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Need chef help with a class assignment

et alors

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This is embarrassing. But I can only hope... I'm taking a food writing course. Our teacher only send out our assignment yesterday, and I was working too late to get it until now. It's due tonight (i.e. 17 hours from now)!

Our assignment is an interview. I figured at least a few chefs might be getting off work about now too hopped up on adrenaline to be sleeping, and might see this. If you are awake, and do have time to fill out this interview questionnaire, I'd be so grateful. Who knows, it could end up being fun to see who's here, if you fill it out on the board. Or, if you want to email it to me, I'm cwodtke at gmail dotcom.

Q: Who are you, and where do you cook?

Q: Where are you originally from?

Q: How did you get started cooking?

Q: Who or what is your main culinary inspiration?

Q: How does that translate into what you are doing now?

Q: You must have dreamed about your restaurant before you opened it. How does the reality match up with the dream that you had?

Q: What keeps you going day after day and keeps you fresh?

Q: What is your favorite ingredient?

Q: What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever created?

Q: What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever eaten?

Q: Who is your favorite chef or place to eat?

Q: What was the most challenging time in your career?

Q: If money, time and manpower were no object what menu would you create?

Q: What one piece of advice would you give to cooks who are just starting out that you wish somebody had told you?

Q: What piece of advice would you give to home cooks out there?

Q: Any future plans that you would like to share with us?


Edited by et alors (log)

"Gourmandise is not unbecoming to women: it suits the delicacy of their organs and recompenses them for some pleasures they cannot enjoy, and for some evils to which they are doomed." Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

MetaFooder: linking you to food | @foodtwit

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This is embarrassing. But I can only hope... I'm taking a food writing course. Our teacher only send out our assignment yesterday, and I was working too late to get it until now. It's due tonight (i.e. 17 hours from now)!

Our assignment is an interview. I figured at least a few chefs might be getting off work about now too hopped up on adrenaline to be sleeping, and might see this.  If you are awake, and do have time to fill out this interview questionnaire, I'd be so grateful.  Who knows, it could end up being fun to see who's here, if you fill it out on the board.  Or, if you want to email it to me, I'm cwodtke at gmail dotcom.

Q: Who are you, and where do you cook?

my name is stephanie crocker and I own a small bakery in Seattle

Q: Where are you originally from?

I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but spent a large portion of my adulthood in Northern California.

Q: How did you get started cooking?

Out of necessity. My parents were divorced. My dad came home late. I was hungry. The first thing I cooked was a hamburger. I used grease in the pan. It was delicious.

Q: Who or what is your main culinary inspiration?

to be known as the top pastry chef in Seattle.

Q: How does that translate into what you are doing now?

I have all the tools to create the dream: a bakery, staff, etc., but I still am not the best.

Q: You must have dreamed about your restaurant before you opened it. How does the reality match up with the dream that you had?

The road getting here was much harder than the destination. Owning a shop is great. (this is my first year)

Q: What keeps you going day after day and keeps you fresh?

The possibilities of new pastries. And that we serve coffee at the shop.

Q: What is your favorite ingredient?


Q: What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever created?

The goat cheese and sauteed mushroom ravioli that won my husband's love.

Q: What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever eaten?

at Lumiere in Vancouver, BC.

Q: Who is your favorite chef or place to eat?

i have several places on heavy rotation in Seattle I go to, but I would have to say the place I suggest the most is my house, mostly because i'm not home enough and need some puppy time.

Q: What was the most challenging time in your career?

before we got the shop, we did wholesale. it was tough when clients would call complaining about our products.

Q: If money, time and manpower were no object what menu would you create?

A large bed of marshmallows to sleep in.

Q: What one piece of advice would you give to cooks who are just starting out that you wish somebody had told you?

be strong and don't change your mind so much.

Q: What piece of advice would you give to home cooks out there?

trust your gut and don't be afraid to think outside the box.

Q: Any future plans that you would like to share with us?

i may be interested in getting into ice cream professionally. it's actually my number one favorite food.


Stephanie Crocker

Sugar Bakery + Cafe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, thanks, what a great story. Would you mind if I posted this on chefwatch.com? It gets a little traffic, but if you give me links to your business, it might get a little traffic?

"Gourmandise is not unbecoming to women: it suits the delicacy of their organs and recompenses them for some pleasures they cannot enjoy, and for some evils to which they are doomed." Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

MetaFooder: linking you to food | @foodtwit

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