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This may be the best link, as it offer an English equivalent for the cuts depicted (I have no idea of accurate the English names may be,). https://www.elespanol.com/cocinillas/recetas/carne/20190305/diferencias-secreto-lagarto-abanico-carrillera-solomillo-iberico/1001518898097_30.html Have a nice day
There is no secrecy regarding "secreto". It is a small cut that needed the arrival of large farms to reach general customer. Just like lagarto, presa or pluma, secreto has been known at least since the first time I heard of (~35 years ago). Once the production of Iberian pigs growth enough, it hit the market (I mean, years ago it was only known in the areas where those porks were raised, still some cuts and even some cured meats like lomo doblado or lomito are hard to impossible to find in a random supermarket away from the producing regions).
Of course, every one have its own palate and every one likes different flavors/strengths, nothing wrong there. I wanted to mentioned here because well, US "cuisine", for most of the world, is pizza and smash burgers (and mac and cheese), but the true is that there are just amazing products as good (or better) than anywhere else. I am already gathering good Stilton, good Gorgonzola, and in my way to get good Roquefort to make a fair comparison with some of the most renowned or well known/available blue cheese. So Far, this Oregon cheese is like the outcome of a Wild night between Stilton, Roquefort, and Queso Picon (a pungy blue cheese from north Spain), and this cheese was born with the best of all of them. Anyway, this cheese is not even widely available year round in the US, not to mention the rest of the world. For a widely available cheese, I am still stick to Stilton. But let's see what happen when I put then in the same dish, I'll report it here
Thanks, I've done that . Anyway, my complain was a bit more on how the automated carts are generated, they know my preferences and what I regularly reject After months of weekly rejecting brocoli, for example, what is the point of include it in my automatically generated carts?. Process that does not require a lot of computing power, no time either (1 second per client?). Making the automated carts "better" would be awesome for those on regular plans. Cheers
I have misfits on a weekly plan, so I either modify their suggestions, cancel, or get what they want. I am considering cancelling. Since the first order, months ago and on weekly basics, I have to remove from their suggestions celery and brokoli every single week, and other stuff that varies a bit. I am not sure why in the 21st century an automated generated cart from a company that have all my previous carts is not able to recognize what I do NOT like (and I have to reject and explicitly remove), and what I order every week...
Never check the actual numbers, but I always go for LIDL to get cheese/dairy and few/no other stuff.
I just got my first order from Misfit
I just got pork feet picked this afternoon, from an online store. Ill se how they are
first marinated in lemon juice and black pepper, then sauteed. The dips are fried garlic, mayo, and adobo from chiplote in adobo.. Next time will be in a taco with pico de gallo, avocado, and some adobo :).
@liuzhou I thougth you got a 4-pack plus a different small tin. BTW, nice surprise today for lunch, the eel pieces were pretty large and not really broken. Very different to what I was expecting. [img]https://i.imgur.com/mp7j1RG.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4SqMTA7.jpg[/img]
Slice thin would have been great in my youth; sometimes I had steaks of liver, and that was, as you said, something to resoled mountain boots. PS. Overcooking liver may have to be with the past when parasites like Trichinella, liver flukes or others that may live in or around livers were not as well checked as now, and people raised and killed pigs at home more often.
So he is following the steps of Ferran Adria! Surely this has to do with being highly creative. I am sure at some point they have to move forward. Like I always say, creative people are like lab rats, They need constant or regular environment enrichment or they became frustrated. At some point, even if they just open for a few months per year, it became boring to be in front of the same dishes and they need something else. Best of luck for him, I am sure he does not need money so he will be doing what he really wants to!
Great thread. I won't pester it with comments to all the posts, but I would comment that you sometimes mentioned that some of the pork offal was not available in the west, i.e. when you lived in Scotland or moved to France. Most of what you show us is eaten (at least till very recent times) in Spain, some of the cooked dishes you showed could have been cocked by my old man . Not sure why, but a key difference between Spain and other Western/European countries is our 7 centuries of Islamic history. After that period, the use of pork was exacerbated, it was a sign of "old christian", opposed to the "new" Christians, that were the few Jews and Muslims that converted to Christianity so they could remain in Spain, and still refused to eat pork. Regarding the liver post (last one) I fully agree with you. The way pork/beef liver was traditionally (over)cooked by my parents was a crime against the product. Liver, tripe and hearth are among my most regular offal at home, followed by tail, kidney and cheeks, from whatever animal I can get it from.
One of the best known brands in Spain, and from those easily accessible from almost any supermarket, pretty good for its cost, in the top level. Both products you got use a generic "atún"/Tuna, which is a generic term for the group of tuna fishes, but also it is used for Skipjack tuna in Spain, which is what you should have in the tins (just in case you came across other products labeled in both languages, the other main tuna species are referred as follows: "atun claro" = yellowfin, "atun rojo" = bluefin and "atun blanco" or "bonito del norte" = albacore). This are the typical small cans that are used in Spain to toss it on salad, on an omelette, so, independently of the quality (I have not had it for many years, but I have had other products from them and they stand to their quality/price) , but often the product does not have the "integrity" that is shown in the labeling of the 4-pack cardboard. Hope it helps
I had to move to Norway to get my first Peanut butter in a local store shelve, and It was a really nice surprise (before, I though it was awful ha ha) Nice thread, anyway, sorry for the smallish off topic. I've seen during my early life eyes on broth/rich soups, from time to time, but never got interested on them (maybe one of the few offals I have not go into). There were not readily available but it was a matter of pre-order to the butcher. Other nice stuff like lamb brains, callos (tripe), trotters, liver or kidneys used to be available straight away, but not anymore.
back to skin/bones, to my taste, the sardines needs to have them. Actually, The one I like most, are the large ones (2-3 sardines per tin), especially when there are some guts still on the belly and have been processed as a whole.
There is a duality of terms in Spanish when it came to pigeons. We have the word paloma for pigeons/doves (some doves are called tortolas, like turtle dove, for example), and the word Pichón for the young pigeons (what is normally eaten). In fact, you normally only see pichón on restaurant menus, and more rarely, "paloma", normally referring to (hunted) woodpigeon.
I would understand "menudos" by context. The word "menudillos" is something sometimes used, and referred, to chicken guts as you said. Could be the Spanish equivalent to giblets? cheers