese market (or Chinese depending on her style preference) that makes them? I have ordered them cost-effectively for big groups when there are just not enough hands to roll and fry myself.

Make ahead things like samosas and phyllo based single serving bites that just need re-heating.

Does she have a favorite old fashioned dip and chip fetish (eg: sour cream onion and crinkle chips, tortilla chips & salsa)

Platters of cheese nuggets, some veggies and salami type cold-cuts (fold in half or quarters and tooth-pick) with generic crackers (maybe olives) are filling and easy.

On the simple items, enlist close friends and family members. They will feel honored to help. Delegate/farm-out the items that make sense to you.

On the issue of judging amounts because of lack of certainty on attendance- that is tough. You will probably have too much, but don't put everything out at once. If you stagger you can salvage the extras and direct to friends or the freezer.

Good luck and congratulations!

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